Wanda Maximoff is still unatended scripting doom dark guardians for more then a year

Hello All!

Just Wondering how many other players have noticed that Wanda Maximoff has been almost non stop 24/7 unattended script farming the doom Dark Guardians room for the past YEAR!?!?

my guild leader informed me that a bunch of other guildies have reported her in the past and nothing seams to get done.

I don't mind someone farming a spot for a while but for more then a YEAR!!! this is crazy. how many cleanup points dose one person need?

i see the reports in the newsletter about actions taken on accounts but nothing is being done about this person.

also it seams a bit of an exploit that Wanda can logout a (young) endless journey account with 5 garmans in the room and just log in to create more spawn in the room for wanda to kill.

myself and other players would like a turn as its the best spot to get tmaps and deamon bone to get golden skulls to do doom gauntlet. it is impossible to share with a scripter as the amount of spawn she causes in the room makes it almost certain death. and if she dies her script just uses the 'help teleport' and rezes herself and she back at it automatically scripting the room again. leaving you with like a 5-10 min window to farm yourself.

This is Massively impacting my fun of the game. i don't know why nothing has be done about wanda yet!

if you have time i ask that you go visit doom dark guardian room and report her please. something needs to be done!

Chars involved:

Wanda Maximoff - kills dark guardians and loots maps and gold and drops maps in Zento bank trash bin.
Oliver (young) - has 5 tamed garmans and stealths back and forth along north wall to cause more spawn
River - removes items that block access on the floor.
Maximus - comes to clear trash lured into the room next door.

im sorry (young) - former 5 garman helper.

  1. Have you reported Wanda Maximoff for unattended scripting the doom dark guardian room?6 votes
    1. Yes
    2. Yes - Multiple Times
    3. No


  • you can watch a live stream of Wanda Maximoff Scripting while I await a GM to come and put a end to this.

    you only see Oliver(young) and the garman when invisibility comes off. or they fail stealth or they need to cure poison from the room.

  • SummitSummit Posts: 11
    took me about 6 attempts at reporting a scripter in Ice farming WW's called FeuerSchlag. they finally got banned.
  • TynkTynk Posts: 42
    apparently has been going on for a few years someone mentioned, I can't believe that an account that is logged in 24/7 that follows the exact same footsteps and patterns and that also cannot navigate or respond to simple variations in the environment is allowed to continue.

    My big issue with this is that Oliver (young) repeatedly logs in and out in the dark guardian room with Gamans in tow to grief other players playing there. Oliver being young can insta log and due to the gamans causes many guardians to spawn. Without this young player , Wanda would not be able to fill her bags of gold and maps every 6-7 minutes.. I can't see what they cannot stop this young exploit in there. he is just another script that walks up and down the wall and casts cures and heals and hides. Again another script easily exposed.

    There is also a third script running by this person and that is Lily in Heartwood, the one handing in quests, you'll hear the quests being handed in as she hides there. Again simple script to expose with variations to the environment that would not cause a player any hesitation to avoid. 

    But when a gm comes they can respond with 'Hi' , so all's good...

  • FinkFink Posts: 48
    I hunt this room often.

    I collect daemon bone, map, and gold here. I use bone for gold skull and crystal ball of knowledge quest. I give this ball to new peoples to guide best skill gains. I use no exploit or third party app to achieve my hunt, but scripter have monopoly on this spawn. Scripter farm this 24/7 but also prevent lawful hunter from access. Note this is unique room, no facet alternative, no instance, etc.

    Scripter kill all spawn in one or two swing, script attack at instant of spawn. This offer no chance to share, even sampire, tamer, or red summon. Only chance to hunt is when she leave to dump loot but she maybe return before next spawn. Even so, very difficult to loot own kill when many dozen script kill obscure it.

    Scripter also use [young] in trap room, bring five gaman to boost this spawn. This is not mechanic exploit, but it is ethic exploit of young status. Maybe developer can review this policy. This room already have eject feature for ghost and corpse, please add young person to this list. If developer modify this room, please target only this scripter tactic and do not harm lawful hunter.

    ~ The Babe with The Power ~
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    I have reported her at least 5 times, and when a gm showed up on one occasion, after about a good 5 minutes of the GM asking her to respond she finally did, even then he had to ask her to say more than just 'hi' and asked her two or three times to respond with more than that, until she finally did. He then went 'have a nice day' and left.  Oliver the young, was not logged in while he was there, or not visible, although he had been there when I made the report but invised before I could tag him in the complaint.

    It was obvious to me standing outside and watching that she was afk when the gm showed up, and also obvious that this was the case for at least the full 5 minutes of the gm asking her to respond.  She obviously has an alert script that beeps or something when a GM shows up and speaks, and it obviously took her about 5 full minutes to respond to the 'beep' or whatever alarm she/he has in her place to warn her of gm presence.

    This has been going on every single day for well over a year and she has been reported and reported and reported, so it appears that all this talk about stopping the cheaters and scripters is all that, just talk. 

    It has been reported by the old EM to the powers that be, and also ignored by them when he reported even though he has passed on the info from multiple people on the shard and seen for himself as all of us have. 


    Go and watch the live feed, I think we should keep it going until such time as this person is dealt with and if she/he/it isn't we should post it continually in here, in the main uoforum page and on UHall and keep that live feed active until action is taken. This person appears NO WHERE else on the shard, just this room and bank, it does not attend any other hunts or spawn places and for over 12 mnths has camped this room for hour upon hour upon hour.


    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Had a message from one of my contacts on icq: 

    Formosa (13.03.2019 06:58):
    hiya, I read your posts and also M&G regarding the doom scripter

    Formosa (13.03.2019 06:59):
    he also scripts in Arirang, Balhae, and Formosa (his home shard)

    Formosa - (13.03.2019 07:00):
    on oceania, you can find his tram castle in trinsic jungle, the one in the middle of jungle

    Just for information

    Seems like this guy is well know so no idea why he is continuously allowed to operate. 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    He also operates a character (like our Lily) in heartwood on those shards.   It appears that they have been reporting and reporting on this dude as well.

    His shop is on Atlantic (of course) where he sells his scripted clean up point items, as well as his scripted heartwood runics. 

    The powers that be have known about him for YEARS and have failed to do anything about him, so I guess all the so called ' clean up' bad behavior numbers on the newsletters are just numbers and that there is zero being done. 

    If you look at the latest live feed (from yesterday) it is obvious as blind freddy that the dude is unattended or he would of moved when we were assisting him to protect him from the guardians, it is at 4hrs and 2 mins into his unattended scripting. Use the link above to watch.

    From my discussion with the other shards this guy is a well know scripter so you have to ask why is he still operating.  All the evidence of what he has been doing has been submitted to mesanna and other channels for years. Including photos of him, his shop, his chars, and now our live streaming. 

    You cannot argue with the live streams.  It is proof for all to see.

    On balhae a gm placed these boxes in the guardian room to stop him logging out his young there and hence removing the gamans which stopped him.

    Perhaps we need the same given the inactivity that reporting through channels gains us.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • TynkTynk Posts: 42
    Those boxes are a good idea, the young walks up and down the wall to trigger the spawn as the scripter stands still in the middle to whirlwind. Can't trigger spawn , although can move the young to other side so its only a bandaid solution but obviously thought just easier to move to another server. so why cant they ban youngs from this room ? i may have to put a few in there myself...

    Someone mentioned previous to Wanda there was another scripter Pepper, given that Pepper's tower is only a few screens away from Wanda's castle it doesn't take much to link them.. that and the names this person likes using . Wanda Maximov ( Scarlett witch, Avengers) , Pepper (Potts? , Iron man) and Milla Johovic seen regular at wanda's castle.

    Anyway getting the impression that if you have enough accounts you can do what you like...

    I believe the best solution is to use the room and when the young logs in whilst you are inside, report them for griefing as that is against the rules and the young is in no danger. Doesn't matter if the young logs out again , it will be in the logs.

    And if that doesn't help then i guess we know, rules don't apply to everyone.

    I had a few friends banned back in the day with the buying castle deeds in fel and selling them back to vendors in tram, seems rather trivial to the amount of gold this illegal scripter is allowed to make now.
  • FinkFink Posts: 48
    Regard to this wanda/oliver scripter, I develop many technique to sterilise room so I can hunt without bother. I have not public share any solution for this reasons:

    1) I do not want good peoples (or me) to get account action for use. GM seem to use opposite day rule with regard to wanda/oliver.

    2) I am not beta tester for this crap sandwich script. She can discover her own many many mistake, not read here for free. Serious, I could write better script with futhark rune.

    3) This action are only ad hoc fix to improve personal experience, more is need than temporary relief. 

    * Requirement For Permanent Solution:

    * Player can not fix this problem: player can be ban for disrupt of other player, even if other "player" is no-brain zombie with ugly clothes. Also, player can not be 24/7 concern with this, should not be concern with this at all. 

    * GM can not fix this problem: current crappy GM protocol seem satisfy that nothing require action. GM as person can see any wrong, but GM as employee abide by strict (stupid) rule. Cynic say to improve this rule is to lose subscription money. If scripter are dead maybe more real player will thrive?

    * Developer CAN fix this problem: I know how to squash this grub. I stab many hole in it, I paint with the viscera that spill out, and it please me. If developer truly wish to see this parasite dead, I have dozen code-base solution that will kill it without impede to legitimate player. 

    ~ The Babe with The Power ~
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782

    They don't CARE one whit.  All the rubbish tos violations reported in the newsletter, are just that, absolute rubbish.  If they can't deal with this person then all else is blowing smoke. 

    I watched her for 30mins the other day trying to walk over a chest that was in her 'path' when one step to the left would of allowed her entry to the door, but yeah, she wasn't there to 'see' her toon just jittering back and forth over and over.  After 30 mins I got bored watching her.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited April 2019
    I notice NOTHING HAS CHANGED.  @Kyronix @Mesanna

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • FinkFink Posts: 48
    MissE said:
    I notice NOTHING HAS CHANGED.@Kyronix  @Mesanna
    I present offering to devils if they hear this words.

    I apply observation and experiment, and discover behaviour and limitation of this bot. This knowledge can be wield by devils to craft patch.

    Also I see how script bot maybe improve to counteract such patch, and how devils can destroy future version of bot before it begin.

    If devils are please by this offering, I can make time to speak with them.

    ~ The Babe with The Power ~
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    MissE said:
    I notice NOTHING HAS CHANGED.  @Kyronix @Mesanna
    Yesterday I was at Oceania Brit bank. In the hour or so in which I was there tending to my business, that infamous toon apeared a number of times near the bank Trash Chest many time, stayed there for a couple of secs and teleportd away.
  • caglecagle Posts: 30
    This thread and the constant whining here is simply LAME! Grow up and move on this game is TWENTY ONE YEARS OLD. Ive listened to people talking in my wife's discord EVERY SINGLE PERSON says over and over if it were not for this third party program or that one I WOULD NOT PLAY THIS GAME! Not everyone who plays this game can dedicate 24/7 to playing it and WHO WOULD WANT TO.
  • Cat134Cat134 Posts: 23
    So why did YOU ADD to the 'whining'. Perhaps, if you're not interested in playing the game, then don't bother adding your 2 cents worth, it certainly wasn't even worth that. Go away!
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    cagle said:
    This thread and the constant whining here is simply LAME! Grow up and move on this game is TWENTY ONE YEARS OLD. Ive listened to people talking in my wife's discord EVERY SINGLE PERSON says over and over if it were not for this third party program or that one I WOULD NOT PLAY THIS GAME! Not everyone who plays this game can dedicate 24/7 to playing it and WHO WOULD WANT TO.
    The problem is this person is NOT just using a program to assist in training or doing some boring task, this person is in a room that has the ONLY mob of it's type 24/7 making it so that if anyone else wants to use the room they can't unless forced to deal with person and their abusive young char before they can.  It is not like they can 'share' the spawn, the script this person uses insta targets all mobs and kills em before you can count to 2. 

    Not only that the person is generating $$ 24/7 that is contributing to killing the market and to add insult to injury the person doesn't even sell it's ill gotten clean up reward gains on this shard but ships em to atlantic to sell.  So OUR shard is just being farmed by this idiot 24/7 and having it's dark guardian room monopolised for no benefit of the people to this shard at all.

    We can't help it if your wife plays with a bunch of cheats either, I for one don't use any third party program to play this game, never have, and I would be one of the richest ppl on this shard.  Never bought gold off these idiots either. On your rationing just because other people cheat and steal it means we all should.   As Cat134 said... go away.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    OH NO all our GDs went wild all at once for some strange reason
  • FinkFink Posts: 48
    Bilbo said:
    OH NO all our GDs went wild all at once for some strange reason
    This a dangerous room!

    ~ The Babe with The Power ~
  • FinkFink Posts: 48
    cagle said:
    This thread and the constant whining here is simply LAME! Grow up and move on this game is TWENTY ONE YEARS OLD. Ive listened to people talking in my wife's discord EVERY SINGLE PERSON says over and over if it were not for this third party program or that one I WOULD NOT PLAY THIS GAME! Not everyone who plays this game can dedicate 24/7 to playing it and WHO WOULD WANT TO.
    Third party app user no concern to me.

    Many people use UO:Assist or UO:Cartographer or some even UO:Wedding for speech macro. This is good but need none of this with Enhance Client. I write some elegant EC macro resemble witchcraft to ordinary person, you maybe think I am cheat. I use assistant tool for accessible need where health inhibit enjoyment, like gamer keyboard or mús. Also use proprietary app to search translate of foreign term or slang in chat, to help with language.

    This scripter persist to occupy room 24/7, automatic all this time. Like you say: who want this? She die more than forty time in some few hour I hunt dark guardian tonight, some time return before her corpse turn to bone. She is very bad at this spawn, die a lot. Maybe if she learn to share, she will succeed.

    ~ The Babe with The Power ~
  • FinkFink Posts: 48
    I go to the dark guardians today, and I see...

    ...a corpse of wanda maximoff!

    She die here a lot, lot. So I suspect there is some loot she leave guardian loot behind like so many time previous? Oooh, nice bracelet! So generous! She come back, I try show appreciation of this gift, but she is shy and always flee when some body is here.

    Wanda is best drop in Dooom, no effort, only need come to this room and she will abandon her loot, dozen or more corpses of dark guardian with gold, maps, daemon bone, and artifact loot because she wear high luck suit.

    This is free resource to any body, make a frequent visit when you please and collect loot for no effort. She will abandon this room for 20-60 minutes each time a person come to see her. Do this all day and she will never have loot for herself.

    Enjoy this loot with full endorsement of GM who ignore her scripting.

    ~ The Babe with The Power ~
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited September 2019
    Yes well to stop this cretin from cheating they have now nerfed the room for everyone.  When you go in now you get 2 mobs irrespective of how many critters  you have in there.  So you and one pet still spawns just two mobs. 

    We can all blame this person for this nerf, another example of ONE person destroying parts of the game for their greed, and that person having no regard for anyone else.  

    And yet another case of the 'fix'  throwing out the baby with the bathwater.  An easy 'fix' that destroys the encounter for everyone.  Instead of making it so young chars could not log out in there with their mobs of gamen and griefing other people if they tried to use the room and banning the person exploiting they destroy the room for everyone instead. 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    For the same reason that the other thread was locked, this one is being locked too. Exploits can not be discussed here. 
This discussion has been closed.