Kyronix, are you sure that LUCK is really working ?



  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Think the key is a combination of damage points from weapons or spells, raising dead players and getting killed.  That’s what works for me anyway.  Working with other players to kill things works especially when going after the big ones.
  • AlreadyDeadAlreadyDead Posts: 23
    edited July 2021
    popps said:
    Kyronix said:
    popps said:

    One would imagine that then, if they had the Max Luck possible, (3,982 ?), they should get a drop (100% chance) each and every 1 creature that they kill, whether it is a slime or a Paragon Balron...

    Is that what you are actually saying in your last reply ?

    No, this is incorrect logic and being that UOGuide is user generated content I can't comment on how accurate it is.  I'm not going to detail the entire logic of the Treasures drop process.  You can boil it down to these points, 

    • The more creatures you kill, the more difficult the creatures are, and the higher your luck, the more likely you will get a minor artifact.
    • Assuming, expecting, or thinking that every template and/or combination of skills, stats, and gear are going to have an equal chance anywhere in the game world is a false assumption.  Some combinations are going to work well for some content, others are going to work well for others.  Adapting to the content scenario is part of gameplay.
    I only would like to comment on where you say
    • Assuming, expecting, or thinking that every template and/or combination of skills, stats, and gear are going to have an equal chance anywhere in the game world is a false assumption.  Some combinations are going to work well for some content, others are going to work well for others.  Adapting to the content scenario is part of gameplay.

    Yes, indeed, but I cannot help not seeing how, the way that these Events that we have been having now on a regular basis, the "Treasures of..." Events, or however we want to call them, I seem to understand from your explainations, might have, as a result of their Design, whether intended or casual, the favouring of the Template that can kill the most.

    And this, incidentally, in the end promotes just "that " type of Template, doesn't it ?

    And that type of Template, does not seem to vary much, but is quite sistematically the Warrior Template and its variations (Sampire, Paladin, Dragoon, "Modern" Sampire etc. etc.) thanking to its ability to kill more and faster, as compared to other Templates....

    I was hoping, but I now realize how my hope was wrongly based, that the Luck worn, was being used in the Design of these Events, as a "balancing" factor among different Templates with different killing abilities...

    That is, it was my hope, that while Warriors could kill more and faster, but given their high specialization they could not "invest" much in Luck on their Suits, this type of Template would mostly rely on high kills and speed of killing for their drops' rate.

    Whereas, instead, other Templates with a lower number of kills in that same time frame (for example Tamers), could rely on high worn Luck to increase their drops and "compensate" for their lower kill rate.

    I had hopes that, in the end, "moreless", high kills for one type of Template (Warriors), and high worn Luck for other types of Templates (for example Tamers), would "balance out " and moreless produce for those respective Templates, the same rate of drops per hour.

    I seem to understand that, instead, what matters most, is the sheer number of kills per time frame and that Luck is only a "side" bonus, not really a major, significant one as the kill rate is...

    That is, that Luck might be a nice thing to have, but nowhere as impactful as the killing rate is.

    Oh well, it is not what I wanted to hear but, at least, now I know that my attempts of wanting to still try to play a Template other then a Warrior was a futile one... and that if I want to increase my drop rates to a reasonable rate, I have no other option but that of jumping on the bandwagon and just use a Warrior for these Events, as pretty much mostly everyone else has been doing...

    Thank you very much for your kind patience and informative answers.

    P.S. I am not sure whether this might be true or not but, I was told by some other players (doing these Events with Warriors, of course...), that actually staying the fight until the MoB dies, seems, to their findings, to be not important towards getting awarded "points" needed to get a drop, but that which only seems to matter, is the landing of enough hits to get looting rights...

    Therefore, there seem to be players out there, I seem to understand, just running all over the place and quickly landing a few hits per MoB and then moving onto the next one and letting others actually to have to spend the time to kill them for good....

    In this way, without actually having to spend the time until the MoB is dead, they can greatly increase their drops rate since they only spend a few seconds with each MoB (and landing high damage with their Slayer Weapons) before passing onto the next one...

    Should this be true, which I do not know, I hope that it will be changed for future Events since, at least to my opinion, something like this would seem to me, to promote a behaviour which does not help "group effort" towards killing a given MoB but, rather, personal and opportunistic gain only.
    It's a 9 week event with time for nearly every template to earn great rewards. Of course the template that was created and tweaked to get every bit of extra damage per second is the most efficient at getting the most drops per hour.

     If people are obsessed about getting the most drops possible per hour then they can use a sampire or warrior with the tradeoff being more intensive playstyle/deaths/burning through equipment or at least from my experience during this event. (I have spent a decent amount of time during this event using a sampire and a tamer and once or twice a bard with some magery, My sampire easily gets the most drops but requires a lot more concentration while he dies around 5x the amount of the other 2 while needing to repair gear after a few spawns).

    Or instead of worrying about efficiency, stick to the more relaxed templates you enjoy playing and have fun instead of comparing your drop rate to others. There is still plenty of time for everyone to earn their desired reward or two. We have an enthusiastic EJ tamer/t-hunter who is on track to their goal of a mask/ostard before the event ends despite often getting <1/4 of what some people are and to be honest was initially there for the adventure and to help others out before discovering it's one of the few instances EJ can get in pack rewards.

    " Anyway, since this is not fun at all, and increases enormously the grinding work and, thus, the alienation and time needed at being able to get a reward"

     At the end of the day, this is a game played to have fun. If you are finding the event that tedious and grinding, why not earn money doing something you enjoy more and just buy rewards from players near the end of the event.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    McDougle said:
    Pawain said:
    I have never seen anyone on LS getting a few hits and running to another mob. Unless that one near killed them.
    My weaver/mystic/mage just runs around casting thunderstorm and EVs.. hardly kills anything and I get drops...
    So you are the leech.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Pawain said:
    McDougle said:
    Pawain said:
    I have never seen anyone on LS getting a few hits and running to another mob. Unless that one near killed them.
    My weaver/mystic/mage just runs around casting thunderstorm and EVs.. hardly kills anything and I get drops...
    So you are the leech.
    No i keep the pit clear and the roofs you all can't reach 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,294
    Kyronix said:
    You roll for an artifact every time you kill a creature.  Kill more creatures, more chances to win.
    I am pretty sure you have told him this before . . .
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited July 2021

    Or instead of worrying about efficiency, stick to the more relaxed templates you enjoy playing and have fun instead of comparing your drop rate to others.
    I would love to....

    But then, when I see at the hours of grinding that it would take me to get an Ostard, (at 5 drops an hour as average it comes 40 hours...), and I see other types of Templates who, instead, get them in like 1/3rd of that time and then can use their time to do else and not keep on grinding, I kinda feel that I am wasting my real life time...

    I mean, if I could get the Reward in less time, then I could spend more time with my family, my friends, doing stuff at home, whatever....

    I find it unreasonable to waste time, if there is alternatives to get something done in less time, because in our life, the time gone, is gone for good.... it will never come back.

    So, while, as a Tamer, I may want to get an Ostard, obviously, I do not see why I should spend 40 hours grinding for it when one could get it in like 10-15 hours ... and then have those 25-30 hours free to be spent doing something else and not wasted after pixels...

     At the end of the day, this is a game played to have fun. If you are finding the event that tedious and grinding, why not earn money doing something you enjoy more and just buy rewards from players near the end of the event.

    Have you seen the price that players are asking for these Rewards ?

    While for some players that kind of gold might be "pocket change", for players who just play for fun, in their spare time (so called "casual" players, not hard core...), they are prohibitive prices and, so, buying them can be out of their range, simply, and their only option could only be earning them on their own.

    I just wished, that the Design of these Events was more balanced in between different Templates, and that their drops rate was more "equalized" among different templates....

    As I said, I REALLY thought that the worn Luck was being used by the Design as that "great Equalizer"....

    Since Warriors are pretty tight in the Suit that they can wear, of course that they have a hard time "also" being able to wear significant Luck with their Suits...

    They can sure kill a lot, and fast, but they cannot "also" wear much Luck... for them, it is "either, or"... not really both....

    Other Templates, instead, while not being able to kill as many and as quick, they do can wear a lot more Luck on their Suit....

    I was naive enough, to think and to hope, that the Luck worn was, therefore, being used as that "great Equalizer" in between Templates whereas, while Warriors could have their high drop rate from killing a lot and fast, not because of the little Luck that they could wear on their Suit, the "other" Templates, instead, even though their kill rate was significantly lower as that of Warriors, thanking to the way that Luck was Designed and factored in, being able to wear on "their " Suits a much higher Luck as that of Warriors, this higher Luck worn would have raised their otherwise low drop rate to one more comparable to that of the Warriors...

    That is, that through Design, BOTH Templates would have been viable to be played with a similar drop rate, albeit, through a different way...

    The Warriors through the sheer high number of kills per hour, the other Templates, through the higher Luck worn on their suit, instead...

    But in the end, that there would have been a "balancing" in between these different Templates which would have achieved, a "moreless" similar drop rate for them all...

    I am afraid, instead, that 12+ drops per hour that Warriors with high kills can get but with low luck, and 5 drops an hour that other Templates with high worn Luck can get, are nowhere as near comparable... the delta in between these drop rates is just too large, me thinks....

    That is, that "Balance" among different Templates that I was hoping could have been, does not exist...

    So, if someone wants to be cautious with their time, I have to surrender and say that playing a Warrior, because of Design choices, seems to me to be "THE" only and sole way to gowith these Events....

    Oh well, at least now I know that it is futile for me to try to insist to play the one Template, a Tamer, that I actually enjoy playing, if I want to save up my real life time... and that I need to have to do what pretty much everyone else has been doing with these Events, make a Warrior, and be done with it...

    But it still feels sad to me....  to my opinion, things "could " have been Designed in a more balanced out way among different Templates, to still have them maintain a more similar drop rate and not one so much different, so that it forced players concerned about their real life time, to "have to" play a Warrior or variations of, rather then any other Template....
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    if you save time on this long post you might get 2 more drops  :D
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • DukarloDukarlo Posts: 50
    I play my sampire on Atl. My suit has about 1250 luck and i play at the fel champ. With the crowd there the spawn takes about 10 minutes or so and I get about about 4 drops per spawn. If I click the luck statue I get 5 maybe 6 per spawn. Assuming I do 4 spawns an hour with breaks between spawn or the occasional death or pvp with other players etc that means I get roughly 16 drops an hour. If under the effect of the statue I'm at 2300 to 2400 luck it comes out to 20 to 25 drops in that hour. If I played an hour a day for a week the extra luck from the statue could potentially add another 45 drops in that week. In my experience luck certainly plays a role in drop rate. I really dont understand why people dont play fel. I've been poked a few times but I also get the occasional kill in. To me I could care less if I die to a player or monster. The player interaction breaks up the repetitive grind of farming nicely. 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited July 2021
    Seth said:
    if you save time on this long post you might get 2 more drops  :D
    Indeed, but still, a drop in the ocean at an Ostard needing 200 points to get....

    I felt the need to still take the time to Post that, in the hope that, perhaps, my "different" point of view "might" help seeing, for future Events, a more balanced out drop rate among different Templates OR, at the very least, that Events might not be so much often be "tailored" after Warriors, but also after "other" Templates...

    I think that "diversity" is important in gameplay.... yet, if the sheer "kill rate" is what the Design for these Events will make what matters the most towards the highest drops' rate, we will only see Warriors being used, as no other Template can beat their killing rate, apparently...

    Perhaps, for Future Events, we might see a different Design whereas kill rate will not be the sole and only factor towards maximizing drop rates, but also other ways will be Designed to be "as well" important...

    I don't know, I am just hoping about it, so as to be able to see more diversity at these Events, and not just Warriors, Warriors, and some more Warriors....
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    I think this topic has been fully answered.
This discussion has been closed.