An opinion on the bamboo fix.



  • SuperfrogSuperfrog Posts: 102
    FYI, Bottom line, What I am hearing you say, is that simply because they have a lot of accounts they should be allowed to break the rules. Is that correct? Surely I have misunderstood! 
    Surely they aren't saying that.  Just because someone pays for multiple accounts shouldn't give them preferential treatment.  
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    I played with the EC options for ignoring an item. It is only 30 minutes, and only ignores the tag (for ctrl shift). Maybe this could be expanded to be something a bit more permanent, since it seems that most of the lag complaints come from EC users.
  • SuperfrogSuperfrog Posts: 102
    edited March 2019
    Let's take a look at the Rules of conduct from the UO website in particular #19 

    Whether this is right or wrong in your opinion, the team is bound to abide by these until such time as they are changed. Time will tell if enough people will quit to do any serious damage to the game.  Personally I bet they will do a lot of posturing and whining, maybe even quit for a month. but ultimately we are all addicted to this game and like Mr. Biggums says:

  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2019
    Aldora said:
    Then there is "art" that looks like this, and I really don't care for that eyesore to autoload when I enter Luna. It is also full of animated pieces making it even worse than a still pic can show.
    (I'm sorry if I offended the... artist of the house.

    Eyesore? Maybe, it's a matter of tastes. A FACT is instead that this was the ONLY building left ALIVE in all of Europa Luna.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited March 2019
    The bamboo floor tiles are part of the bamboo wall collection for making savage huts, which can be well done. They also look nice when used to build certain types of bridges, specially in tree-themed homes.

    Unlike every other tile set, they had this unexpected ability to load EVERYTHING in a house above and below that tile. I call it a bug because its correction was listed in the bug fix section of the current publish. This bug is so old that people believed it was a feature, just like other bugs that decorators frequently use. Calling those decorators exploiters is not really fair imo. Some people believe that getting to where you want to be and then relogging for your pet is a bug. Others think it is a feature. Either way, if it is ever disposed of, it will most likely be listed in the bug section also.

    Without Dev input on the matter, we will never know for sure.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    I have removed many posts that are redundant, trollish in nature or off subject. Any posts that violate the Terms of Service will be removed. 
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2019
    All these people who think when they quit the game will shutdown.  Talk about selfish and full of themselves.  This game has survived for a long time before you were here and will be alive after you leave.  
    Are you willing to take a bet on your PoV?
    My 10m GPs say that this issue will quickly become so hot that the Devs will backpedal on it in a way or another (i.e.: reinstating the BT or something equivalent or, at the very least, putting in Clients an optional setting for show/no show) in, lets say 3 months max.
    All that read this can be judges, and I will put my GPs in escrow ASAP with any reputable third part we agree on. 
    Do you accept?
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2019
    So, the casual traveller has lost only eyesores & Las Vegas kitsch, right?
    Go ask this ARTIST how many hours has he spent on this "Dwarfs Village" houses an ATL (there are around 20 of them, and EVERY ONE OF THEM IS A PAYING ACCOUNT), and tell him that, nope, sorry, to see your work now one has to enter EVERY SINGLE HOUSE, and who cares if your work to have an artistic Gestalt is ruined...

  • SuperfrogSuperfrog Posts: 102
    Ivenor said:
    So, the casual traveller has lost only eyesores & Las Vegas kitsch, right?
    Go ask this ARTIST how many hours has he spent on this "Dwarnen Village" houses an ATL (there are around 20 of them, and EVERY ONE OF THEM IS A PAYING ACCOUNT), and tell him that, nope, sorry, to see your work now one has to enter EVERY SINGLE HOUSE, and who cares if your work to have an artistic Gestalt is ruined...

    This still does not change the fact that the Devs fixed a bug.  regardless of of how long it took, it is still a bug fix and as has been stated, he can still see it when he's in the house.  not everyone wants to see what everyone else made.
  • Ezekiel_ZaneEzekiel_Zane Posts: 326
    edited March 2019
    Looks nice but so what!  The creators and developers have NEVER intended for anyone's deco and stuff to load automatically.  Only the classic house and customization tool created tiles were ever supposed to be loaded into client cache and shown onscreen.  UNLESS you intentionally went into the house.

    Did he go and ask his neighbor there, BEFORE exploiting the bamboo bug, if he was ok with all his deco and stuff filling up his neighbor's cache everytime he was in his own house?  Doubtful.

    That's the point.  It takes up unnecessary bandwidth and memory cache and 90% of them are sick disgusting eyesores.

  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2019
    Quit repeating that only "one" person caused all this.  It's BS.  You know it but you keep repeating it.  Many people have complained about this and many more have chimed in to the threads about it, such as myself.  I didn't even know it was the bamboo floor tile that was causing me to see all this ugly stuff and to lag, until the complaints started popping up on the forums.
    Beg your pardon? Did you ever heard of the PLURAL form of "you", as in "Go (you all - implicit) ask" ?
    And what has this to do with BroadSword??? :D ;)
  • Quit repeating that only "one" person caused all this.  It's BS.  You know it but you keep repeating it.  Many people have complained about this and many more have chimed in to the threads about it, such as myself.  I didn't even know it was the bamboo floor tile that was causing me to see all this ugly stuff and to lag, until the complaints started popping up on the forums.
  • Ivenor said:
    Quit repeating that only "one" person caused all this.  It's BS.  You know it but you keep repeating it.  Many people have complained about this and many more have chimed in to the threads about it, such as myself.  I didn't even know it was the bamboo floor tile that was causing me to see all this ugly stuff and to lag, until the complaints started popping up on the forums.
    Beg your pardon? Did you ever heard of the PLURAL form of "you", as in "Go (you all - implicit) ask" ?
    And what has this to do with BroadSword??? :D ;)
    Fixed.  The second part of my post wasn't really directed specifically at your post.
  • so according to your perspective, so why don't you send them a request and make 100% of ALL the UO houses the same? no matter classic house or custom, make them all look like a plot and them force us all to go 1 by 1 inside to load... lets go that route now, Lets make all UO houses look like a plot!!!!!!!!
  • so according to your perspective, so why don't you send them a request and make 100% of ALL the UO houses the same? no matter classic house or custom, make them all look like a plot and them force us all to go 1 by 1 inside to load... lets go that route now, Lets make all UO houses look like a plot!!!!!!!!
    I’d be fine with that. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Ezekiel_Zane said:l.

    That's the point.  It takes up unnecessary bandwidth and memory cache and 90% of them are sick disgusting eyesores.

    Really?  This isn't 1997 anymore, we're not on dialup, and have better than a 486processor (even me!).

    So toss that complaint, and the eyesore...well, that;s subjective
  • AtomicBettyAtomicBetty Posts: 301
    lol what a laugh this thread is.

    I am happy with the dev's decision and I look forward to seeing all these paying accounts shut down.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    LMFAO I just spent the day over on ATL and not one whine what-so-ever about this fix and no new plots from people rage dropping their houses in Luna or anybody rage selling their houses.  Where all all these rage quitters at, oh that is right there are none.  When are the whiners here going to quit, please DEVs when they do just delete their houses and their accounts ASAP.
  • Ezekiel_Zane said:l.

    That's the point.  It takes up unnecessary bandwidth and memory cache and 90% of them are sick disgusting eyesores.

    Really?  This isn't 1997 anymore, we're not on dialup, and have better than a 486processor (even me!).

    Doesn't matter.  It's still not necessary and completely intentional that all that data doesn't get called from the server and sent thru the pipeline by 100+ players.

    There's 3,000 - 4,000 items in most houses minimum.  Add vendors and mannequins and all the stuff they are displaying.  Now add multiple houses and 100s of players all encountering this repeatedly.  It adds up.

    I'm not saying some high-end equipment and a gigabit connection couldn't handle.  Again, that's not the point.  The point is that it's unnecessary to send all that data when it's unwanted.  The developers don't want to send it that's why houses are designed the way they are.  Only the statics load not everything else unless the player chooses for it to by stepping into the house.
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    Superfrog said:
    Tanager said:
    That player clearly put a lot of time, effort, and expense into their creation. While I personally may not enjoy it, I don't think insulting their work is constructive. I am content to see such things if it means I can see other works that I do enjoy. I am sure there are people who roll their eyes at some of my artistic expressions. I just wish there was an option. On my shard, Siege, the majority of houses are private for security reasons. I was still able to enjoy their art, tho. But, oh well. My spleen is vented, and I am gonna go sink some ships now.
    The point of it is, they purposefully used a bug to force it into view instead of just letting it be viewable only to those inside the house. Fortunately that is now up to us to either go in the house and load it, or not.
    I am happy with this bug fix which has been exploited for a very long time. I know I am one of many people that are happy with this bug fix, which hampered my ability to move at times which not only happened in the town of Luna but outside of town in some areas where the home owners wanted to disply there treasures which they all have a right to do. The problem is when it affects the game playof other paying customers by making it difficult to move. I understand that you enjoy decorating your homes as I aslo like to decorate my homes as well, however I do not think it is right or fair that anyone would use an exploit or bug to do things that were not intended especially if it hampers other paying customers enjoyment of the game. We all have a great passion for this game which is why we have most of us been here from the beginning. I hope that everyone could see the benefit of being able to decorate our homes as we wish but also not forsing it and the lag unto others. I wish outher players here would sound of to show there support for this fix not as a competition to us against them but to show it is not just 1 or 2 persons who are in support of this fix. However at the end of the day we need to realize that this is a BUG which has been EXPLOITED for a long time. We can get on the Dev team and say fix this  bug but don't touch that bug. If they are here to fix bug then that is what we should be happy about. Them as a group doing their jobs to the best of their ability. Thank you DEV team. I appreciate all of you and all you do to improve OUR UO WORLD.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    There are far more people defending this bug fix then there are people raging about it even in this thread.  I think it is pathetic that some people demand the right to infringe on others game play than RAGE when the DEVs say enough is enough.  The DEVs do not have to respond to any of this because their actions said more than enough and also the RAGERS need to understand that they do not own a darn thing in UO they are only renting the use of it, EA owns everything including all these eyesores.
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    Bilbo said:
    There are far more people defending this bug fix then there are people raging about it even in this thread.  I think it is pathetic that some people demand the right to infringe on others game play than RAGE when the DEVs say enough is enough.  The DEVs do not have to respond to any of this because their actions said more than enough and also the RAGERS need to understand that they do not own a darn thing in UO they are only renting the use of it, EA owns everything including all these eyesores.
    Short and sweet. I love it. I wish I could convey my points so concisely. 
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I don't see those houses as 'ruined' I see them as intriguing, I would see the blank plot and think 'I wonder what's on there'. I'd then take much more notice of what I'd made the effort to see than if I'd just walked by it.
    At the end of the day people were using a bug to circumvent game mechanics, which do not allow houses to be loaded until entered. 
    Put an npc on the steps inviting people 'auctions inside' it that's the problem. 
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    I don't see those houses as 'ruined' I see them as intriguing, I would see the blank plot and think 'I wonder what's on there'. I'd then take much more notice of what I'd made the effort to see than if I'd just walked by it.
    At the end of the day people were using a bug to circumvent game mechanics, which do not allow houses to be loaded until entered. 
    Put an npc on the steps inviting people 'auctions inside' it that's the problem. 
    I was thinking the same thing @Petra_Fyde. You beat me to the punch. :)

  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2019
    I don't see those houses as 'ruined' I see them as intriguing, I would see the blank plot and think 'I wonder what's on there'. I'd then take much more notice of what I'd made the effort to see than if I'd just walked by it.
    At the end of the day people were using a bug to circumvent game mechanics, which do not allow houses to be loaded until entered. 
    Put an npc on the steps inviting people 'auctions inside' it that's the problem. 
    Petra, the problem are NOT the "Auction Houses", but the loss to the CASUAL travellers of DOZEN of (frequently multi-house) ARTISTIC installations, as the ones I posted above and many others, some of them shown here too, in the Deco section, as the little 2 houses one in a Japanese shard (I cannot find it now).
    Because if you think that many people will stop to every "blank" Lot to see what jewels it could hide... well, sorry, but this is unrealistc (and plainly impossible for the Private houses).
    If even a Deco buff as you cannot understand this... :/
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    edited March 2019
    ~Years ago people had vendors, but most transactions occurred at West Bank of Britain. (or so it seemed)
    ~Then little malls sprung up and vendor runes were everywhere. (I myself have 30 small runebooks with vendor runes in them from over the years)
    ~Luna happened. Every fought to get a vendor spot in Luna.
    ~RMT grew like wildfire with vendor sniffing.
    ~People used RMT sites to shop.
    ~People asked for in game vendor search and we got it.
    ~Vendors could again be spread out in the lands.
    I see this as the next phase of ...what is it called? *thinks*
    Well whatever it is, it is here.
    It is something that will be overcome.

    Capitalism? *thinks*
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    By the way what is RTM? 
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Arron said:
    By the way what is RTM? 
    A forbidden topic in this Forum... ;)
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    I only asked because it was mentioned. 

This discussion has been closed.