Are new colored pets ever going to be added?

Has this been addressed ever?  Been mostly absent the last couple years, were any more added?

I was really hoping they would put the old hellhound hues back in, since it was the only tamable that used to have a bunch of different colors that were reduced down to just one.  


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,567
    There have been many new pets added.
    Look up pub 97. 
    Some old pets are worth a lot. Some of those color cats and hounds could possibly be worth a lot if they are lower slot than current spawning.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • UvthaUvtha Posts: 19
    edited November 2019
    No, I know.  I mean new since then.  I'm surprised they introduced the concept, made only like 5 animals have different colors, and years later no more have been added, when it's such a simple thing to add that people would like.   
    I have one of the neon red hellhounds on a server I no longer play, but it's stats are all bugged.  0 in all resists and 100% physical damage, and can't be trained.  
  • psychopsycho Posts: 367
    I think adding one pet, just one pet that is as rare as the blaze cu-sidhe, but yet included in the bonus spawn of the chromatic fortune totem, still at a rare level would make the sales take of.

    How about a golden Hiyu? Golden Windrunner?  Golden Eowmu?
    Or perhaps a void-version of one of those(?)

    All rideable, trainable, must be tradeable= would be a success for many years ahead.
    but one criteria, it must be rare. Just look at the cu-side, still a success even though it was introduced a decade ago and still obtainable.

    Alternatively, a non-ridable pet that is both rare and spawn as 1 follower,
    can be quite powerfull when it reaches 5follower, but yet not common as its rare spawnrate.

    Or how about a pet with an impossible combo of special moves and magic abilities.
    the posibilities are endless.
  • UvthaUvtha Posts: 19
    Id honestly just enjoy some even just uncommon variation, like different shades of bears or deer, but rare colors are always fun.  
    Such a simple addon seems like a missed opportunity .
  • BeccaBecca Posts: 16
    There are frost dragons that come in different colors and many drakes of different colors. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,567
    The Frost Dragons and Cold Drakes have 108 possible colors.

    Of the current pets at the time, only Nightmares got new colors.

    Would have been nice if a new pet spawned with Krampus this year.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308

    I think pet dyes would make more sense and make the store money. Maybe tokuno color versions in the store and cleanup versions as an extremely rare spawn.

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,785
    edited November 2019
    Pawain said:

    Would have been nice if a new pet spawned with Krampus this year.
    instead of red on the frost drake, I suggest 
    Hue 1916 (grand soulbinder color)
    would look awesome

    too late for this year, but one could always hope for next year
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,567
    That would be easy to add also.  I don't have any room for new pets tho.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Pawain said:
    I don't have any room for new pets tho.
    Added accounts and mythic token solve that problem.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,567
    Urge said:
    Pawain said:
    I don't have any room for new pets tho.
    Added accounts and mythic token solve that problem.
    I have 4 tamers with 40+ built pets each.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • UvthaUvtha Posts: 19
    Pawain said:

    Of the current pets at the time, only Nightmares got new colors.
    There were a few more actually.  Giant Toads, Frost Spiders, and Snow Leopards I know for sure, though I may be forgetting a few.  Though most randomly only the giant toads got notable colors like rare plant pink and aqua, and a metallic hue green/pink.   The others two just had their normal color as well as a frosty white, similar to WWs.
    Gotta imagine putting in a new hue would take less than a day's work since rehues and spawn rates are obviously pretty common.  
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,567
    Yes correct.  I only use pets that can go to 5 slots.  The rest are deco to me.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • I have some rabbits that are purple hued. I think it was for an event of some kind.
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