UO - Anti-new player?



  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    @Bilbo truth hurts I’m sure you have a framed picture of your castle right next to the NAMs you got for doing nothing but leeching off society for 20 years. Keep up the great work, you are an excellent UO ambassador yourself! 
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh that's a good one Ikeelu!  
    I play UO for one reason  I enjoy it.  21+ years its still a good game.   But I am one of a group of players who value a good experience and look forward to the next time I am able to play. I don't get bored with my toys, I learned early on to savor what you got as it might disappear the next time you blink.  We are of a different generation.. the game is not the problem its the new kids on the block who don't give a rats behind on anything that has that kind of staying power. They want new exciting and lasts less then 6 months.  That's their time frame for growth
  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    @Lady_Storm the new kids you speak of keep your fantasy world alive, you should just thank us for stopping in now and again. 
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • ah if you ask a few people they think I keep UO running ….  when you can pay what I do then you can speak. those kids are doing the EJ and getting bored and off they go in under 6 months
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited February 2019
    Ikeelu said:
    @ Xare, there is no reasoning with this crowd. These are the people that have never left UO. No matter how bad the game got, they didn’t leave. They are not back for a trip down memory lane... it’s everyday life for them. They are the workers at a beach resort just watching people come and go. Let them have the game, just buy the items you need to solo rock roof, realize the game is still bad, and quit to play Kerbal Space Program. 
    Yes, and for this I personally have a great respect for them.

    Mind me, I didn't say that I automatically AGREE with their visions of the game, and I will argue bitterly with them if the occasion arise (as I have done), but it is thanks to them too if there is STILL is a UO in which to return and to grumble about, and that is simply a FACT.


  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    Bilbo said:
    Ikeelu said:
    @ Xare, there is no reasoning with this crowd. These are the people that have never left UO. No matter how bad the game got, they didn’t leave. They are not back for a trip down memory lane... it’s everyday life for them. They are the workers at a beach resort just watching people come and go. Let them have the game, just buy the items you need to solo rock roof, realize the game is still bad, and quit to play Kerbal Space Program. 
    If this game is so damn bad what does that say about you.  I enjoy the hell out of UO but alls you can say is UO is garbage/bad so why the hell are you even playing.  You total negative post do more harm for this game then EA/UO has ever done.
    Sometimes when people are angry or upset they are not able to see things from different points of views. I have been playing for more than 18 years and still love playing the game, even when I am pk'ed while doing stuff in fel, I don't like it as I am sure no one likes it, but it is the chance you take when going to fel. I hear people spout negative things about UO, but I am not going to be defined or made to feel a certin way by other peoples experiences. I am not saying that these feelings or experiences are not valad, but that I have my own feelings and experiences. I know this game is not perfect but there are lots in this game to appeal to most. Some will not like it as I do or like what I like and that is okay. What is not okay is to try to ruin it for someone else. We can all share our opinions and even what we think is wrong with the game and what our solutions to issues that we believe needs to be addressed in the game. This is a discussion board/web site so lets be adults and discuss the issues without name calling and belittling each other. All points are valid to the person trying to make it, it may not be correct but it is still valid. If I had any choice I would love to play UO all the time but we all have Real lives. my whole point is if all you have are negative feelings and memories about Uo and and you see no future then maybe you should consider leaving.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Tim said:
    Ivenor said:
    Tim said:
    I feel to save the game a basic policy of NOTHING useful in the game should have only one source. The exception being decretive items. I don't mean they should be the same item but along the line of "Bearing the Crest of Blackthorn" items. Same powers but different forms, name, and look.

    Before you start screaming I'm not saying easer I'm saying different. 

    ***The extreme example is power scrolls if I don't like PvP for what ever reason give me another way to get them even if it is harder
    . ***

    At least then it would be my choice and I wouldn't blame the game so much.

    A player who feels the game is stacked against him and is being told how he must play the game is not a player for long.
    But you already have it: gain enough GPs in some any other way you like, and buy them form Vendors.
    1. I said Power scrolls were the extreme example. I was referring to everything other the just vanity items.
    2. Power scrolls aren't on vendors on most shards (were we need the new players)
    3. Is a new player going to hang around long enough grinding low level spawns to earn the millions needed?
    4. Realistically you are saying the new player should go to www.AnybodyButAvatar.com 
    5. I prefer to get things in the game my self but thats just me.

    As I mentioned in another post, here on these Forums (https://forum.uo.com/discussion/comment/17893/#Comment_17893), the way that I see it is that Scrolls of Power have contributed, and quite significantly, to LOSING players to Ultima Online....

    Why do I think so ?

    To my thinking, they have been, the way that they have been handled, the # 1 cause of much of the issues of Ultima Online of an outrageous inflation and of prices for everything reaching ridicolous amounts.

    And did they even help PvP the way that they were implemented, at least ?

    Not in the slightest, is my opinion as Felucca remained having the issues it had and has....

    What Scrolls of Power being limited to felucca only caused, was and is, permitting a small number of players to monopolize their control and, thus, their pricing, and thus FORCE all other players, the grandest majority, to have to get into absurd grinding to earn the gold necessary to satisfy the demands of those controlling those powerscrolls....

    And, of course, all of this grinding ended up alienating many players from Ultima Online thus, losing players' base....

    And did it even at least help PvP ?

    As we have seen, it didn't since the scarcity of population in Felucca has always been there and still is with all of the issues plaguing it remaining.

    This, because all that wealth coming from the control and the Monopoly of the Scrolls of Power to those few players permitted them to buy themselves such uber suits which noone else would be able to compare with and, so, PvP became (and is) pointless, to my viewing.

    What is the point of PvPing other players who have by far superior gear and are likely also more skilled since they do it more often ?

    THESE are the issues which have driven away many players from UO since the inception of the Scrolls of Power....

    As I see it, PvP should not be forced onto players by using the lure of items such as Scrolls of Power to get them into it, no, PvP should be Designed in a way that players would get to it because they WANT TO, not because they feel that they "HAVE TO" in order to get some items...

    Unfortunately, I see it in many games where exclusive items are spawned only in PvP areas to force players who may want or need those items to then feel that they "have to" go there and be subject to PvP.... the results are, at least to my viewing, pretty much all the same, those items may get a few, initially to get to them but eventually, when there is a minority who gets into control of them and of their pricing, the rest of players are cut out from benefitting of them and have to get into deterring grinding (which alienates them from wanting to keep playing the game) in order to make enough to then purchase those items.

    What has really shocked me over these Years, is how content like this which actually "loses" players' base is yet still implemented....

    Oh well, go figure....
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Ikeelu said:
    @ Bilbo truth hurts I’m sure you have a framed picture of your castle right next to the NAMs you got for doing nothing but leeching off society for 20 years. Keep up the great work, you are an excellent UO ambassador yourself! 
    LMAO What truth, that you are an angry little 10 year old stomping his little feet trying to get everybody to believe your BS.  How could that possibility hurt me in fact I find it very funny reading your posts please keep up the BS.  Back to leeching off of society collecting my 3 retirement checks a month.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    This is thread serves no purpose at this point. It started in a bad place and went worse fast. 
This discussion has been closed.