Will the Fey event go to Fel?

Pretty much as the tittle says, will the Fey event go to fel? I think it would provoke some fights away from Yew, I really enjoyed the Fire event and it created a lot of securing an objective and a reason to fight. Maybe this is a bit late in this event as the crazy amount of artifacts that have been farmed with the interesting spawning locations at the initial setup of this event, thus securing the objective is not as meaningful. But bragging rights are enough...

I imagine a lot of the PVP community would want this as well. 

 I would ask for a greater drop rate in fel to really counter-act the reason to farm in tram. 


  • MerlinMerlin Posts: 222
    edited April 2022

    I concur that the fighting during the Fire Dungeon event was very fun and exciting.  People were there running champ spawns nearly all day and all night.   It was a great challenge fighting to get drops, fighting the champ boss for scrolls, dealing with thieves and being raided/defended by PVP groups.  It was some of the best group play I had seen in quite a while, with many different templates and play styles having a reason to go down there to see the action.   

    I was hoping this would be brought back for the Destard event, as well.

  • ThandorThandor Posts: 31
    For The Most part the fact its not active in fel is pretty much my biggest UO Disapointment its all we have talked about since the last dynamic event over 3 shards that I play in all the wider communities of PvP.

    I question entirely wether its understood how much of the game relies on the PVP Community enabling the majority to enjoy the rest of the content which is pushed. 

    UO PvP is still the best out there, thats why its still active at all - but to be left with no decent pvp objectives and such a huge opportunity missed to create some by the dev team without even really trying is beggars belief

    We dont ask for much, we enjoy the game daily with 0 objective, but to turn up an opportunity to provide a Easy to Install objective, is almost rude

  • ThandorThandor Posts: 31

    We had to beg last year for some content

    Most PvPers i know run 3-5 Accounts, Many even more
    I just cannot beleive that this isnt taken seriously
  • MajesterMajester Posts: 2
    100% the event should go fel - it should either be higher drop rate or keep tram as well with a much lower drop rate to give an incentive for fel.

    Like thandor pointed there are few reasons for pvpers to venture out of yew/do objective based pvp, and the last event in fire generated a constant stream of this and was a great success.

    Currently the event is just massive lag fest and I seriously doubt people are enjoying just standing in a group aoeing mobs.

    I was very disappointed that it was tram only as there was so much hype before hand.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited April 2022
    “It always amazes me how much the biggest subscriber base gets shunned for some niche trammel community, as if there are more PvEers than PvP subscribers.

    people only do content in trammel to sell to fel players. You think someone is going to pay 100 mill for the apron to help craft potions to help kill monsters?”
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  • usernameusername Posts: 791
    edited April 2022
    Nah. Simple facts:
    Your PVP skill these days is measured by how many 3rd party programs/clients and cheats you run.
    Those cheaters are the same ones botting in tram.
    Last thing we need is to give these 'PVP'ers their own private island with increased artifact rate to bot.
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  • MajesterMajester Posts: 2
    username said:
    Nah. Simple facts:
    Your PVP skill these days is measured by how many 3rd party programs/clients and cheats you run.
    Those cheaters are the same ones botting in tram.
    Last thing we need is to give these 'PVP'ers their own private island with increased artifact rate to bot.
    Your ignorance is insane. The pvpers just want pvp.. do you honestly think that people will be able to free farm the event more than it already is in tram? Players would regulate the afk farmers etc
  • usernameusername Posts: 791
    edited April 2022
    Majester said:
    username said:
    Nah. Simple facts:
    Your PVP skill these days is measured by how many 3rd party programs/clients and cheats you run.
    Those cheaters are the same ones botting in tram.
    Last thing we need is to give these 'PVP'ers their own private island with increased artifact rate to bot.
    Your ignorance is insane. The pvpers just want pvp.. do you honestly think that people will be able to free farm the event more than it already is in tram? Players would regulate the afk farmers etc
    Feel free to PVP destard, and every other dungeon, is open right now in fel :thumbsup: Nope, PVPers with cheats are no match for your regular PVM player, your ignorance is insane.
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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited April 2022
    “people have to run 3rd party clients as the official clients do not work for pvp.

    There is no mobiles bar on classic client and select nearest hostile brings up neutral animals, guilded grey/reds, friendly red summons and dead enemy pets.
    issues reported about 5 years ago repeatedly, still not fixed. You literally can’t target a moving player unless you cycle through a dozen of the above mentioned bugged targets first, in which time you’ll be dead already.

    You can’t blame people for fixing things themselves.

    The fact that a community is big enough to build its own client and distribute it should say something about how influential & large that community is.
    they probably have a bigger dev team than broadsword.
    (not condoning use of 3rd party client)”
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  • ThandorThandor Posts: 31
    Feel free to PVP destard, and every other dungeon, is open right now in fel :thumbsup: Nope, PVPers with cheats are no match for your regular PVM player, your ignorance is insane.``

    Thats not quite the point, The PvP community is the same as the PvE Community, The Content preferred is one which is reward based. 
    Your point about scripting basically means you missed out on Thandors School of PvP in the early 2005 period
    Every reason you can think of to take part in any aspect of the game Starts at the PvP Community kick starting the Economy.

    Lets look at a couple of example early stages of making gold in UO 
    1. You have an alchemist and want to make some gold - Who do you sell your potions to? PvPers (do PvE even use Potions any more)
    2. You have a Tamer and you want to make some Gold - Who do you sell your loot to?
    PvPers, Most Samps are running re-forged suits, imbued jewels. Tamers are running re-forged suits with Reward Jewels. Mages are running Mass SDI suits from Artifacts. 
    The only person buying your wares from loot are PvPers.
    3. you have a mage with SDI suit and you want to Make some gold - Who do you sell your items to? Maybe you decided to go champ hunting, you got scrolls for Pets to sell to the tamers, but without gold - from selling to PvPers they cant buy your scrolls 
    4. you have a crafter with Imbuing and you want to make some gold - Who do you sell your wares to? - Probably sampires, who are out hunting for items, which are mainly sold to PvPers so they cant buy your wares without selling to PvPers in the first place.

    The list goes on and on, Right to rare trading and Real estate 

    Fel Event would self regulate, anyone using multi bots would be easy pickings - But regardless of the actual activity of the event here is a way I can prove that not having a fel event affects you.

    If we had the event in fel -
    1. you would have less Clients in trammel meaning the following 
         A) Less Lag
         B) Items would be more valuable
         C) There would be less overall of the items farmed in trammel

    2. You would have A chunk of the playerbase in Fel 
         A) Characters in Fel PvPing Cant typically farm for items on the same chars 
                 i) This has always been the case, not many pvp templates with full pve Whack
                 ii) especially since the intro of antique items
         B) There would be less automated clients because they would get Wipped meaning less items overall, meaning better value for your items

    3. Whole guilds would undertake the seige on destard together -
          A)you cant be laggy for that, otherwise you die, meaning less clients in tram destard overall - meaning less items farmed overall
          B) Guild fights can take every active player at the time away from their attems to harvest items for Hours at a time - Meaning less items farmed overall.

    Im starting to get an RSI but i think you will understand the picture I am trying to communicate

    The PvE Community doesnt need to enter into Fel - the fact it has its own fascet where PvP can happen means that if you dont want to take part, you literally have 5 other fascets to entertain yourself and what happens in Fel should not concern you - provided you can sell your expensive looted PVP Items im sure. 
    You do not need to bash the PvP Community, the meer fact that the content is not improved or even slightly promoted leads to numbers spoiling the stuff the PVE Community enjoy

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,036
    Again I ask with no malice can't you just go fight un destard anyway??
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  • ThandorThandor Posts: 31
    its objective based pvp we like - it gives a focal point and a winner and a looser, without it theres no outcome and no reward only ego.

    Champ hunts and harrowers are a great example of how well it works and we have fought over the only piece of content for 20 years
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    Thandor said:
    its objective based pvp we like - it gives a focal point and a winner and a looser, without it theres no outcome and no reward only ego.

    Champ hunts and harrowers are a great example of how well it works and we have fought over the only piece of content for 20 years
    Did they turn off the champ spawn in Fel Destard?  No. Yall want to double dip.  If spawn mobs were not tagged 'of the...... "  you would not do the other parts of Destard in Fel.

    120 Tactics is still 90M.  There already is a reward and probably easier to get since Yoshi said the PvP scripters are in Tram anyway. 

    There is still a reward.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ThandorThandor Posts: 31
    youre right - there should always be more reward for higher risk - the fact that the battle will go on for hours and hours and hours will mean that theres no advantage to the champ spawn dropping more items 

    Not to mention the fact we have fought over champ spawns for years and years and years -

    Reptile cameo sells for 700m, - thats alot of 120 tactics, and alot of other scrolls that have 0 value before you get that.

    Also i forget to mention, that the PvP community is wealthy, so we dont need the gold from the 120 tactics typically so it doesnt encourage any pvp that its worth 90m 9/10 times the spawns are worked in a hope they create some PvP --- they dont, because people dont need to compete over their little value, all our toons are already scrolled out
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "hehe yeah Blitz will spend 90 mill worth of tele ring charges to get 1 dismount"
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  • ThandorThandor Posts: 31
    Pawain said:

    120 Tactics is still 90M.  There already is a reward and probably easier to get since Yoshi said the PvP scripters are in Tram anyway. 

    Literally not worth the time

    Say you earn $40 and you enjoy PvPing and not PvEing, 
    1p = $80.00, 
    Work for 2hrs and get 100 champs worth of very very lucky RNG landing 120 tactics every time, or work 2hrs more in a shift and get everything you need for your next gaming session? (its probably more like 500 champs worth of Scrolls - and each one takes 40minutes to solo for an average PvE'r

    In my earlier post i didnt show any options of how the PvP community makes gold, because its wealthy not to mention it doesnt interest alot to use their time generating more gold - thats a PVE way of thinking

  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    So then why do you need drops that sell for 5M each?  You can buy the reward items since you are so rich.  Fight at Yew gate since you do not need gold, PvP is for the thrill isn't it?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,036
    I don't like the debate but you guys just don't make sense go and fight and to quote yoshi no risk with no cursed autoinsured drops
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • ThandorThandor Posts: 31
    Pawain said:
    So then why do you need drops that sell for 5M each?  You can buy the reward items since you are so rich.  Fight at Yew gate since you do not need gold, PvP is for the thrill isn't it?
    because they enable the higher end drops which we want, for pvp - which means we will fight over them. 

    At the end of the day, I think i speak for the whole community when I say we mainly enjoy objective based PvP, the meer fact its new creates that objective. Youre right, we can constantly create our own content, and we do... but you are countering my argument having always gotten new content - why is doom pretty much a baron dungeon now?
  • ThandorThandor Posts: 31
    Pawain said:
    So then why do you need drops that sell for 5M each?  You can buy the reward items since you are so rich.  Fight at Yew gate since you do not need gold, PvP is for the thrill isn't it?
    yew gate, is the same fight for 20 years - We are meerly asking for a reason to fight in a dungeon we already have but dont really use - the PVE guys are getting new content in their dungeon, why cant we?
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,036
    None of you have to stay red come to tram 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • DelthorDelthor Posts: 61
    Absolutely no reason why this shouldn’t be on in fel, maybe add a champ spawn to the back of tram deatard and make one of the big arties a drop from it instead of power scrolls. The devs always go towards one part of the game and completely ignore the other. It’s always like this. 
  • ThandorThandor Posts: 31
    McDougle said:
    None of you have to stay red come to tram 
    You dont understand - WE want to generate PvP not PvE - and you dont clearly understand why we enjoy that, so pass comment - also, we are in Tram , we want the items., Fel is dead right now on most servers, this leads to people leaving Uo - Bad thing
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,036
    Again you  say we don't need the money then ask for a reward thst you don't need a reason to fight but a new one would be nice but ps not reward enough it cant be the drops you're after because auto insurance so you need what's the word I'm looking for victims?? You also have the option of starting to kills and warring each other inbtram while in destard
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • usernameusername Posts: 791
    edited April 2022
    Agreed with the majority here- pvper's just want their own special island where they can double (triple) dip: nothing better than getting 120's PLUS fey drops at increased fel rate PLUS champ spawn monster spawn rates, lol.

    Real PVPers would be silent and take advantage of the distraction of all the blues doing the spawn in tram and do champs in fel. These supposed blue trammys interfering and taking their fel spawns lol.
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  • ThandorThandor Posts: 31
    McDougle said:
    Again you  say we don't need the money then ask for a reward thst you don't need a reason to fight but a new one would be nice but ps not reward enough it cant be the drops you're after because auto insurance so you need what's the word I'm looking for victims?? You also have the option of starting to kills and warring each other inbtram while in destard
    i See the logic youre trying to apply here, but its not quite right its probably more emotionally led than you are trying to understand,

    we want the new items, we want to compete for them, we will buy some, we will farm some

    Victims isnt the right word, because you arent being forced to enter the moongate, PvP is literally OPT IN.

    The scenario is this 
    somone gets home from work early and thinks, ill have 1hr farming on that champ spawn, because the drop rate is nice, theres a chance i might get killed, but by that time my buddies might be online to help me defend it.

    then somone from guild 2 logs in and thinks, im going to see if anyones trying their luck on that new champs spawn ... bingo and the fights keep growing and on they go.
    The fights last from 4PM US West time, until 1.00am, not much time there.

    everyone wants those new rewards, everyone enjoys playing UO Content, the PvP community included like broader UO Content but we usually pass that uo to take part in PvP, an event like this makes both elements possible.

    I really dont understand why you are against this, youve only objected why we want it, why dont you want us to have it? it seems strange, like the whole of the Fel community saying "Nooo dont add more dungeons and items for Trammel Community to farm" - literally never happens.

    in response to your last point, in an ideal world the items dropping in fel would be cursed but drop faster, this would make the fights the best in the gaming world. BUT i realise this would be too much to ask, so Ill take the approach of nibbling and just request we have some new content in Fel 
  • ThandorThandor Posts: 31
    Hey Guys, Dont enjoy the game because thats only for us?
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,036
    Quite the opposite i feel all content should be on both sides but that means PS in tram 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited April 2022
    “This trammel only event is a 
    Everyone was expecting at the very least a repeat of the fire/deceit event.
    not sure what the motive of this self destructive stunt is??”
    personal opinion removed
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  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    McDougle said:
    Quite the opposite i feel all content should be on both sides but that means PS in tram +1
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
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