Hmm, "Private" home but still be able to show off your stuff to the public. Is this the twilight zone, am I missing something?! Noone came to me when they fixed the roof bugs or the vendor trick years back. Maybe I should whine about closing my account to retro fix it too. LOL. The greedy people who make rl cash off this game are mad now, so when they quit more money will flow back into the game making the game actually better. So I say have a nice goodbye.
You are SO delusional that you seems almost endaring. Almost. And you know why? Because the uspeakable secret is that THOSE people are the owners of one of the largest chunk of Paying Accounts.
The bean counters will noticee as enough accounts close. But for the protest to be effective, this guy has the right attitude. Move the good stuff and close other accounts.
If you just close accounts and leave the houses to fall with all the goddies in it, no one will feel the pain, because the powers know that people will open more accounts to save and keep the rares. So the net loss won't be too bad.
But if collectors trash the stuff, and then close accounts...those accounts are gone, There;s no need for open accounts when there's nothing to salvage.
And @The_Higgs_1 , the ones supporting this game are the RMT'ers and rare collectors, Lots of accounts there, and even if they aren't always paid every month, it's still tremendous $$.
LOL no way the casual player like me, and the dozen or so pk'ers who are so vocal, are keeping this game afloat.
Ah, BTW: It is interesting to note that of ALL the people happy with this "fix", NO ONE of them is in Deco or "pro" Vendors, but they are ALL of the "kill everything that moves" persuasion.
And you know everything about everyone posting here, how exactly? Because you read a few posts? Because we disagree with you? You don't know jack shit about me, my playstyle, what I have or what I enjoy about UO. ASSUME much? I don't have the number of accounts I do because I need 100 characters. It's because I like houses, designing them and building them and decorating them.
You don't know a damn thing about me or most anyone else who posts here.
*wishes I could close my own thread, and will prolly never start another thread again*
Ah, it's not that bad. One or two drama queens is all.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, to make their case and to express their dissatisfaction about the game. We all love this game I have no doubt.
When some posters start going on about how nobody wanted this because only a few posters were vocal about it they just show themselves to be selfish, self-centered crybabies, ignorant of the facts.
People start making assumptions about other posters based upon nothing more than reading their posts, just proves their immaturity and ignorance.
Some people act like their houses got deleted LOL. "Im gonna close 8 accounts because my house is still the same" hahaha And then "my house is private but i need u to see it". Give me a break pls!
Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
Also... just for the record... the vast majority of my dissatisfaction with this fix is the lack of consideration. Yes, it has always been a bug. The devs are fixing bugs. This particular bug, however, had existed for a long time and had become ingrained in the art culture of the community. With a bit more effort involved, the team could have found a way to make the loading of houses an option in settings. Or at the very least explained why not. The EC client, for example, has the ability to ignore the loading of individual items. Did anyone even try to use this to prevent granite walls from showing to them?
The destruction of town memorials combined with this current change has left me with a very unpleasant taste in my mouth and a dwindling desire to invest in the game's future. No discussion, no explanations. Just a great big hammer.
Not that I wish to anger anyone but my opinion which I will express because I feel it is important is that you knew the issue with the bamboo tiles and that it was a bug. You also knew by your admission that one of the jobs of the development team was to fix bugs no matter if it has been around 1 day or 20 years but you decided to take advantage of the bug knowing that it could be fixed at any time. I am sorry this is incovienent for you that this bug was fixed but it has reduced the lag in some areas I frequent and i appreciate the fact that it was fixed. My computer is not brand new, its a few years okld but it has enough processing speed and memory to handle this game. Maybe one day i will be able to afford a gaming rig but until then I am happy the development team is doing what it can to make my gaming experience an enjoyable one.
Ah, BTW: It is interesting to note that of ALL the people happy with this "fix", NO ONE of them is in Deco or "pro" Vendors, but they are ALL of the "kill everything that moves" persuasion.
Bzzt, wrong.
I play on Trammel to relax. I never go to dungeons these days, and I definitely don't do pvp. I love the "medieval" look in Britannia, and I my own house is following that theme.
Going to Luna quickly took you away from that medieval feeling, when you entered upon houses that looked like a unicorn thew up allover them.
I have removed several posts due to personal bickering that brought nothing to this discussion. All other threads on this subject will be locked. Review the Terms of Service before replying.
*wishes I could close my own thread, and will prolly never start another thread again*
I have taken the liberty of editing the title of this thread somewhat. I hope you do not mind.
It is not my habit to object to Moderators' decisions, but in this specific case I must note that closing threads and editing posts will NOT resolve this issue and its conseguences: the entire landscape of UO has been altered (and not figuratively) with a single stroke without any prior consideriation for the many PAYING Players that has been profundly affected.
Objection noted. The topic is still open for discussion in this thread. This was the best of the threads and some thought went into many of the postings.
My opinion, is I have no idea what any of you are talking about...
I've never seen a bamboo decorated house on Atlantic, Europa, or Siege, never noticed it, have no idea what they looked like before, and have no idea what they look like now.
Just shows how diverse UO is, I play 90% of the game content, but I don't do housing or deco, no interest in this - I just want to sell my Felucca castle, for a 3 storey borg cube, that I can design with space, the ability to walk practically between the practical things I want to use, with a certain theme on each of the 3 floors. I have no interest in anyone else seeing it, I just want a practical space to use. Only thing stopping me, is I have no idea about houses, I wouldn't know how to even get myself a borg cube.
I'd like my crafting stations and storage on the ground floor, a library on the second floor including all my bod books, and a roof garden, including all gatherable tree's and items on the roof... A large square space, that allows me to fit it all in, and walk between it all. And yeah, if that could look nice as well, fair enough, I'm a minimalist tidy freak though.
Cookie? Do you know about the castle styles you can convert your current castle to? You probably do, but just in case, hop over to the homes and castles section and I or someone can help you. There are some with nice open spaces.
I'd like my crafting stations and storage on the ground floor, a library on the second floor including all my bod books, and a roof garden, including all gatherable tree's and items on the roof... A large square space, that allows me to fit it all in, and walk between it all. And yeah, if that could look nice as well, fair enough, I'm a minimalist tidy freak though.
Cookie? Do you know about the castle styles you can convert your current castle to? You probably do, but just in case, hop over to the homes and castles section and I or someone can help you. There are some with nice open spaces.
Hi Gidge,
I actually don't, I have not one artistic or creative bone in my body, so I avoid all those areas of the game, as I can't get my head around it. The only reason I have a castle, is an old friend gave it to me on quitting the game.
I know they've done 2 competitions, I was hoping for a nice design with a ton of space (and 3 floors for my concept), I have not looked closely, but it's an aspect of the game I just have zero knowledge of, where to even begin.
I believe my castle can be adjusted, and I may go for it, if I see something, not known where to look, don't know how to do it, and I don't know the costs involved. I'll go to homes and castles section, thanks for the pointer.
And Tanager, your opinion is very valid, don't be feeling bad about kicking something off, it just shows there is a passion involved in this topic.
Big fan of yours ingame, have seen you around, I'm also a big fan of Mervyn's, so maybe I don't have such great taste.
This particular topic, is not one I can contribute to in any way, so I'm a neutral, and therefore likely to go completely off topic. I normally wouldn't get involved, but the fact this even blew up as a topic, caught me by surprise, was interesting.
I understand that some folks are fine with living in a cardboard box with some crates and a forge. That is fine. But housing in UO is art for others. People like for their home to look nice - from the outside as well. The image below is an example of a home that does not make sense until you load it. It looks ugly. It does not complement the player town in which it stands anywhere near as fully as before. People are upset over this. Insulting their art and insulting people for being upset that their art is effectively destroyed is not constructive. It is all moot anyway, but I just wanted to make one last attempt to show how the art is, in fact, effected even tho it is still there.
I understand that some folks are fine with living in a cardboard box with some crates and a forge. That is fine. But housing in UO is art for others. People like for their home to look nice - from the outside as well. The image below is an example of a home that does not make sense until you load it. It looks ugly. It does not complement the player town in which it stands anywhere near as fully as before. People are upset over this. Insulting their art and insulting people for being upset that their art is effectively destroyed is not constructive. It is all moot anyway, but I just wanted to make one last attempt to show how the art is, in fact, effected even tho it is still there.
your feeling is that you have the right to force us to see what you designed, what about our right to not look at it unless we want to?
We still need to hear from @Mesanna whos Idea was to mess with this "fix" when No one asked about... as you can see @Mesanna @Bleak @Kyronix you managed to piss of a Lot of people with this wrong move and a lot of them are quitting or closing lot of accounts because you just did something that NO one asked. there is a lot of posts like this one:
[ Please do not link or post images from discussions on this topic from any other forums] edited by Rorschach
and many others that were affected by this, and the only reason this started was because of a famous player here that is hiding behind "another" name have a personal vendetta against another rare collector in Luna and inclusive have a BOT gating to HIS Castle 24/7 . and Because of this person now we are all paying for it. Like @Mesanna like to say on the M&G , she have so much things to catch up on their "To Do" list , including the "coming soon" account mgmt. that I don't believe this bamboo thing was a priority , specially that didn't help on anything at all and they know that. I really like you guys to reconsider this wrong decision, just like you guys Hears Us, the paying customer when you decided to charge us 200M to convert classic castles into the ne bug ones.
Then there is "art" that looks like this, and I really don't care for that eyesore to autoload when I enter Luna. It is also full of animated pieces making it even worse than a still pic can show. (I'm sorry if I offended the... artist of the house.
UO does not have instanced housing. We are all ''forced'' to see every single house in this game. It was designed this way so that people could build houses and towns. No different than some one in the real world who puts a lot of effort into a beautiful lawn and landscaping. Of course they want their neighbors to see it. Perhaps it is vanity, but to me it is no different than the PvPer proudly brandishing some uber weapon. Just different category. This is, after all, a fantasy world.
A change was made to the game to lower its requirements, and as a result my immersion in the game when I visit a player town has been effected. Like all forms of art, the... erm... style varies and may not be appreciated by everyone. I understand that other people's immersion is effected when they go into a town such as Luna and are bombarded with non-medieval homes. I have been able to just quietly roll my eyes at some of these creations and move on with my life.
With all of that said, however, my complaint is not that the bug was fixed. My point is that this was done in a callous manner. It would have been far, FAR more constructive to make this an option in settings. I feel that this could still be done. People could then choose if they wanted to see the art in its entirety as they run past houses doing trade runs and the like. But there was absolutely zero discussion on the matter, and that is what I am upset about. This thread is probably pointless but there is a tiny, tiny chance that the powers that be might see something that might cause them to take things into account in the future. Tiny.
On a constructive note, perhaps a special carpet tile can be added to the store that does what bamboo used to. It is unlikely that many people will pave their entire house with it, so I would not expect the lag to be massive. I still think an options setting would be better, though. People with decent gaming PCs and a solid server connection would have the option to enjoy what their rig can display.
UO does not have instanced housing. We are all ''forced'' to see every single house in this game. It was designed this way so that people could build houses and towns. No different than some one in the real world who puts a lot of effort into a beautiful lawn and landscaping. Of course they want their neighbors to see it. Perhaps it is vanity, but to me it is no different than the PvPer proudly brandishing some uber weapon. Just different category. This is, after all, a fantasy world.
A change was made to the game to lower its requirements, and as a result my immersion in the game when I visit a player town has been effected. Like all forms of art, the... erm... style varies and may not be appreciated by everyone. I understand that other people's immersion is effected when they go into a town such as Luna and are bombarded with non-medieval homes. I have been able to just quietly roll my eyes at some of these creations and move on with my life.
With all of that said, however, my complaint is not that the bug was fixed. My point is that this was done in a callous manner. It would have been far, FAR more constructive to make this an option in settings. I feel that this could still be done. People could then choose if they wanted to see the art in its entirety as they run past houses doing trade runs and the like. But there was absolutely zero discussion on the matter, and that is what I am upset about. This thread is probably pointless but there is a tiny, tiny chance that the powers that be might see something that might cause them to take things into account in the future. Tiny.
On a constructive note, perhaps a special carpet tile can be added to the store that does what bamboo used to. It is unlikely that many people will pave their entire house with it, so I would not expect the lag to be massive. I still think an options setting would be better, though. People with decent gaming PCs and a solid server connection would have the option to enjoy what their rig can display.
But we are not forced to see everything, including the neon puke creations some make. If i want to see your add on/ special deco i can step on your house. but with that bug it was "SURPRISE LOOK AT WHAT I WANT YOU TO, LIKE IT OR NOT!! here is an example:
That player clearly put a lot of time, effort, and expense into their creation. While I personally may not enjoy it, I don't think insulting their work is constructive. I am content to see such things if it means I can see other works that I do enjoy. I am sure there are people who roll their eyes at some of my artistic expressions. I just wish there was an option. On my shard, Siege, the majority of houses are private for security reasons. I was still able to enjoy their art, tho. But, oh well. My spleen is vented, and I am gonna go sink some ships now.
That player clearly put a lot of time, effort, and expense into their creation. While I personally may not enjoy it, I don't think insulting their work is constructive. I am content to see such things if it means I can see other works that I do enjoy. I am sure there are people who roll their eyes at some of my artistic expressions. I just wish there was an option. On my shard, Siege, the majority of houses are private for security reasons. I was still able to enjoy their art, tho. But, oh well. My spleen is vented, and I am gonna go sink some ships now.
The point of it is, they purposefully used a bug to force it into view instead of just letting it be viewable only to those inside the house. Fortunately that is now up to us to either go in the house and load it, or not.
Hmm, "Private" home but still be able to show off your stuff to the public. Is this the twilight zone, am I missing something?! Noone came to me when they fixed the roof bugs or the vendor trick years back. Maybe I should whine about closing my account to retro fix it too. LOL. The greedy people who make rl cash off this game are mad now, so when they quit more money will flow back into the game making the game actually better. So I say have a nice goodbye.
You are SO delusional that you seems almost endaring. Almost. And you know why? Because the uspeakable secret is that THOSE people are the owners of one of the largest chunk of Paying Accounts.
They should be BANNED! If the game shuts down because all of the RMT people have closed their accounts, oh well. I would rather see that, than to continue to allow it. At least @Mesanna will have shown SOME integrity by banning them. She KNOWS who they are. To do otherwise is a slap in the face of ALL of the HONEST players, who DO obey the rules. Which IS what is being done by the "brokers/Realtors/rares collectors" who preach on how honest and good they are, and then turn around and sell their gold and items for RMT. Thereby basically spitting in the faces of the honest players.
FYI, Bottom line, What I am hearing you say, is that simply because they have a lot of accounts they should be allowed to break the rules. Is that correct? Surely I have misunderstood! SURELY you aren't advocating that this is, or should be, acceptable behavior/policy? Think about it.
If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
The bean counters will noticee as enough accounts close. But for the protest to be effective, this guy has the right attitude. Move the good stuff and close other accounts.
If you just close accounts and leave the houses to fall with all the goddies in it, no one will feel the pain, because the powers know that people will open more accounts to save and keep the rares. So the net loss won't be too bad.
But if collectors trash the stuff, and then close accounts...those accounts are gone, There;s no need for open accounts when there's nothing to salvage.
And @The_Higgs_1 , the ones supporting this game are the RMT'ers and rare collectors, Lots of accounts there, and even if they aren't always paid every month, it's still tremendous $$.
LOL no way the casual player like me, and the dozen or so pk'ers who are so vocal, are keeping this game afloat.
And you know everything about everyone posting here, how exactly? Because you read a few posts? Because we disagree with you? You don't know jack shit about me, my playstyle, what I have or what I enjoy about UO. ASSUME much? I don't have the number of accounts I do because I need 100 characters. It's because I like houses, designing them and building them and decorating them.
You don't know a damn thing about me or most anyone else who posts here.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, to make their case and to express their dissatisfaction about the game. We all love this game I have no doubt.
When some posters start going on about how nobody wanted this because only a few posters were vocal about it they just show themselves to be selfish, self-centered crybabies, ignorant of the facts.
People start making assumptions about other posters based upon nothing more than reading their posts, just proves their immaturity and ignorance.
I play on Trammel to relax. I never go to dungeons these days, and I definitely don't do pvp.
I love the "medieval" look in Britannia, and I my own house is following that theme.
Going to Luna quickly took you away from that medieval feeling, when you entered upon houses that looked like a unicorn thew up allover them.
I would say Luna looks like Vegas if you crammed all of the casinos next to each other and had a unicorn sneeze all over them.
Hi Gidge,
I actually don't, I have not one artistic or creative bone in my body, so I avoid all those areas of the game, as I can't get my head around it.
The only reason I have a castle, is an old friend gave it to me on quitting the game.
I know they've done 2 competitions, I was hoping for a nice design with a ton of space (and 3 floors for my concept), I have not looked closely, but it's an aspect of the game I just have zero knowledge of, where to even begin.
I believe my castle can be adjusted, and I may go for it, if I see something, not known where to look, don't know how to do it, and I don't know the costs involved. I'll go to homes and castles section, thanks for the pointer.
And Tanager, your opinion is very valid, don't be feeling bad about kicking something off, it just shows there is a passion involved in this topic.
Big fan of yours ingame, have seen you around, I'm also a big fan of Mervyn's, so maybe I don't have such great taste.
This particular topic, is not one I can contribute to in any way, so I'm a neutral, and therefore likely to go completely off topic.
I normally wouldn't get involved, but the fact this even blew up as a topic, caught me by surprise, was interesting.
[ Please do not link or post images from discussions on this topic from any other forums] edited by Rorschach
and many others that were affected by this, and the only reason this started was because of a famous player here that is hiding behind "another" name have a personal vendetta against another rare collector in Luna and inclusive have a BOT gating to HIS Castle 24/7 . and Because of this person now we are all paying for it.
Like @Mesanna like to say on the M&G , she have so much things to catch up on their "To Do" list , including the "coming soon" account mgmt. that I don't believe this bamboo thing was a priority , specially that didn't help on anything at all and they know that. I really like you guys to reconsider this wrong decision, just like you guys Hears Us, the paying customer when you decided to charge us 200M to convert classic castles into the ne bug ones.
(I'm sorry if I offended the... artist of the house.
A change was made to the game to lower its requirements, and as a result my immersion in the game when I visit a player town has been effected. Like all forms of art, the... erm... style varies and may not be appreciated by everyone. I understand that other people's immersion is effected when they go into a town such as Luna and are bombarded with non-medieval homes. I have been able to just quietly roll my eyes at some of these creations and move on with my life.
With all of that said, however, my complaint is not that the bug was fixed. My point is that this was done in a callous manner. It would have been far, FAR more constructive to make this an option in settings. I feel that this could still be done. People could then choose if they wanted to see the art in its entirety as they run past houses doing trade runs and the like. But there was absolutely zero discussion on the matter, and that is what I am upset about. This thread is probably pointless but there is a tiny, tiny chance that the powers that be might see something that might cause them to take things into account in the future. Tiny.
On a constructive note, perhaps a special carpet tile can be added to the store that does what bamboo used to. It is unlikely that many people will pave their entire house with it, so I would not expect the lag to be massive. I still think an options setting would be better, though. People with decent gaming PCs and a solid server connection would have the option to enjoy what their rig can display.
here is an example:
I would much prefer to look at this:
Than to look at this:
*goes to rest his poor assaulted eyeballs.
FYI, Bottom line, What I am hearing you say, is that simply because they have a lot of accounts they should be allowed to break the rules. Is that correct? Surely I have misunderstood! SURELY you aren't advocating that this is, or should be, acceptable behavior/policy? Think about it.