Will the Fey event go to Fel?



  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited April 2022
    Pvp... yall mean the system that keeps changing when someone whines after losing fights - for the past 20 over years? Oh I gave up some time back but still playing the Trammel game with 3 active accounts.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • ThandorThandor Posts: 38
    It doesn't matter that it changes 
    The fun is in adapting. 
    This isn't the discussion point either 
  • ElvisElvis Posts: 53
    I will pay $10 or 100m gold for a fel destard event like the fire one.  Tram only and shard bound reward why do it.  I got transfer shield tokens after 20 years of playing I can’t use xshard because can’t bring my suit.  Rude development
  • dont bother asking!
    They dont care about the PVPers right @Kyronix ???
    The devs silence about this is not a surprise. PVPers are asking for years and years and years and nothing.

    @Kyronix you dont need to go that far back and look what @Mesanna PROMISED at the 20th Aniv Party.

    and that never happened!
    We waited again and again and We asked for more events in Felucca (DENIED AGAIN)

    Than you ask why many PVPers left for FreeShard

    @Kyronix can you give us any sort of explanation on why you all hate PVPers so much??
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    edited April 2022
    Yeah @ mention a dev 3 times in the same post. That should do the trick. 
  • Pvpers are the minority, they honestly don't care about us. The last 7 years we've received zero content outside of the new dynamic spawn system. Mesanna lied to us saying we were going to get a new VVV update. Zero follow through, not even an explanation as to why they scratched that. Then again she has shown countless times her inability to hold her dev team accountable and to be more productive. I know they are small, but tell me how certain other simulations are capable of pumping out complete redesigns and consistent content monthly; with the same amount of people. Now we are 20 months into New Legacy and they have one video to show for it? This doesn't count the year of time leading up to the "big announcement". I really think this game needs new direction in order for things to get better.
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544

    Ooh look at that picture. It lists the user-generated quest system that we roleplayers never got.

    Kinda bites. But, hey, priorities change! No reason to throw a tantrum over it. 
  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    Why are trammies opposed to fel being turned on? They can still farm in their safe space.  The spawn rate is incredibly low, yet somehow its still laggy.  I'm pinging 57 but moving like i'm pinging 400.  What a waste, turn it on in fel, let the fun begin.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Lynk said:
    Why are trammies opposed to fel being turned on? They can still farm in their safe space.  The spawn rate is incredibly low, yet somehow its still laggy.  I'm pinging 57 but moving like i'm pinging 400.  What a waste, turn it on in fel, let the fun begin.
    Why do pvpers need a reward? A nice auto insured reward? You want easy drops you can't lose..and maybe some fresh meat 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    I didn't say anything about needing a reward.  Are you suggesting you can't auto insure in tram?  You're advocating for rewards in only tram saying "You want easy drops you cant lose?  I bet you watch CNN.  When you reply to someone, you should try addressing the points of the reply, dunce.
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Don’t see any reason not to have it in Fel. Especially if it gets the Trammel side to balance out a little. 
  • FoosFoos Posts: 95
    I really question a lot of what I'm reading in this thread.  There is a difference between more fodder to murder and PVP.  I think in UO the player base has mostly lost touch with this.  I quit UO in the early 2000's and spent a decade playing Dota.  That was PVP.  Two opposing forces engaging in combat.  What UO see's as PVP is just one group wanting to sneak up on another group, murder them as quickly as possible, take whatever they can from them so that after they can have a circle jerk in the server's general chat.  Am I missing anything? 

    I'd be interested in real PVP but in UO I prefer the PVM content.  Maybe I should start playing Dota again.
  • ThandorThandor Posts: 38
    Foos said:
    I really question a lot of what I'm reading in this thread.  There is a difference between more fodder to murder and PVP.  I think in UO the player base has mostly lost touch with this.  I quit UO in the early 2000's and spent a decade playing Dota.  That was PVP.  Two opposing forces engaging in combat.  What UO see's as PVP is just one group wanting to sneak up on another group, murder them as quickly as possible, take whatever they can from them so that after they can have a circle jerk in the server's general chat.  Am I missing anything? 

    I'd be interested in real PVP but in UO I prefer the PVM content.  Maybe I should start playing Dota again.
    Foos you are so wrong. For the most part we don't have an objective to fight over and just wait for opposing guilds to log in. Even logging in at the same time when we both have numbers for a good fight.

    Honestly if the spawn was in fel destard I might 30minutes farming before the pvp I want starts. 

  • ThandorThandor Posts: 38
    P.s we haven't asked for more fodder to murder. You don't need to go there. 

    If the event was active in destard we would have huge pvp. 
    Your precious drop level would stay the same. 

    Please can refrain from getting into a pve vs pvp community argument. 

    I considered staging a mass walkout and suggesting we all stopped playing but unfortunately we would have to keep paying to keep our homes, I don't really know how to organise a protest in uo to show how many players would be on our side
  • ChazChaz Posts: 6
    Why is trammel spawn even posting in here... It is insane that people are actually enjoying AFK farming due to the sheer amount of people in Tram Destard on Atlantic it is impossible for GMs to actually monitor who is AFK, the amount of EJ accounts that have been made and there are already people with 1000s of drops..

    The simple solution is to make the drop rate far less in Tram and give these new items some value by having this in Fel only.

    The problem is with UO they cater to the care bear community and people who want to push play and walk away.

    The events them self are a great idea it is just executed poorly by the development team once again and there is still no scheduled PVP update, this is the only game I have ever heard of that can go a whole year without a PVP update and still have people playing just for the nostalgia.
  • FoosFoos Posts: 95
    edited April 2022
    Yeah uh sorry guys I PVP'd for years before a requirement to being able to compete became using third party applications.  When I came back I was astounded at the depths that you have to go to be competitive. And once I had a PVP char built up (and I sunk to the same dephs as everyone else) I realized immediately that unless you were on Atlantic apparently PVP is exactly as I described. On my server nobody comes out to fight unless it's 5v1 vs a "trammie" at a spawn.  Went to Catskills thinking it would be different because I had heard it was.  It wasn't.  Same shit.  Takes hours to run around finding a fight that probably lasts less then a few minutes.  Again if you guys are serious about pvp then stop crying like little 3 year olds, head to Yew Gate and PVP like we used to do it back in the day.  There doesn't have to be a freaking "reward" to battle.  You just battle for fun.  But again, like I said.  You guys aren't real pvpers.  You're greifers and scumbags. 
  • FoosFoos Posts: 95
    edited April 2022
    And honestly, call me a trammie all you want.  I've done everything in this game.  I've played OSI, Free servers, t2a servers, pre-uor servers, tank mage, hally mage, dexers.  I've done every kind of PVP you can think of and this is the worst I've ever seen it.  You guys are the biggest bunch of sissies I have ever seen.  Again I say it, go out and battle.  Stop QQing on the forums.  K Goodnight.

    **And for full transparency I have absolutely no issue with the spawn being in Fel.  I actually believe it should be.  But that isn't the reason you guys won't "PVP".  The reasons are the reasons I stated.  Deny it till you are all blue in the face.  Anyone with a pulse and 3 brain cells left knows I'm right.
  • ThandorThandor Posts: 38
    Foos said:
    And honestly, call me a trammie all you want.  I've done everything in this game.  I've played OSI, Free servers, t2a servers, pre-uor servers, tank mage, hally mage, dexers.  I've done every kind of PVP you can think of and this is the worst I've ever seen it.  You guys are the biggest bunch of sissies I have ever seen.  Again I say it, go out and battle.  Stop QQing on the forums.  K Goodnight.

    **And for full transparency I have absolutely no issue with the spawn being in Fel.  I actually believe it should be.  But that isn't the reason you guys won't "PVP".  The reasons are the reasons I stated.  Deny it till you are all blue in the face.  Anyone with a pulse and 3 brain cells left knows I'm right.
    Foos this isn't a discussion about the state of pvp. Thanks for realigning your post
  • ThandorThandor Posts: 38
    Foos said:
    Yeah uh sorry guys I PVP'd for years before a requirement to being able to compete became using third party applications.  When I came back I was astounded at the depths that you have to go to be competitive. And once I had a PVP char built up (and I sunk to the same dephs as everyone else) I realized immediately that unless you were on Atlantic apparently PVP is exactly as I described. On my server nobody comes out to fight unless it's 5v1 vs a "trammie" at a spawn.  Went to Catskills thinking it would be different because I had heard it was.  It wasn't.  Same shit.  Takes hours to run around finding a fight that probably lasts less then a few minutes.  Again if you guys are serious about pvp then stop crying like little 3 year olds, head to Yew Gate and PVP like we used to do it back in the day.  There doesn't have to be a freaking "reward" to battle.  You just battle for fun.  But again, like I said.  You guys aren't real pvpers.  You're greifers and scumbags. 
    If you ask me this is 100% a content issue. 

    How many players have been lost over the years xue to pvp content. 
    We don't don't really complain 
    Just shocked we didn't get it when it was basically easy mode coding
  • ChazChaz Posts: 6
    Obviously there are many issues with PVP but content being activated in Fel and the fact that even in Fel being Blue is a reward is a problem.

    Risk vs Reward has completely lost its meaning in this game.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    I believe this thread is long enough for its message to have been conveyed, but it's a little too toxic.
This discussion has been closed.