Put your houses on private or be banned.
From this months producer's notes:
We would also like to update everyone on a new policy as it relates to
how we handle ToS violations within a house. If players are caught in a
house violating the ToS, in any form, the account which owns the house
will also be actioned.
Untill we know exactly what this means for players, it would be prudent to put your houses on private. very obvious how this new policy could be abused. to many, getting a throwaway account banned would be worth getting a players main house / account banned.
This discussion has been closed.
Let people access vendors through the house sign.
Looks like I will be shutting down my vendors and free access to the repair station.
Treasure Hunters
If they meant anyone co0owned or friended, they should ahve said so. But communication has never been a real strong point, since Wilki left.
Treasure Hunters
Cheers MissE
I have to many vendors to just shut down and go private, best I can do is reset the security of main doors and clear the friends listing, still that leaves the steps outside that door they can stand on to do this unattending BS
Treasure Hunters
This is just insane! So now anyone can come into any public house and start yelling obscenities and vulgarities and have a house owner's account actioned? As written it's just that simple.
It may be time for me to come to the realization that I've spent way too much of my life and treasure inside an online fantasy world. My life, my wallet, my family and my health will all be the better for it.
Last break I stored as much as I could anticipating the obligatory eventual return. This time I'm gonna give some away and delete the rest.
This is a way to grief someone with a throwaway account by doing something in someones house and paging on themselves.
This is great cause for getting out the torches and pitchforks and head to the castle.
Hopefully they are not after skill training macros in public houses. One of my EJ accounts is in one of my houses using a totally EC macro that takes 5 hours to run to increase his spell weaving skill. I do keep an eye on the screen incase a GM shows up.
Anyone could make a new EJ account and start macroing in public Luna houses then report themselves from their main account.
Clearly they had the idea that they don't want people letting friends use their houses to break the ToS, but this VERY clearly was not thought through at all. As usual with this team... decent idea to start with... utter fail on execution.
In addition EJ accounts cannot mine anything but iron ore. Nobody is running an EJ account and resource gathering scripts. Iron and wood aren't worth enough.
@Mesanna I was about to open a casino/tavern/chicken fighting events on Atlantic shard
What do I do now? I am holding my breath and turning blue
I cant make my vendor houses private- Please clarify ASAP
Queen Arya
Toad Town
Atlantic shard
Communication...the skill that BS never implemented
Treasure Hunters
Treasure Hunters
Hello Everyone,
Keep in mind this is not a change to the TOS, this is a change as to how we will handle macroers from this point forward. In case you haven’t read the newsletter for the past few months the numbers being banned are rising and we feel are out of control. Scripting/macroing needs to stop and this is the step in doing that . So this is how it will be handled in the future by the GM’s. This is not to punish the innocent but to catch the cheaters.
Moving forward, we are going to start noting the accounts of house owners where we have verified illicit activities taking place. Specifically, if we come across a situation where a group of macroers are holed up in a house doing whatever it is they are doing (skill gains, crafting etc) or a recall group dropping off resources in chests at a specific house (or houses), We are going to confirm the house owner from the house sign and then note that house-owner account about what the GM observed in the product account notes section of that house-owner account.
This way if someone is gaining ‘hidden’ benefits from a bot network or at the very least providing a safe haven for scripters they will end up getting actioned as well.
Thank you,
Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong
It still seems fairly abuseable how they explained it, because frankly the house owner can't prove one way or another if they do or don't know the people macroing. It's the word of the house owner against the GMs as to whether or not it's some random person hanging out in their house without permission when they're not around.
Either I am prophetic or @Mesanna read my earlier comment because "Specifically, if we come across a situation where a group of macroers are holed up in a house doing whatever it is they are doing (skill gains, crafting etc) or a recall group dropping off resources in chests at a specific house (or houses), ". Both things I commented on.

I am going to chance it and go buy some mega millions lotto tickets.
Grief factor will be extreme.
I commented in General Chat last night about hating this...
And right away someone mentioned a former governor by name & said it was time to get rid of them.
but what I don't get is...
a group dropping off resources at one location.
The guild I am in, we occasionally go out and do resource gathering and bring everything back to one location.
And I go out and do pirates but bring them back to a house I am co-owned too.
in an hour last night, our guild did lot of pirates (I kinda lost track of how many we did, maybe 9 or 10) and every time I would recall back. so if someone thought that was suspicious, they could report me... and it would get noted on the home owners account... doesn't make sense.
First and foremost there needs to be something more than mere presence to connect the person violating the ToS and the house owner... something that shows a relation. Do they have access to containers? Are they friended to the house? Do they share the same master account? Do they share the same billing information? Without something to connect the two, the door is wide open for griefing.
However, I think the premise behind this is good. Finding the subscription accounts that are supporting the rampant abuse of the EJ or multiboxing accounts is a good thing... they are skill training and getting gear someplace. Finding the subscription accounts that are supporting the RMT business is a good thing... they are storing all of these good for sale somewhere. These would be a couple good applications of a policy that enables action against accounts who are linked to cheating even though that account might not be the exact account breaking the ToS.