Please activate the deceit event on...
I have been having a blast doing the deceit event in fell on atl. Is there any reason why all of the other shards are being left out? I understand Atl is the most populated, but several other shards are getting really crammed with people on the tram side. Since the items are shard bound, everyone and their uncle are swarming tram deceit. Please consider allowing the other servers to participate in new fel based content as well.
Thank you.
Thank you.

Why fit in when you were born to stand out? -Dr. Seuss
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Your sacrifice is duly noted.
Cheers MissE
Atlantic has it already and we want it too.
thanks for Support.
Less active shards have a fair amount of pvpers and pvmers too. I am not sure why people have the assumption that atl is the only shard that pvps, and everywhere else is just farmer central. That is very inaccurate. If you allow players on one shard to participate in fel based shard content, complete with (shard bound) rewards, all shards should have the option to participate. It's honestly only fair.
The trammel side dungeons are not even close to capacity anywhere but atlantic you just want to farm with no competition hopefully the devs realize this and dont cave to greedy players like giggles
Just a reminder that the items are Shard BOUND (Thanks to the Developers !! Will never be able to thank them enough for this !!).
So, even if you are right in what you are saying, farming Felucca spawns in lowly populated Shards will only yield them tons of Shard BOUND items which will only help getting those items more available and usefull on those Shards which, to my opinion, is a good thing.
So, I am not sure why, even if there might be people scripting and farming these items on the Felucca spawns on Low Population Shards, you would see this as bad.
Sure, scripting is bad and should never be done but, being Shard Bound, at most what might happen is that those items will be more available on those Low Population Shards.
Hence, players there, WILL find them and get them and use them.
Is this that bad ?
I am now convinced that there is code in UO which puts Tamers at a HANDICAP as in regards to their chance at drops as compared to melee Fighters which it should not be.
Maybe it is some old string of code so hidden in the total mess of code which not even the Developers might know about its existance but the evidence gathered by many players over these Years through gameplay does show that, Tamers not only have it harder at drops as compared to melee fighters, but they have it WAY harder....
And this, at least to my opinion, should not be.
It would be nice if @Kyronix and @Bleak could get to the root of this, find whatever lines of evil code is hurting Tamers in their chances at drops versus melee Fighters, and correct this gross inequality.
That is at least how I see it.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
This made me laugh
The activity in deceit has already gone down substantially since release and will further decrease over the next couple weeks.
Have you gone to other dungeons? The one on LS has 4 live mobs on a floor. We need to split them up. And our fel players would love to take down these bots that are in your fantasy world.