


  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @Pawain nice post.  Isn't it funny that in order to have fun in a computer game you have to play it the way others think even though we all pay the same sub.  Guess they figure their sub is worth more than our sub is so should be able to dictate how we play.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674

    There are a lot of people on LS that never talk in chat and you never see in crowds.  Some like to play alone. Some do T maps, BODs, Crafting, Fishing, Killing the same thing over and over.  I am sure it is the same on many shards.

    Just let the people who actually log on play like they want to.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
  • HonkwompHonkwomp Posts: 44
    Napa Valley is pretty darn dead.  It is easy to find lots and lots of 18x spots in Malas, and I bet you I can find some Castle Spots, but it is probably not as deserted as Lake Austin.  I lived all my UO life on Napa, and I hated to abandon it but starting from scratch, you need people around who can help you  and others to sell you stuff.  Atlantic is nicely busy, and you can find most anything for sale there, but be prepared to pay exorbitant prices and listen to an outburst of immature PVPers mouthing off in general chat.  However, to offset that, you can find quite few people who still have a generous spirit in them.  I got back into the game on Atlantic, and once I got equipped I moved to Chesapeake where there are enough players you probably won't find a castle spot but you will be able to get a tower down.  And, you can still find some  items you need for sale at a reasonable price

  • JatwhalJatwhal Posts: 16
    I'd comment but honestly I don't want my shard to become like Atlantic!! haha
  • crunchnastycrunchnasty Posts: 241
    Pawain said:
    Why are people so concerned about other peoples playstyle?  I probably spent 8 years playing without talking in chat or playing with anybody.  Players know how active and populated their shard is.  If they want to play in a more populated or less populated shard then they can make a new toon on a new shard and pay for a mythic token.

    It seems like some of you have a population obsession.  Maybe you should log in more often and PLAY and stop concerning yourself with other players you do not know.

    BS knows the populations.  They will decide if a server needs closed.  It is not possible to merge shards.

    If you log onto LS and yell out in chat that the shard is dead.  We will make it Dead to you.  Since you want a self fulfilling prophesy.

    People like to interact with eachother in UO, it makes the game more fun to have others to align with and compete with, why do you begrudge those who want to see more population? Connection is the purpose of existence in life, and in UO. 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Pawain said:
    Why are people so concerned about other peoples playstyle?  I probably spent 8 years playing without talking in chat or playing with anybody.  Players know how active and populated their shard is.  If they want to play in a more populated or less populated shard then they can make a new toon on a new shard and pay for a mythic token.

    It seems like some of you have a population obsession.  Maybe you should log in more often and PLAY and stop concerning yourself with other players you do not know.

    BS knows the populations.  They will decide if a server needs closed.  It is not possible to merge shards.

    If you log onto LS and yell out in chat that the shard is dead.  We will make it Dead to you.  Since you want a self fulfilling prophesy.

    People like to interact with eachother in UO, it makes the game more fun to have others to align with and compete with, why do you begrudge those who want to see more population? Connection is the purpose of existence in life, and in UO. 
    And you are more than welcome to your play style but it seam like you do not like others play style and think that there is only one way to play a sandbox game, your way.
  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    Playstyle and server population are only loosely connected. The shards that are as good as dead tremendously disadvantage the player in numerous ways and the game design simply isn't built to accommodate having only a handful people on the server. 
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited April 2018
    Do you work for UO that you know how many player are on each shard.  I suppose UO own all those houses on all the shards not called Atl.  Do you go to another shard and say in Gen Chat "This shard sucks because this shard is dead" and expect an answer?  How does it disadvantage anybody when everybody is free to go where ever they want and play nobody is stopping you.  The game is designed as a true sandbox, do you understand what that is?  Just because you do not like low population shards means we are suppose to do what you think is best and what xfer to Atl, not gonna happen.  I am %10000000000000000 sure that UO knows what is better for UO than you think you do but please go design a game that has everything in it that you think should be there and I am sure you will be happy as all get out.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,493
    The so called 'dead' shards are no where near as empty as Atlantic players like to insist, in my experience
    crunchnasty said:
    People like to interact with eachother in UO, it makes the game more fun to have others to align with and compete with, why do you begrudge those who want to see more population? Connection is the purpose of existence in life, and in UO. 
    SOME people do, some people like to play with a smaller group, co-operating instead of competing and some people are quite happy to do their own thing, chatting while soloing content, or simply lurking while others chat.  The beauty of UO is it's diversity. Please allow players to be diverse too.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    BUT BUT BUT we aint playen it the way they think we should be playen it.  I guess we been doin it all wrong the last 20 years and now we have so new players that think they know better.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    Pawain said:
    Why are people so concerned about other peoples playstyle?  I probably spent 8 years playing without talking in chat or playing with anybody.  Players know how active and populated their shard is.  If they want to play in a more populated or less populated shard then they can make a new toon on a new shard and pay for a mythic token.

    It seems like some of you have a population obsession.  Maybe you should log in more often and PLAY and stop concerning yourself with other players you do not know.

    BS knows the populations.  They will decide if a server needs closed.  It is not possible to merge shards.

    If you log onto LS and yell out in chat that the shard is dead.  We will make it Dead to you.  Since you want a self fulfilling prophesy.

    People like to interact with eachother in UO, it makes the game more fun to have others to align with and compete with, why do you begrudge those who want to see more population? Connection is the purpose of existence in life, and in UO. 

    Then make toons on Atlantic and play there.  Who is stopping you.  They sell transfer tokens.

    Petras response is much better than mine.  Let us play the way we want.  I do not like to interact with others sometimes.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    Thing is, transfers from certain shards to more populated ones should be free. That's pretty standard in the mmorpg business.
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Well you know other MMORPGs do it this way, well guess what we aint other MMORPGs we are UO, you know the one that started it all and still here kicking and doing it our way.  If you don't like the way UO does it and you think all those other MMORPGs are so much better then why are you here?
  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    Tone it down with the fallacies. Cheers.
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    What fallacies you think other MMORPs do it so much better then go play them or are you trying to get UO to give you free transfers from one shard to another for free based on its population, nice try.  Could you point to another MMORPG that has the depth that you has that does this, good luck finding one.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    InLor said:
    Thing is, transfers from certain shards to more populated ones should be free. That's pretty standard in the mmorpg business.

    There is no charge to make new toons on the shard of your choice.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    FACT ^
  • JatwhalJatwhal Posts: 16
    InLor said:
    Thing is, transfers from certain shards to more populated ones should be free. That's pretty standard in the mmorpg business.
      I see where this is going... Are you still complaining about having to pay for your char transfers? Are you setting up your next thread to be against vet transfer shields, like you post so much about on Stratics...

    Not all have free transfers. Some will do it at certain phases and then you pay. EQ2 as an example.
    And as above create free new chars. It'll take what 3-7 days to skill up?
  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    Jatwhal said:
    InLor said:
    Thing is, transfers from certain shards to more populated ones should be free. That's pretty standard in the mmorpg business.
      I see where this is going... Are you still complaining about having to pay for your char transfers? Are you setting up your next thread to be against vet transfer shields, like you post so much about on Stratics...

    Not all have free transfers. Some will do it at certain phases and then you pay. EQ2 as an example.
    And as above create free new chars. It'll take what 3-7 days to skill up?
    No idea what you're talking about regarding Stratics. Stick to the thread instead of weird speculations about who posted what. 

    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
  • MeggieMeggie Posts: 20
    @InLor is very authoritarian but UO is Freedom
    Too bad  >:)
  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    free transfers out = freedom

    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited April 2018
    Pawain said:

    People like to interact with eachother in UO, it makes the game more fun to have others to align with and compete with, why do you begrudge those who want to see more population? Connection is the purpose of existence in life, and in UO. 

    Then make toons on Atlantic and play there.  Who is stopping you.  They sell transfer tokens.

    Petras response is much better than mine.  Let us play the way we want.  I do not like to interact with others sometimes.
    To be fair, that's what a lot of people suggested..

    .. only to have you and Bilbo come here and start some random argument about LS or playstyles.

    Atlantic is the best suggestion one can objectively make regarding his question. But I'm sure you or Bilbo will feel offended by that simple truth again :D

    It was the OPs very own words that Napa (again: Nobody talking about LS) was dead. Maybe accept that half a dozen bank sitters in general chat will be considered "dead shard" for many playstyles.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916

    They could merge the shards as separate facets so you would not need to worry about houses getting blown away by the merge.  For example Atlantic Trammel facet, Atlantic Fel facet, Pacific Trammel facet would be on the Pac-Atlantic shard.  The moon gate gump would get larger as it would need to list the extra facets.  How many shards get converted to facets would depend on how powerful the physical server is.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    TimSt said:

    They could merge the shards as separate facets so you would not need to worry about houses getting blown away by the merge.  For example Atlantic Trammel facet, Atlantic Fel facet, Pacific Trammel facet would be on the Pac-Atlantic shard.  The moon gate gump would get larger as it would need to list the extra facets.  How many shards get converted to facets would depend on how powerful the physical server is.

    NO Shard Merger ever.  And why would you merge a west coast shard with a east coast shard, shakes head and walks away.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    Bilbo said:
    NO Shard Merger ever.  And why would you merge a west coast shard with a east coast shard, shakes head and walks away.

    So I could go shopping in Atlantic then recall back to my house in Pacific more than once a month.
  • The UO server software is so minimal by today's standards BS could host all the shards on virtual servers (cloud servers) making localization a non-issue.

  • MeggieMeggie Posts: 20
    edited April 2018
    TimSt said:
    Bilbo said:
    NO Shard Merger ever.  And why would you merge a west coast shard with a east coast shard, shakes head and walks away.

    So I could go shopping in Atlantic then recall back to my house in Pacific more than once a month.
    Oh..... I'd love that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :) :)
    But then it would transform Atlantic into a gigantic mall and maybe Atlantic players wouldn't like it :  would make their shard kinda useless for casual gameplay ?..... not going to happen because of the transfer shields owners and BS makes money with char tranfer tokens as well so....
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited April 2018
    LOL Where do you people think the servers are now?  Didn't they go to the cloud a long time ago like pre BS.  Try doing a trace.
  • HonkwompHonkwomp Posts: 44
    Bilbo said:
    I was on Napa 3 hours ago and it was not dead.  Shout out in Gen Chat and let people know that you are a new/returning player.  Not all shards bank sit in Luna, they go play the game so you may not see them.  If you are on the West Coast log on to Pac and give a shout out.  Pac is the most active West Coast shard.  Make chars and spend a day on each shard to see what you like and how it fits your game play.
    I have been on Napa Numerous times at all times during the day and never gotten a response.  But that is not the way I am judging population  Go to any server.  Easy to place an 18x in Malas and Castle lots available?  Then it is deserted.   If you have years and years, and you are well established, other players are not necessary.  I play alone a lot.  But in this age of UO, I need stuff that I otherwise cannot get on my own.  .  That was why I started on Atlantic and then instead of going back to Napa, split the difference and hit Chessie.  It is not deserted but not so populated like Atlantic that you gotta work around other people.  I am now getting set up and have a nice suit and so I am not concerned about population.  But if you prefer being alone and have no desire for any contact with anyone, then you are in the wrong game
This discussion has been closed.