Calling Gamemasters still work? Or is it just fully ignored now?

Just wondering!  :-D

I know, before 5 years ago... it was super rare they would help at all.  Is it just a dead option now?

Seeing some people, who are trolling inside the UO world, used to be addressed by flagging them as harassment... I remember game masters WOULD sometimes help deal with them.

Granted... this was a long time ago.

I have another big issue with a bad code not giving me the "2000 Sovereigns Pack" and thus far, I consider that 19.99$ stolen money.  I got a form-email saying I would be contacted soon... and I see zero communications.  I guess I need to call my back and report it as a bogus charge.  Guess I wont be doing that again any time soon.  ;-) 

Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.


  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    You did something wrong or your credit card was bogus, one thing that absolutely works perfectly is the purchasing of game content from Origin, if you follow the steps correctly. Harsh I know, to say this, but much truth in it there is.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    I am uncertain as to how a Gamemaster could help you with this particular issue.
  • Just wondering!  :-D

    I know, before 5 years ago... it was super rare they would help at all.  Is it just a dead option now?

    Seeing some people, who are trolling inside the UO world, used to be addressed by flagging them as harassment... I remember game masters WOULD sometimes help deal with them.

    Granted... this was a long time ago.

    I have another big issue with a bad code not giving me the "2000 Sovereigns Pack" and thus far, I consider that 19.99$ stolen money.  I got a form-email saying I would be contacted soon... and I see zero communications.  I guess I need to call my back and report it as a bogus charge.  Guess I wont be doing that again any time soon.  ;-) 
    That is a thing you will have to directly resolve with EA/Origin or you can email Mesanna (the producer) to do it for you.

    A GM does not have the powers to resolve that and will basically as helpful as the moderators on official forums ;)
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    Are you entering the 2000 Sovereign code into the in-game "Redeem Code" menu by chance? All the codes from need to be entered into the account page at

    Some purchases you can also enter them in-game for additional items those packs come with, but Sovereigns/expansions/etc need to be entered into the account website.
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • By the way gang...

    I did try the code in every possible way.  I had some chat going with EA support and after claiming I wasnt ME... we proved I was... and he pushed me off on the same FAQ section that answers nothing when you need help the most.  I also tried on other accounts.  

    I used a perfectly good card.  Saw the money taken from my account, waited 24 hours... its been several days.  Still nothing.  Zero customer support if all they do is play "pass the buck".

    I really hate to bother Mesanna with this.  Sure someone else would be better suited... if I had a real email address vs. some dead-ending "contact us" option.

    And by the way... the only "response" I see from paging the gamemaster is 2-3 days later, a form message via email that says nothing at all.  No name.  A zero response, I'd say.  "The check is in the mail" type.  hehe

    I remember, lets say 5+ years ago... when paging for help, you would see something pop up as a message that you were in line for help... even if they never came OR there was just no one to respond.  I honestly dont think they are paying attention any more... if they have game masters working at all any more.  I just dont know.

    It seams a million years ago I saw a game master... in game, helping, being friendly.  Used to freak me out to no end being new... running along... being snatched up and put someplace remote to have a conversation.  Like on top of a mountain.  Or... jail.  Doing nothing wrong!  Or coming out to help with a stuck body.  Even if they didnt show themselves... you'd see things move.  Maybe this was before Malas?  When removing a dead vendor took all day... then they'd move it to the woods near by.

    Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
    Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
  • SkullSkull Posts: 42
    Gamemasters did not help me with my Lighthouse not working to save my Brittanian ship.  So, no, Gamemasters don't help.
    These forums make me log in so much I feel like a lumberjack.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    I have never had any issue with GMs helping me with things they can help with. They can NOT replace any lost item (imagine if they could, the line of people who ''lost'' items. They would be investigating a billion failures to secure containers all day long, or just out right lies). They don't answer questions about in-game content, like how to kill something, where to go for the next step of a quest, etc. There are lots of wikis and forums for that. They cannot help with anything not directly in the game, like account billing, store purchases, codes, etc - they do NOT have the power to look at your credit info and other account based info.

    A Game Master can help with things in the game. If your character has a buff stuck on them, your corpse or a boss is unreachable, your backpack has an invisible item stuck in it, your house is in IDOC but you got back just in the nick of time and need it refreshed - that sort of thing. I have had all of these happen lol. They also respond to pages on griefing and scripting.

    I have NEVER had an issue with EA codes. You need to be entering it on the Mythic site (not Origin, not EA, not inside the game). If you are copy/pasting the code, don't. Hand type it. Odds are you copying a space before or after.
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    I love the GMs only paged one once about the house next door. After 6-10 months on no movement or sign anybody had been there in years asked if it was left over from a dead account. Got the proper "can't discuss another persons account/billing but will look into it". Two or three weeks later I got my Castle. :)

    What they can do they do just give a little thought to if you were in charge would you give them the power to do that. For example look up a players payment info (card #)
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    It works around a year or so ago, but I have not called them ever since.

    They even prow my shard for AFK macroers. My friend did receive a warning for scripting in blackthorn dungeon. Several times we called for help, the GM came. But there are times where they dont, so we assumed they are off-duty.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Something to keep in mind is the shard time zone. Not your time zone. The shard time zone. 

    I live in the states. But I am from germany as well as most of my friends and family. So I play Drachenfels. I play a LOT during dead hours (this is not the time for quips about a dead shard) because I work a late shift. The shard time zone is 6 hours ahead. So when I play at 9pm, it’s 3am there, and I can forget about paging a GM. 

    The nature of the issue is another matter. 
  • OMG that pic is old!   Pink Counselors were outside hires... didn't play UO even.
    OK  Back to the issue at hand. Contact Mesanna at her e-mail, in the subject line of the address area put in reason.. ie: Trouble with the Origin store.  Then briefly explain what happened, add in all paperwork sent to your e-mailbox. She needs all the info she can get her paws on to help if warranted.  Yelling in here wont help and the mod is being very nice.   Advisor's Counselors, or GMs cant help you. 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    As this was never a problem that a games master could help with, being account related and therefore Origin/EA's province, I think we can lock this.
This discussion has been closed.