the troll win uo

ezikelezikel Posts: 90
please do something about shatter pot .no one use it for pvp , its only for troll.just go yew gate on atl for fun .you'll be shatter by the same troll again and again .there is no question of for or against potions.with character building now, no potion in open field your dead.but now with the losers doing this all daylong.the only thing to do is to remove it from the game or put a solid nerf because in the current state it's just stupid  @Kyronix @Mesanna @Bleak


  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
  • CorpseCorpse Posts: 10
    put a limit on shatter pots that one account can throw per day or a longer wait time to throw them.  
  • DarkoDarko Posts: 1
    Shatter pot is useless in game , when everyone is ready for a fight or war , some player just throwing that shatter potion and ruin a duel or field fight . please remove it .
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    So kill the player throwing the pots, problem solved.  We are talking Fel with all those bad-ass PvPers aren't we.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    Bilbo said:
    So kill the player throwing the pots, problem solved.  We are talking Fel with all those bad-ass PvPers aren't we.
    i think it is trolls standing in guard zone throwing at reds ....
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    McDougle said:
    Bilbo said:
    So kill the player throwing the pots, problem solved.  We are talking Fel with all those bad-ass PvPers aren't we.
    i think it is trolls standing in guard zone throwing at reds ....
    nah, shatter potions flag you, so guard zone wouldn't do anything.  besides, people don't play reds much at all anymore cause the town buff isn't available to them. it's just easy to build an amazing suit (you get more freedom to use -1 fc weapons or other, pieces) with +1 FC than it is to play without it.  -some of the other town bonuses may be useful too, but not even close to +1 FC.

    I'd like to see a global cooldown applied to all potions.  where the potions would be divided into groups (Offense, Defense & Utility)  Then there would be no reason for shatter potions to exist in the first place.  

    Other then that, a shatter potion immunity would be fair, 15-30s immunity (25-50% of the shatter potion's cooldown) which is applied to a target that has been recently hit by a shatter potion.. immunity timer should only trigger if potions are destroyed.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    The Title to this thread is an unfortunate choice, in my opinion, be that as it may...  I would like to see this discussed in a civil manner. This issue has come up before. More description and detail would help. 


  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Simple solutions
    This is FEL and you are here asking the DEVs to take care of your business, priceless.
  • CazadorCazador Posts: 83
    I know this is an unpleasant position on these items. I think they do have a place in the game for strategic aspects. Don’t eliminate them but I think a heavy timer on the could be beneficial. Now I don’t think the thrower should have a 10 minutes timer persay. More like I think the shattered should gain a 5-7-9-10 minute immunity. Whatever fits. But being shattered by 6-7 people in one shot. Ouch lol. But then again I “personally” think potions are being used a crutch and are abused as it is. The raised the potion weight count awhile back which helped imo of people carrying 50 of each type scenario, but shatters are ridiculous in its current state. However I also think most potion timers should be looked at. The item use delay on cures for example, but that’s a different topic all together. I think the biggest issue with shatters are the troll factor. You can just shatter smoke bomb rinse repeat. They are being used just for trolling, which is why the title is what it is @Rorschach

    so in in a nutshell the above rambling comes down to.
    Leave shatter pots at the current timer they are on, add an immunity from being shattered again to x amount of minutes. The trolling will still
    exist in some fashion, but it would be less entertaining for them.
  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    Does throwing a shatter pot flag you? I don't remember
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    Yes it does.

    There are players who's entire gameplay is to stealth around, throw a shatter pot, trigger their shadow mastery and smokebomb away.  You get them sometimes, few and far between because staying alive strictly is easy, if ur not trying to do anything besides stay alive.

    Then once cool down is over, a new one comes at you.  It's constant, it's a detriment to players being in places to easily find other players and PvP.  It's a detriment to the continuation of fights, it's just overall bad.  

    The ops original point of pots being a heavy need/norm is true, I agree I wish it were not the crutch that it is, but it is for many reasons.  Wouldn't mind the overall system taken a look at truely, but in the mean time, a heavy hit to shatters would solve the immediate problem, and the long term could be reviewed more thoroughly.  
  • Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 282
    Shatters bother folks at Yew gate, BIG surprise. If u weren’t trying to snipe gate huggers 24/7 there would be no prob. I know this is a 20 yr old tactic/playstyle but seriously... get over it or move locations. 

    Nerfing shatters isn’t a solution. Maybe build a template that isn’t entirely  dependent on pot buffs? With most PvPers auto chugging (if/then scripts) the shatters are key to leveling the field. In large fights (not in Yew) shatters turn the tide against stat whore templates that rely on pot buffs to keep parry chance, hit points & swing speed in their comfort zone. Try building a char that can effectively function w/o total pot dependency.

    It’s tons easier to hop on a forum and cry when thing ain’t goin ur way tho. Cry me a river lol. <3
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    This again,  Shatters is the only check in this game against massive consumables.  If shatters go, then remove all potions.  Maybe if people left yew gate once in their daily grind they find pvp without people who shatter nonstop.  But then again that's where the pvper's then cry about para fields.  This game just needs better pvpers, simple as that.
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    edited June 2019
    Acid_Rain said:
    Shatters bother folks at Yew gate, BIG surprise. If u weren’t trying to snipe gate huggers 24/7 there would be no prob. I know this is a 20 yr old tactic/playstyle but seriously... get over it or move locations. 

    Nerfing shatters isn’t a solution. Maybe build a template that isn’t entirely  dependent on pot buffs? With most PvPers auto chugging (if/then scripts) the shatters are key to leveling the field. In large fights (not in Yew) shatters turn the tide against stat whore templates that rely on pot buffs to keep parry chance, hit points & swing speed in their comfort zone. Try building a char that can effectively function w/o total pot dependency.

    It’s tons easier to hop on a forum and cry when thing ain’t goin ur way tho. Cry me a river lol. <3
    You can really see the seperation between the pvpers and the trolls in this thread lol..

    But let me ask you this, what is a template that isn't in some way reliant on consumables?  About the only solid answer I can think of is a 4/6 chiv char.  it can quickly cure, it can remove its own curses, and it can divine fury through stamina loss.  Not a single other template is capable of doing those things.  A mage can Cure quickly minus consumables, but it causes a stoppage.  A mystic has a heal stone and cleansing winds, a long cast (see stand still), but absolutely nothing else gets around the need for stamina potions for maintaining your swing speed and getting through stamina blocks.  If potions weren't in heavy usage, you would see a heavy dose of lethal poison, and no one would touch a dexer without chivalry.  Heal potions are key as well to quickly heal 30hp to avoid bursted damage.  These things are key components of damage/defense disparity and have been since early uo.  So you want to push it skill driven, to force most to have chivalry for divine fury, mystic if they desire instant heal options (heal stone), chiv again for its curing and remove curse speed/ability as compared to that of mystic/magery, which are much slower.  Seems most are ignorant on their overall usage and game mechanics.
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    edited June 2019
    This again,  Shatters is the only check in this game against massive consumables.  If shatters go, then remove all potions.  Maybe if people left yew gate once in their daily grind they find pvp without people who shatter nonstop.  But then again that's where the pvper's then cry about para fields.  This game just needs better pvpers, simple as that.
    Everyone "prefers" pvp away from yew gate, guard zones, etc.  Its just a quick easy meeting ground to find pvp without heavy scouting, and is also much more open field than seas of para fields to hide in.  Grinders are a form of pvp, but for most, definitely not the desirable form (see definition of boring).  VvV towns share that as well, though not fully adopted in any capacity.  and even worse, outside of age old champ spawns, what reaosn is there for people to be out and about in the fel world that kicks off pvp?  none.  champ spawns, vvv towns, yew gate.  Thats it.

    The worst part of shatters is there is truly no counter.  You could be an alchemist who is for obvious reasons heavily reliant on potions, is utilizing "skill" and still get all your pots smashed in minutes.  But as stated previously, the game is heavily balanced around the usage of potions, where that is right or wrong is up for a lot of debate, but shatter pots aren't exactly debatable.  You could go way back and start stating that "lrc is a crutch, people should have to use regs" and make many of the same arguments when trolly thieves walked around taking stacks of regs.  Was it tactful?  yea obviously, take all that guys black pearls and he's limited just as smashing someones cheals/cures down to near nothing limits them.  But in reality, as shatters do today, all it did was prolong, people didn't try to fight through their lack of black pearl, they just left to get some and came back.  Same thing people do with shatters today.

    Hell, lessen the effects of shatters, give an immunity to the shattered guy, etc etc, but add another one - alchemical skill lessens their effectiveness as well, up to no effect against a gm alchemist.  Now you have a skillful counter effect to a anyone can use consumable.
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    Eh, Splinter gets ya killed sure, but there's not really anything trolly about it.  Like if a guy just pops out and splinters you and hides... ok.... really he hurt himself more than you lol.  You stock up and go to fight, get shattered 3 times before ever really being engaged in a fight yet... yea, that's fun right?  Imagine everytime you logged on I could throw an acid pot at you that set all your armor's durability to 1/255.  you go to fight and all your gear needs repair, go repair, get hit with another pot.  What are you gunna say to it?  "Stop crutching gear, buy a  crafted leather suit off a vendor instead" lmao. 
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    How bout this, we make all potions weigh 10 stones each, then we can get rid of shatters.  It all comes down to learning how to play the game in pvp. I can play a mage all day everyday with zero potions and basically never die.  People have forgotten how to use their skills over time due to mass consumption of freebies.
  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    I don't think it's too much to ask for a timer between being able to throw shatter potions. Still can serve their purpose in group fights if everyone synchs a target. 

  • Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 282
    Cetric said:
    Acid_Rain said:
    Shatters bother folks at Yew gate, BIG surprise. If u weren’t trying to snipe gate huggers 24/7 there would be no prob. I know this is a 20 yr old tactic/playstyle but seriously... get over it or move locations. 

    Nerfing shatters isn’t a solution. Maybe build a template that isn’t entirely  dependent on pot buffs? With most PvPers auto chugging (if/then scripts) the shatters are key to leveling the field. In large fights (not in Yew) shatters turn the tide against stat whore templates that rely on pot buffs to keep parry chance, hit points & swing speed in their comfort zone. Try building a char that can effectively function w/o total pot dependency.

    It’s tons easier to hop on a forum and cry when thing ain’t goin ur way tho. Cry me a river lol. <3
    You can really see the seperation between the pvpers and the trolls in this thread lol..
    LOL :D  I appreciate criticism & different view points in any debate but name calling just detracts from the topic & shows ignorance. 

    I’ve been pissing on corpses since sophomore yr at UGA in 1997 on the same account son.

    Higgs nailed it.
     The_Higgs_1 said:
    This game just needs better pvpers, simple as that.
    How bout this, we make all potions weigh 10 stones each, then we can get rid of shatters.  It all comes down to learning how to play the game in pvp. I can play a mage all day everyday with zero potions and basically never die.  People have forgotten how to use their skills over time due to mass consumption of freebies.
    I would never say I “basically never die” in PvP but couldn’t agree more w/ the rest. 
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    There is a two minute timer between shatters already.
  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    There is a two minute timer between shatters already.
    Oh yeah!? Shows how much I use them. Then they are fine. Carry on. 
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    I have removed many posts that were disrespectful, not helpful or redundant. 
  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    Cetric said:
    This again,  Shatters is the only check in this game against massive consumables.  If shatters go, then remove all potions.  Maybe if people left yew gate once in their daily grind they find pvp without people who shatter nonstop.  But then again that's where the pvper's then cry about para fields.  This game just needs better pvpers, simple as that.
    Everyone "prefers" pvp away from yew gate, guard zones, etc.  Its just a quick easy meeting ground to find pvp without heavy scouting, and is also much more open field than seas of para fields to hide in.  Grinders are a form of pvp, but for most, definitely not the desirable form (see definition of boring).  VvV towns share that as well, though not fully adopted in any capacity.  and even worse, outside of age old champ spawns, what reaosn is there for people to be out and about in the fel world that kicks off pvp?  none.  champ spawns, vvv towns, yew gate.  Thats it.

    The worst part of shatters is there is truly no counter.  You could be an alchemist who is for obvious reasons heavily reliant on potions, is utilizing "skill" and still get all your pots smashed in minutes.  But as stated previously, the game is heavily balanced around the usage of potions, where that is right or wrong is up for a lot of debate, but shatter pots aren't exactly debatable.  You could go way back and start stating that "lrc is a crutch, people should have to use regs" and make many of the same arguments when trolly thieves walked around taking stacks of regs.  Was it tactful?  yea obviously, take all that guys black pearls and he's limited just as smashing someones cheals/cures down to near nothing limits them.  But in reality, as shatters do today, all it did was prolong, people didn't try to fight through their lack of black pearl, they just left to get some and came back.  Same thing people do with shatters today.

    Hell, lessen the effects of shatters, give an immunity to the shattered guy, etc etc, but add another one - alchemical skill lessens their effectiveness as well, up to no effect against a gm alchemist.  Now you have a skillful counter effect to a anyone can use consumable.
    thx for comment ,because am not sure everyone understand the game and you explain better that me .
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834

    Before you submit a harassment complaint, be sure you understand what constitutes harassment and that you have followed these steps:

    • You have asked the player to "please stop" (and then they have continued to repeat the offending behavior).
    • You have tried to remove yourself from the situation, for example, by recalling away or moving several screens.
    • You have done nothing to instigate or further encourage the harassment.
    • You have added the player to your ignore list, which is located in your UO options, under Filter Options.
    • You have read and understand Electronic Arts' definition of harassment, and Electronic Arts' Terms of Service.
    • Your account information is up to date (including a current email address).
  • PaithanPaithan Posts: 120
    There is a two minute timer between shatters already.
    It is 1 minute. 

    And that does not stop 5 people from throwing them at you at the same time.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Paithan said:
    There is a two minute timer between shatters already.
    It is 1 minute. 

    And that does not stop 5 people from throwing them at you at the same time.

    So now it is a multi-boxer trowing them.
  • -- I'm just curious ... did PvPers on ATL just discover shatter pots in the past six months or so? Because that's when the "issues" with shatter pots seems to have come up in the threads ...

    But I was preaching to PvPers a full year ago on GL to start carrying them to throw during field fights. (Of course, no one listened to the Trammy Girl because she obviously doesn't know what she's talking about with regards to PvP and now it's an issue on ATL.)

    Though I'm unsure what the issue seems to be? Shatter pots have a cool down timer and only shatter a random amount of the pots in your pack.

    Have the PvPers who carry a lot of pots considered carrying them one by one and not in piles? Seeing as how the description for Shatter Pots says: "Used in player versus player conflicts the potion will shatter a number of potions in the back pack of the target. The potion is consumed whether the target is carrying potions or not and may even miss the target. There is a one minute cooldown."

    I would presume that perhaps if the pots being carried are not piled, then perhaps not so many would be lost when hit by a shatter pot?

    ~ Jennifer-Marie

    "Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited June 2019
    -- I'm just curious ... did PvPers on ATL just discover shatter pots in the past six months or so? Because that's when the "issues" with shatter pots seems to have come up in the threads ...

     No, this thread pops up every few months normally created by people that rely incredibly heavily on potions, they don't like when you take away 30% of them every 1 minute because they know they're going to have to leave the fight to restock, it's better than dying.

     Potions need reasonable cooldowns and perhaps additional restrictions. until that happens, shatter potions should either stay as they are, or should be buffed to gain benefit from EP, so they'd break up to 45% of a targets potions.   a shatter immunity timer is necessary though. shouldn't be any longer than 30s (imo)

    when you have players running around with 100-160 potions in their pack at nearly all times, there's a problem.     Also, you should not be able to drink any type of potion while frozen, whether it be from paralyze, stun effects or while casting a spell.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • -- I forgot to say something about this ...

    Darko said:
    Shatter pot is useless in game , when everyone is ready for a fight or war , some player just throwing that shatter potion and ruin a duel or field fight . please remove it .
    No one should be using pots in a duel, btw. One-on-One dueling is supposed to be pure skill based, no add-on help.

    I even know a guy who stopped a duel midway through because he realized the mage he was dueling was wearing Bracers and he cried foul.

    So if someone is chugging in a duel? They're essentially cheating and deserve every shatter pot coming their way.
    ~ Jennifer-Marie

    "Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
  • CovenantX said:
    -- I'm just curious ... did PvPers on ATL just discover shatter pots in the past six months or so? Because that's when the "issues" with shatter pots seems to have come up in the threads ...

     Potions need reasonable cooldowns and perhaps additional restrictions. 


    If all pots had limitations I wouldn't use shatters
This discussion has been closed.