A wish list in game-play options... NO SNOW!
I dont know about you... I grew up with snow. Even as a child, I hated snow. The only GOOD part of snow was getting off school... and its not like that translates in to happy joyfulness when you go in to adult hood.
I had a little mishap today with my display, in game. By the time I sorted it out, an update came... and we have our wonderful UO winter-scape hit Tram. Granted, I get in to totally Christmas-izing my mall. We used to have events back in the day for Christmas. We didnt have snow tiles! Or any of the winter goodies.
One thing I noticed, when trying to fix the display option... was all these "ignore" options in sound. You can ignore pet sounds. You can ignore music sounds (those people working skill around the bank day and night.) You can ignore CRAFT sounds. You can ignore MONSTER sounds... as if that was a good thing before you get attacked. All kinds of sounds you can ignore. I cant see why you would want to ignore sound.
What we should be allowed? My wish-list item... I'm sure NOT the only one!!! "Ignore seasonal snow-scape."
I had a little mishap today with my display, in game. By the time I sorted it out, an update came... and we have our wonderful UO winter-scape hit Tram. Granted, I get in to totally Christmas-izing my mall. We used to have events back in the day for Christmas. We didnt have snow tiles! Or any of the winter goodies.
One thing I noticed, when trying to fix the display option... was all these "ignore" options in sound. You can ignore pet sounds. You can ignore music sounds (those people working skill around the bank day and night.) You can ignore CRAFT sounds. You can ignore MONSTER sounds... as if that was a good thing before you get attacked. All kinds of sounds you can ignore. I cant see why you would want to ignore sound.
What we should be allowed? My wish-list item... I'm sure NOT the only one!!! "Ignore seasonal snow-scape."

Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
If you go to options (in game) first page (with the horn), you'll see all those sound options I mentioned.
Besides some more advanced options on display like frame skipping... the size of your play window and such. I see "ignore dark nights"... or something about colored lights. That's it! Doesnt seam very "optional". hehe
You could also know that all the white lands dont exactly help those of us with epilepsy. When not feeling well, its impossible to play UO... and when you go from normal, or town areas, to flashy white? Its not good. Trust me.
Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.