IDOC's been heavily scripted again @Kyronix @Mesanna

IDOC's been heavily scripted again  @Kyronix   @Mesanna .
Well, We all appreciate that you tried really hard to fix and make fair to everyone to enjoy Idoc's. but again been abused by so many, specially by the famous idocperson, aka daredevil that is selling  ingame and privately scripts to auto punch barrels. This is why everyone that do Idocs now, can see a pile of people standing at the 3rd barrel at the west side. seems like that is the breaking point for the script and than you sell see lots and lots of people auto punching barrels, all automated, it is really sad, that again Idocs are getting ruined again by this Idocguy. All honestly @Mesanna , just cancel Idocs for good and make the plot going into a raffle system.  We all enjoyed doing Idocs in the past, We know you tried to fix, but people like him is ruining the game and specially that He is ingame trying to sell the scripts to others, seems like He really doesn't care about.


  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • SoldahouseSoldahouse Posts: 129
    Everyone hits the 3rd barrel on west side so it opens fast. If players are hitting other barrels most tell them to come hit the 3rd barrel. I also think most of us hit it before it turns brown to gain in skills and stats. IDOCs are get now, its so much fun to see what you get in your pack. Everyone has a chance at server rares, em items, high end weapons, scrolls and so much more. 
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412

    easy one to fix bot only one random barrel go brown around the plot

    you want more easy way to fix many Scripting ej acounts do like ghost came...dont allow any ej account in fel 

  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    Hell, dont allow EJ out of New Haven. Either you like the game or not. Subscribe and see the other 99.99% of the world. They get the idea of things training up while in New Haven. I never did understand why they allowed EJ to have so much freedom. Pretty much free mule accts.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    jelinidas said:
    Hell, dont allow EJ out of New Haven. Either you like the game or not. Subscribe and see the other 99.99% of the world. They get the idea of things training up while in New Haven. I never did understand why they allowed EJ to have so much freedom. Pretty much free mule accts.
    Hell, dont allow EJ out of New Haven.
    I am sorry, but the ship to be able to do such a thing sailed away the very moment that Endless Journey characters were implemented....

    Why ?

    Because a whole lot of new or returning players who started EJ accounts DID pay on those EJ accounts for High Seas and Time of Legends upgrades and, the 2 combined, is quite significant money....

    Not to mention, that a lot of EJ characters' players may have also further spent money on Soulstones (real money, mind you...) from the UOStore to further enhance and play their EJ account...

    If EJ character were to now be restricted to New Haven, AT THE VERY LEAST all of these EJ accounts' players who spent REAL money on UOStore Soulstones and High Seas and Time of Legends upgrades should be refunded all of that real money....

    It is not possible, to my viewing, to have a player spend real money on their expectation to play a given character to some extend and THEN, after they have spent their real money, change, and quite drastically, the extent to which that character can be played which would basically render useless the money spent on the High Seas and Time of Legends as well as Soulstones bought on the UOStore....

    I am sorry, but it looks to me that is too late now for such a drastic and extremely limiting restriction on Endless Journey characters' gameplay....

  • psychopsycho Posts: 370
    edited August 2020

    Not to ruin the EJ rant party, but.......
    EJ cant do the idocs, they are paid accounts, people are paying for those.

    Fortis said:

    easy one to fix bot only one random barrel go brown around the plot

    lol, this one would actually be funny, I support this
    In felucca however it wont work, with the pvp at idocs having one tile choke point would make it too easy for a group to control an idoc. But then again I consider the whole problem as a trammel ruleset problem, as in fel they would just be killed.    

    The most important is for the devs to take action on those multibot/scripts. Logging, who hit barrel, who get loot, crossed with what account the chars are. If the same guy own all account/chars that hit one idoc = take action.  Yes might be some manual work, but its not that many around. Funny enough most of these are the same ones that has been doing it for past decade with the previous system, barely touched.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,865
    edited August 2020

    To take all the points raised so far, and my view on them;

    1. Yes, this is solely a Trammel problem, like so much else where you give free rewards for almost no effort, it just promotes greed, and this behaviour. Do this in Felucca, and those characters will be 1 shot killed. The system is working perfectly in Felucca as it should... (apart from 1 instance I did a bug report on - don't know if that has been fixed).

    2. EJ accounts cannot take part in IDOCS as mentioned, so this is a moot point, our EJ account guy, usually just defends the outside of the IDOC for the rest of us, he is there for the PvP.

    3. If the idea of having 1 random barrel for access solves the alleged scripting - which  I am not aware of yet anyway, go for it, this solution is OK. Re Psycho's point about having only 1 guild controlling IDOCS in this scenario as there is only 1 entry point, my response is a. this is how it should be if a guild has organised itself that well, and b. we are that guild, and trust me, when you are up against an army of IDOC blues, you cannot stop them no matter what, they are like rats. I've been there, I was swamped. But it was fun, in the end the IDOCERS won, but you got the feeling they at least had to earn it. And the big guilds cannot be everywhere, all of the time, in the end, so many will go under the radar, like champion spawns.

    4. I don't like the idea of the raffle. I would rather IDOCS were deleted as a concept, the raffle idea just takes the idea of giving away free stuff to an absolutely farcical extreme.

    5. I do accept the Devs have given it a good effort, and I would still run with it at this point. There is a lot of good stuff in this system - The Trade Minister announcing it, the Felucca arena style PvP and the ability to actually fight over the loot, not make it just a pick up free stuff off the ground. It adds far more excitement to it, and risk. Even in Trammel - the atmosphere was nicer, as everyone got a random go at it, and were not all losing to scripters. Sometimes, a lot of the people finding flaws, are the people who were exploiting the old system, and who just want to have that ability back.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,628
    edited August 2020
    Do ppl really think someone is afk at these IDOCs? The barrels dont exist until the house falls.  And as said, every shard probably uses the same barrels by now.  And yes, some do not understand the barrels have to change colors before they take damage.  They should not have put the sawdust graphic on them until they can be damaged.

    If someone wants to control 10 paid accounts and play UO, that is their decision. If I wanted to have multiple accounts and play them all at once I would set up a bank of monitors and see every account. Do you also count how many ppl and cars your neighbors have? The get jealous because they have 3 more cars than ppl living there.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • VladimirVladimir Posts: 41
    @Pawain ; they released the automated script to the public, it is posted on so many discord channels and icq group, I guess Idocguy was trying to sell the so called script to people and the person that made, got mad and released to public, it is crazy, does everything automated, punch the barrels on the west side, than go to next and next and next barrel and than hiding., so yes, They are abusing again and they don't even need to be there, and to answer your question, some of those scripts only get activated when the sign poof.
  • SoldahouseSoldahouse Posts: 129
    if their cheat is for the 3rd barrel maybe when can all start hitting the 5th barrel? Just please dont think that everyone that hits the 3rd barrel are cheaters. we all hit the same barrel to get inside faster. I hope they can fix this. 
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Maybe send the script to the devs if you have it. 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,942
    edited August 2020
    Whatever, why not turn off idoc so as to buy some time to investigate without getting complaints everyday and for each IDOC. We get it, everyone is angry. One IDOC one angry post. Just turn it off if need time to deal and peace on earth at least for a while.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • RhombusRhombus Posts: 22
    Pawain said:
    Do ppl really think someone is afk at these IDOCs? The barrels dont exist until the house falls.  And as said, every shard probably uses the same barrels by now.  And yes, some do not understand the barrels have to change colors before they take damage.  They should not have put the sawdust graphic on them until they can be damaged.

    If someone wants to control 10 paid accounts and play UO, that is their decision. If I wanted to have multiple accounts and play them all at once I would set up a bank of monitors and see every account. Do you also count how many ppl and cars your neighbors have? The get jealous because they have 3 more cars than ppl living there.

    This, there is no issue, I have been doing them daily and I see the newby chars punching barrels but if they are paid accounts, so what. IDOC'c are 100% better today and to complain would only lead to their deletion and the loss of everything.
    Thanks @Kyronix   @Mesanna  for the changes they are awesome.

  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Rhombus said:
    Pawain said:
    Do ppl really think someone is afk at these IDOCs? The barrels dont exist until the house falls.  And as said, every shard probably uses the same barrels by now.  And yes, some do not understand the barrels have to change colors before they take damage.  They should not have put the sawdust graphic on them until they can be damaged.

    If someone wants to control 10 paid accounts and play UO, that is their decision. If I wanted to have multiple accounts and play them all at once I would set up a bank of monitors and see every account. Do you also count how many ppl and cars your neighbors have? The get jealous because they have 3 more cars than ppl living there.

    This, there is no issue, I have been doing them daily and I see the newby chars punching barrels but if they are paid accounts, so what. IDOC'c are 100% better today and to complain would only lead to their deletion and the loss of everything.
    Thanks @ Kyronix   @ Mesanna  for the changes they are awesome.

    I agree Rhombus!

    I didn't do IDOCs before because I refused to stare at a wall for hours for scripters to get it all in under 10 seconds. I now have started doing them and am having fun meeting new people and visiting new shards. (Yes, I am one of those newbie characters.)

    Is it perfect? Is anything? But loads better than before. I actually get items now.
  • I said it during testing... "Just add monsters." That is the only thing the system is really lacking.
  • Lord_NabinLord_Nabin Posts: 203
    Lots of critters live in condemned buildings including bandits! It's not a bad idea. lol 
    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,942
    edited August 2020
    I said it during testing... "Just add monsters." That is the only thing the system is really lacking.
    The rumor is that Paroxysmus sent his Putrefier Paragon demon to guard the IDOC.

    Apply Fel rule 10 squares around the IDOC house.

    One per largest number of house size. , so 18x18 will have 18 Putrefiers. Will be fun in Fel, so login with PVP or PVM char for IDOC?  :D
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • stevensteven Posts: 124
    Idocguy don't play any more, this is all uoking,scribbles,atlantic realtor,sly and other people. hes gone and will not come back to stop saying it's idocguy went he sold his home months ago with ever thing in it.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,628
    steven said: hi
    Idocguy don't play any more, this is all uoking,scribbles,atlantic realtor,sly and other people. hes gone and will not come back to stop saying it's idocguy went he sold his home months ago with ever thing in it.
    Was that before or after he was banned for making threats at the 20 th anniversary event?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    steven said:
    Idocguy don't play any more, this is all uoking,scribbles,atlantic realtor,sly and other people. hes gone and will not come back to stop saying it's idocguy went he sold his home months ago with ever thing in it.

    Lol, the "toon idocguy" is gone, but his other toon rose , daredevil and all his bots , logs everyday.   Hahah
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    @steven how much did "he" spend on name change tokens???? 
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • Lord_NabinLord_Nabin Posts: 203
    @KHAN I could say the same for you Keith of Sonoma

    @steven He is still around, active, and the usual drama lama 
    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    @ KHAN I could say the same for you Keith of Sonoma

    @ steven He is still around, active, and the usual drama lama 
    Huh? Are you just trying to troll me? I'm not sure what the point of your comment is.
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 546Moderator
    Stay on topic please. There seems to be a lot of differing views here to discuss with out taking it to a personal level.
  • stevensteven Posts: 124
    idocguy don't play any more lol. trolls. vlad here is just mad he cant win at homes all the time.then did a patch up date and he cant used his script to win any more, so he crys. how's this remove all idocs. make homes a stone to win. and end scripting. easy as that. u see a lot of trolls/people who live off the game go bye bye.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 546Moderator
    This discussion is closed. Thank you.
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