Em events need to be shard bound.

We need to stop em event farming. Stop making em events a way for people to sell them at huge inflated prices. They need to be stuck on the home shard that they came from. Em event items should be shard bound, they are the bits that are cross sharded the most. You got the same people using multiple accounts on every shard to get an item drop then they are also buying up items after the event at a lower price then instantly xfering them to atlantic to sell for a higher price. Why is this not the problem? 
  1. Shard bound em event drops38 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  2. Shard bound treasures38 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No


  • You are explaining what is happening but not why its wrong.  
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    edited January 2021
    I went out on a limb and voted against what most would think I would normally vote for; I voted no for both.

    Reasons: Players like to collect things in this game. There are entire Rares Communities dedicated to collecting, buying, and selling rare items. The rarer, the better. Most of the new items, not many players really want.... at least not until 10 years later. The number counts are also all over the place these days, I do not know if number counts are even accurate or how that works. I would like an explanation as to how it works (top damager, points, healing?).

    The things that need to be fixed.... people with 7-8 Cus attacking the boss. People with 7-8 archers / throwers spamming AI and auto-targeting the boss before anyone else can even get a red life bar up. It is hard to get top damager status when 50 other players are multi-boxing and get a 10 Armor Ignore shots off before anyone else with 1 character (real players) can even get a life bar up. The reason I quit going to events was that I could never even get the life bar open on the boss until he was down to 80%.... that is at the earliest. Even if I get the bar open and start attacking when he is at 95%.... someone already auto-attacked with macros that obviously someone who can type 206 WPM and is a chemist/mathematician can't set up. [Go ahead trolls, attack at this notion and get the thread locked...]

    Solutions to all of our Problems: Fix the cheaters. I would be all for... say, only allowing at most 2 accounts to login at a time. There are absolutely no reasons someone would need more than 2 characters logged in at once (to friend / add co owner to houses would be the Only Reason.) There should not be people using second / third / fourth accounts to buff up players with bard skills, xheal, cast heal from 10 tiles away (20 tiles away from boss.......) ect...... If GMs would set UO up so that only 2 clients could be opened at once, it would solve a great deal of their troubles.
    Maybe there wouldn't be 20 people complaining that someone is using 5 tamers w/ 5 maxed out Cus and a thrower at certain dungeons..... obviously attacking with all 5 Cus at once (not switching screens super fast......... all at Once.) This would fix EM events. This would fix multiple gen chat bots from logging in and advertising too. Is there no way to set up a system like this @Kyronix @Mesanna? That system would solve most of the troublemaking and would restore balance to UO. It would fix events, IDOCs, seasonal content, botting (fishing oceans, mining ore), ect....
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412

    many people cant attend to em event due to real life reason or dont have the internet connection to play this big lag. And 80% of the em drop go directly to atlantic...need gold sink put a shard bound vendor for em items of the shard at big cost or put them at the end of the year in a turn in event or whatever but you need to make them available for players on their main shard.

  • RockStaRRockStaR Posts: 168
    You are explaining what is happening but not why its wrong.  
    @Dragonheart why is it okay to shard bound an item that's used for a characters equipment? Especially if you play multiple shards or if you transfer that character around. But yet you got these people running multiple accounts at an em event for the drop and they get multiple drops and then transfer off said server when that drop should be kept on that server. Instead of being transfered off and sold for more of a profit. Em event items sell at a higher price then what the treasure items do. And it's a one off event with that drop being for that certain event. Why is it okay to transfer off an em event item vs a treasures item? Take into picture that there are only so many of that item being dropped, and it's the only event that one item will come from. 
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited January 2021
    Three questions for the OP:

    1) What is wrong in turning a profit?
    2) Do you realize that this aspect of UO's economy, distorted as much as you want, is likely to be equivalent to a not insignificant (to put it mildly) slice of the total game subscriptions?
    3) Do you trade in EM stuff? If no, why do you care?


    DISCLAIMER: I do not trade in EM stuff.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    RockStaR said:
    We need to stop em event farming. Stop making em events a way for people to sell them at huge inflated prices. They need to be stuck on the home shard that they came from. Em event items should be shard bound, they are the bits that are cross sharded the most. You got the same people using multiple accounts on every shard to get an item drop then they are also buying up items after the event at a lower price then instantly xfering them to atlantic to sell for a higher price. Why is this not the problem? 
    I totally, absolutely, wholeheartedly agree.

    Often, EM Events items are part of the history of a Shard, they have a meaning for that Shard and the players of that Shard and for them to be taken out to Atlantic, for example, to be sold for hefty amounts, means depriving that other Shard of a piece of its history.

    They should have been made Shard Bound LONG ago, to my opinion........
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    You are explaining what is happening but not why its wrong.  
    It is wrong, DEAD wrong because it deprives that Shard of a piece of its history taking it away to some other Shard for which it has no meaning but only a gold value and a hefty profit for those farming them and taking them elsewhere.

    As I said, EM Events should have been made Shard Bound since day 1 and remain to be part of the history of the Shard that they were created on.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    edited January 2021
    100% disagree with shard bound EM event items.

    How can a rare collector manage to collect a full set of enchanted wheelbarrows, neon gift boxes, angel gift boxes, easter baskets, rare soul forge items, paintings etc if they are shard bound?

    With the game number so small now there is no reason why everyone cant create em char for other shards,  this last year I have created 10 plus tamers and sent them on adventures on other shards.

    If you manage to get an EM item or want to Xfer something, and you don't (like me) have shard shields there are plenty of honest players out there that will offer you a lift.

    Just post in the rare collector forum and a trusted poster will offer you help.

    By restricting this you are negatively affecting a massive player base.

    If you want to target something then just lock out any players that are loitering around waiting for the boss to spawn. U usually see multi client players are fighting with one and then roll in other accts to hit the boss at the end.  Stop this and other players will have more change of a drop for them selves,  to score it like ToT, you earn more points towards a drop as you work through the spawn.

    And maybe get Mesanna to actually go to these events so she can see how pathetically laggy they  are and she can deal with multi boxer at the same time. But good luck with that

  • RockStaRRockStaR Posts: 168
    100% disagree with shard bound EM event items.

    How can a rare collector manage to collect a full set of enchanted wheelbarrows, neon gift boxes, angel gift boxes, easter baskets, rare soul forge items, paintings etc if they are shard bound?

    With the game number so small now there is no reason why everyone cant create em char for other shards,  this last year I have created 10 plus tamers and sent them on adventures on other shards.

    If you manage to get an EM item or want to Xfer something, and you don't (like me) have shard shields there are plenty of honest players out there that will offer you a lift.

    Just post in the rare collector forum and a trusted poster will offer you help.

    By restricting this you are negatively affecting a massive player base.

    If you want to target something then just lock out any players that are loitering around waiting for the boss to spawn. U usually see multi client players are fighting with one and then roll in other accts to hit the boss at the end.  Stop this and other players will have more change of a drop for them selves,  to score it like ToT, you earn more points towards a drop as you work through the spawn.

    And maybe get Mesanna to actually go to these events so she can see how pathetically laggy they  are and she can deal with multi boxer at the same time. But good luck with that

    @JackFlashUk clickies would not be considered em event (like the wheelbarrows/fire pits/wizard firecrackers). And for the gift boxes, those are from the Christmas gifts and artisan fest gifts. Those would also not be considered an em event drop. Those should still be freely tradable. We didn't even get our Christmas gifts this year! So no neon gift box this year. This would only deal with the actual event drops from the event moderator system.
  • popps said:
    You are explaining what is happening but not why its wrong.  
    It is wrong, DEAD wrong because it deprives that Shard of a piece of its history taking it away to some other Shard for which it has no meaning but only a gold value and a hefty profit for those farming them and taking them elsewhere.

    As I said, EM Events should have been made Shard Bound since day 1 and remain to be part of the history of the Shard that they were created on.

    so the only reason im hearing is because its a piece of the shards history.  

    So to that. I offer the following analysis. 

    1. You do realize your EMs themselves come from other shards?  They aren't allowed to play on the shard they are an EM on. 

    2. What is preventing you from getting a drop yourself?  Are you really getting beat by people that arent even on their home shard?  Seems to me that the people on their home shard should have a significant advantage being they have access to all of their toons, weapons, armor, gold, homes and local knowledge. 

    3. I have noticed that a lot of EMs usually put their drops on display in the EM house as a sort of preservation of history. is this not true on all shards? That alone should be enough for the preservation of history.  Also there is a really nice WIKI available that gets maintained often for this history. 

    4. What prevents these same people from just selling to the shard?  Lets say you make them shard bound. what would prevent them from selling locally and taking gold off shard? What would prevent them from buying every single drop they could and raising the price? 

    5. You realize these are paid accounts coming to these events?  If this is as big a problem as you state and the event is overwhelmed by these people. Why would UO do anything to discourage people from having multiple accounts. why would the risk losing that many accounts because You feel you are being wronged for something that is not entitled to you?

    In summary:

    It seems to me it would prove more prudent for you to get off the forums and go work on your character.  It seems to me that you are tired of getting beat and decided to complain here instead of figuring out how to win a game. 

    Roll your sleeves up and get to work. 
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    RockStaR said:
    100% disagree with shard bound EM event items.

    How can a rare collector manage to collect a full set of enchanted wheelbarrows, neon gift boxes, angel gift boxes, easter baskets, rare soul forge items, paintings etc if they are shard bound?

    With the game number so small now there is no reason why everyone cant create em char for other shards,  this last year I have created 10 plus tamers and sent them on adventures on other shards.

    If you manage to get an EM item or want to Xfer something, and you don't (like me) have shard shields there are plenty of honest players out there that will offer you a lift.

    Just post in the rare collector forum and a trusted poster will offer you help.

    By restricting this you are negatively affecting a massive player base.

    If you want to target something then just lock out any players that are loitering around waiting for the boss to spawn. U usually see multi client players are fighting with one and then roll in other accts to hit the boss at the end.  Stop this and other players will have more change of a drop for them selves,  to score it like ToT, you earn more points towards a drop as you work through the spawn.

    And maybe get Mesanna to actually go to these events so she can see how pathetically laggy they  are and she can deal with multi boxer at the same time. But good luck with that

    @ JackFlashUk clickies would not be considered em event (like the wheelbarrows/fire pits/wizard firecrackers). And for the gift boxes, those are from the Christmas gifts and artisan fest gifts. Those would also not be considered an em event drop. Those should still be freely tradable. We didn't even get our Christmas gifts this year! So no neon gift box this year. This would only deal with the actual event drops from the event moderator system.
    good point on the gifts

    The paintings were EM event items though, so these would be affected, obviously if the majority of players wanted EM items to become shard bound then thats the way it needs to go.  

    I dont go to EM events as the lag and current exploits are shocking, but I do buy the painting etc that come up for my art gallery. Thats the only way I get them.  I would be very disappointed if this was to stop.

    Just deal with the lag and make sure you lock out the late comers, you know the 2/3/4th acct to slap the end boss and get a drop. Make it so you accrue points as you fight the spawn, just like the dynamic and dungeon spawns now, so its not just the SW throwers that get the drops.

    So if you do get a drop you can keep or xfer and sell, do whatever you want, but make sure you lock out the multi clients late comers
  • If everything becomes shard bound, then UO loses another source of revenue in transfer tokens. It doesn't make sense for many reasons.
  • RockStaRRockStaR Posts: 168
    If everything becomes shard bound, then UO loses another source of revenue in transfer tokens. It doesn't make sense for many reasons.
    @Maximus_Neximus exactly. Nothing should be shard bound. But if they want to make character equipment shardbound, they need to make everything shard bound.
  • RockStaR said:
    If everything becomes shard bound, then UO loses another source of revenue in transfer tokens. It doesn't make sense for many reasons.
    @ Maximus_Neximus exactly. Nothing should be shard bound. But if they want to make character equipment shardbound, they need to make everything shard bound.

    Two wrongs don't make a right
  • RockStaRRockStaR Posts: 168
    RockStaR said:
    If everything becomes shard bound, then UO loses another source of revenue in transfer tokens. It doesn't make sense for many reasons.
    @ Maximus_Neximus exactly. Nothing should be shard bound. But if they want to make character equipment shardbound, they need to make everything shard bound.

    Two wrongs don't make a right
    @Maximus_Neximus I'd prefer for them to actually hold an official poll/vote. Seems more people are wanting the em events to be shard bound and that the treasures should not be. But this is a forum and not everyone is on this forum. @Kyronix let's get an official vote from the player base
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Agree with RockStaR about the farming. As long as the game has two classes of players: one that can travel from shard to shard and one that that cannot, most players that can travel will not sell items on the shard on which they were earned; they will sell them were they can get the most for them.  Players from low population shards that can travel to other shards can go to the shard that has what they want for sale and buy it. This discriminates against the players who cannot travel to other shards. Invasion event was a good example of this.  Very few triple damage invasion slayer books showed up for sale on my shard during the event or after.  Agree that an exception should be made for personal equipment a player intends to use.
  • Arnold7 said:
    Agree with RockStaR about the farming. As long as the game has two classes of players: one that can travel from shard to shard and one that that cannot, most players that can travel will not sell items on the shard on which they were earned; they will sell them were they can get the most for them.  Players from low population shards that can travel to other shards can go to the shard that has what they want for sale and buy it. This discriminates against the players who cannot travel to other shards. Invasion event was a good example of this.  Very few triple damage invasion slayer books showed up for sale on my shard during the event or after.  Agree that an exception should be made for personal equipment a player intends to use.
    My home shard is a smaller shard. When my guild farms stuff we do it because we need it, not to sell it. Just because things aren't being put up for sale doesn't mean they aren't staying on the home shard. Some of us just have no desire to run vendors.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    I can see it now, everything becomes shard bound and not only will EA/UO lose out on Xfer Tokens but you will piss off every Vet that has 14 year plus accounts and all the rares collectors.  I for one will be very upset because 2 of my 3 accounts have almost full sets of shard shields each and my 3rd account just turned 14 years so how do you plan to compensate me and everybody else for all those high end vet rewards that you just made useless or better yet how many people will just close accounts because of it.
  • RockStaRRockStaR Posts: 168
    Bilbo said:
    I can see it now, everything becomes shard bound and not only will EA/UO lose out on Xfer Tokens but you will piss off every Vet that has 14 year plus accounts and all the rares collectors.  I for one will be very upset because 2 of my 3 accounts have almost full sets of shard shields each and my 3rd account just turned 14 years so how do you plan to compensate me and everybody else for all those high end vet rewards that you just made useless or better yet how many people will just close accounts because of it.
    @Bilbo seems like more people are voting that they shard bounded the wrong items.  
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited January 2021
    The EM events are full because many players play for those events. They want a chance to get the drop.  If they make the drops shard bound, there will be many closed accounts.

    EM events is a play style like IDOCs or crafting.

    Nothing should be shard bound.  Especially when they are making a new server that will take players from all shards.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Bilbo said:
    I can see it now, everything becomes shard bound and not only will EA/UO lose out on Xfer Tokens but you will piss off every Vet that has 14 year plus accounts and all the rares collectors.  I for one will be very upset because 2 of my 3 accounts have almost full sets of shard shields each and my 3rd account just turned 14 years so how do you plan to compensate me and everybody else for all those high end vet rewards that you just made useless or better yet how many people will just close accounts because of it.
     Totally agree.

  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Pawain said:
    The EM events are full because many players play for those events. They want a chance to get the drop.  If they make the drops shard bound, there will be many closed accounts.

    EM events is a play style like IDOCs or crafting.

    Nothing should be shard bound.  Especially when they are making a new server that will take players from all shards.

    So true!

  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited January 2021
    RockStaR said:
    Bilbo said:
    I can see it now, everything becomes shard bound and not only will EA/UO lose out on Xfer Tokens but you will piss off every Vet that has 14 year plus accounts and all the rares collectors.  I for one will be very upset because 2 of my 3 accounts have almost full sets of shard shields each and my 3rd account just turned 14 years so how do you plan to compensate me and everybody else for all those high end vet rewards that you just made useless or better yet how many people will just close accounts because of it.
    @ Bilbo seems like more people are voting that they shard bounded the wrong items.  

    Shard Bounding the EM drops means loosing 1/3 of subscriptions, it is as simple al that.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited January 2021

    I request that the team review the question about shard-bound items seriously. This is before discussing any nice new artifacts, rewards, etc. As explained, I would not be here or playing UO since 2015 if not for cross shard trading. Thanks to you or your predecessors, they have the foresight to implement this long time ago. Or else, I know from the friends I met over the last 5 years - many would not have stayed on if everything had been shard bound!

    I have voted as follows, however, based on assumptions as explained further below.

    EM Event Drops
    I feel that specific rewards that are created for that event on that Specific Shard, e.g. Atlantic Christmas 2020. These are shard specific items, and just like "National Treasures", they "should" stay on that shard (or in real life, a country).

    Having said this, I will not argue with anyone that disagree with my vote. I am actually on the fence but if you ask me to choose, I think EM event (decors) can be shard bound.

    Even if these decorative items are shard bound, we can still migrate shard - it does not destroy our character template or affect its effectiveness.

    They are Trophies which are meant to show off like real life items, when we move shard we don't need them to be able to function at our new shard.

    Treasures Event Rewards
    Functional items or wearable artifacts including spell books, weapons, armors, jewels, talisman, they will become part of our character template. If affects our stats, resist, chances, etc. Once we include a shard-bound item on our template, the character becomes stucked on the shard.

    Yes, we can always buy another one from the next shard. BUT we already CANNOT even find full spell books or repair deeds on some shard. But you are expecting us to find someone selling a "Shard Bound" Artifact in years to come?

    I normally do not wish to write super long articles like Popps. But this issue is really critical for me and almost EVERYONE I know in other shards does cross shard trading to get equipped (forget Atlantic). We are not in to make money or earn obscene amount of gold, just for saving time and equipping. This issue is above everything else because it affects our Character Template, a core aspect of a game. This issue deserves a serious review. 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited January 2021
    I am very happy that majority of the players share the same sentiment as me, at least at this time of the voting.

    I will be against anyone who write to "Yes" Shard Bound Treasures, and I won't read what your counter argument is. We can agree to disagree - to cut this thread short.

    Because I would not be here if my gear comprises shard bound items 5 years ago. I will win this argument by solid fact that many of us played because such items had not been shard bound.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited January 2021

    I voted No No. Don't shard bound anything.

    I don't see the problem in promoting trade, and allowing collectors to collect.

    I don't see the problem in high activity levels at events, in fact I see that as a positive. A lot of this is about players getting protective, and just wanting to up their own chances of gaining, by taking out other players who they feel should not be there.

    I do see a problem with new/returning players on smaller shards not being able to get historic items they would like to get, or the prices going even further out of reach.

    I do see a problem with pvpers transferring shards to take part in pvp events, and half their finely tuned suit not coming with them, then it costing plats on the new shard to rebuild it, it will completely put players off transferring for pvp events.

    I often do events, just to sell to collectors, so I can buy more practical gear for my crafter, pvmers or pvpers. It's a good way to make gold for me.

    It's just a win win.

    On our shard, tons of players come from Atlantic for events, I'm sure there are some multboxers etc, but say there are 20 EM drops per event, my guild can often get say 7 of them, because we hit the event with say 30 players ourselves. A couple of items we keep, 1 often goes to our own rares collector for his museum - this keeps the history, and many get sold, which helps us gear characters to play the other game content we enjoy. We don't buy gold, so this helps us.

    Goods flow all over to many shards, and that is ok, players can play where they want, and obtain items, and take them where they want, that is fine.

    I'm not one of these players who is sentimental about deco, or where it ends up.

    We consistently go to Atlantic, and just buy everything we need, and bring it back to Europa, and that is fine.

  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited January 2021
    Cookie said:

    I'm not one of these players who is sentimental about deco, or where it ends up.


    I'm VERY "sentimental about deco", but still don't see the reason to SB anything.

    Museum for Rares are being created somwhere in any case.

    The only thing I would like to see are Shard EM museums with all that Shard Drops (and books with their history), as there exist already on Europa or ATL.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited January 2021
     Ivenor said:
    I'm VERY "sentimental about deco", but still don't see the reason to SB anything.


    Yeah I respect that.

    Just because I have no artistic or sentimental bone in my body, doesn't mean I don't appreciate it when I see others doing it.


  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited January 2021
    Cookie said:
     Ivenor said:
    I'm VERY "sentimental about deco", but still don't see the reason to SB anything.


    Yeah I respect that.

    Just because I have no artistic or sentimental bone in my body, doesn't mean I don't appreciate it when I see others doing it.


    You are very kind, My Lord... :D ;)
This discussion has been closed.