It's time to talk about the G-word in UO.

SmootSmoot Posts: 416
edited August 2019 in General Discussions
So its 2019.  its not 1997 anymore.  in language, things change.  in the 1960s referring to groups of people by some terms was socially acceptable.  In the 1990s many words referring to groups of people, or sexual orientation were generally acceptable that just aren't 25 years later.

Using those same terms today might get you fired, socially shunned, or deemed a bigot.  Or at least a sigh and an awkward look on the persons face.

Many might not realize (especially because the playerbase tends to be an older crowd) but "the G-word" isnt really something that's acceptable now.  The Proper term is "Romani" (or Romany). I've played another mmo where this is what they call the migrant groups living in wagons or trailers with Eastern European accents.

We recently saw the despise boss named changed for this same reason, its time to make some other changes.

It doesn't take more than a google search to see why this change is something to think about, but heres a couple links.

First, definitions:

social implications:

Most recently the host of Big Brother was almost fired for using just a derivative of the word:

Now I'm not an overly politically correct person.  I'm not going to judge someone if they offend someone by accident.  we're all human and not perfect.  at the same time, as a game i dont think we should be promoting an outdated term that might really put off some people.  even if those players might be a minority.  theres just no reason.

Recently there was event on Great Lakes where this term was used.  I'm sure the EM had no idea, but someone new to the game, or younger, or a Romani themselves good chance they would be really put off by the display. 

I also think it would be prudent to allow GMs to do a name change free of charge if the player requests, or if they dont request but are paged on do a random name change (just like any other name that is deemed too offensive or racially charged)

In another game, modern Romani (accepted alternative spelling Romany) are shown living in small camps.  It wouldnt take much to change the names of our people living in camps and wagons to something more up to date with current social standards.

Id like to hear your thoughts, please keep things civil, and thanks for being open minded about the issue.

Are there any plans to address this issue?


  • DasilvaDasilva Posts: 98
    this is actually very stupid, enough with the politically correct crap, a gypsy is a way of life its a person its a lifestyle, its not a derogatory term, every country in the world calls a nomadic person from eastern Europe a gypsy, yes im aware that in today's world (The US) in particular its all the rage to break traditions and change society to his or her own choosing whenever they please, but honestly picking on a gypsy now and telling them they don't have the right to consider themselves gypsies anymore? enough
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915

    Devs need to create a new shard and name it safe-space.
    Are we seriously down to just hunting for something to be offended about?

    color me flabbergasted lol
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,787
    if you put this up for a vote, I highly doubt anybody would vote the way you are thinking.
    they have always been called gypsies and a gypsy is what they should be.
    changing their name to your suggestion, is singling out a specific ethnic group/country/region.

    If you do a search for gypsies, you also see they originated in Northern India. Does that mean we should call them Indians? no. They now live in South/Southwest Asia, Europe, & North America. Gypsies move around as needed for seasonal work... from what I read Romany was the language. Britains also thought they were from Egypt, so they started calling them Egipcyans which got shortened to Gipcyan. then eventually became Gypsy. 

    To me, that sounds more like a nickname, than an offensive name.
    If you bring Romany into the game, then you have to bring in the Italians, the Spanish, etc.
    That's just not Sosaria.


  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    edited August 2019

    by your logic, just about any racial slur could be deemed a "nickname"
  • Ain't nobody got time for this.
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    edited August 2019
    im also not by any means concerned with majority approval.  the majority of players of UO are old.  im 37 myself, which is relatively old by video game standards.
    thats not who we're here to please.  my grandfather used words which i would never use today.

    times change.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    OP living in his/her PC world should look up his/her name before making any judgement on what people should/should not be called.
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    edited August 2019
    please bilbo, urban dictionary?   your own name would get you a ban if you posted the definition.

  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    I think most Americans should be offended by the name hiryu...
    Since that is the name of a Japanese Carrier who helped attack Pearl Harbor, Midway, Wake island, etc etc.

    No telling how many freedom fighters, and innocents, Hiryu's aircraft and guns slaughtered.

    But no one wants to talk about that-afraid it might offend Japan or something...
  • For the record i'm not racist or sexist I hate everybody equally,
    but if you change the word you change the understood meaning

    A guy is driving along when he spots a gyp eerr sorry "Romani" caravan on the side of the road with a sign saying, "readings $10 per person".
    He pulls over thinking this could be a laugh, and enters the caravan.
    The gyp err Romani  immediately grabs his hands, looks at them for a couple of seconds and looks up into the guys eyes.
    She says, "Thriller, pretty woman, when doves cry ,stairway to heaven."
    "wow", said the guy, "those are my favorite songs!"
    "impressive", he continues, "please, tell me my future"
    "can not" exclaims the gyp err Romani, "I am just a four tune teller"

    9 out of 10 times if I told a joke like that I'd  be asked wtf a Romani is 
    There is only one type of human and we are called the Human Race, all this divide and categorize crap has gotten out of control. As humans we cant help but categorize people and group them by a type or subtype but in doing so we assume grouping = they are all equal within said group but the groups are all unequal however there is really only two types of people those who are alive and those who are not and the ones who are not sure don't give a f if they were called white black mr miss gypsy or a Plumbus.
  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    Smoot said:
    So its 2019.  its not 1997 anymore.  in language, things change. 
    Largely for the worse. First Barracoon, now Gypsies. How people stop looking for things to be offended about? I think that would be a welcome change.
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    For the record i'm not racist or sexist I hate everybody equally,
    but if you change the word you change the understood meaning

    A guy is driving along when he spots a gyp eerr sorry "Romani" caravan on the side of the road with a sign saying, "readings $10 per person".
    He pulls over thinking this could be a laugh, and enters the caravan.
    The gyp err Romani  immediately grabs his hands, looks at them for a couple of seconds and looks up into the guys eyes.
    She says, "Thriller, pretty woman, when doves cry ,stairway to heaven."
    "wow", said the guy, "those are my favorite songs!"
    "impressive", he continues, "please, tell me my future"
    "can not" exclaims the gyp err Romani, "I am just a four tune teller"

    9 out of 10 times if I told a joke like that I'd  be asked wtf a Romani is 
    There is only one type of human and we are called the Human Race, all this divide and categorize crap has gotten out of control. As humans we cant help but categorize people and group them by a type or subtype but in doing so we assume grouping = they are all equal within said group but the groups are all unequal however there is really only two types of people those who are alive and those who are not and the ones who are not sure don't give a f if they were called white black mr miss gypsy or a Plumbus.
    i agree, but in the 1800s if you said "african american" people probably wouldnt know who you meant either. 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,388Moderator
    This is a topic that is showing signs of rapidly get out of hand, for that reason I am going to lock it.
    That won't stop anyone, including the Broadsword team, from reading it.
This discussion has been closed.