The Road to One Client ?

SmootSmoot Posts: 409
edited November 2018 in General Discussions
Most people i know who use the Enhanced client use it for the user interface and features, but does anyone actually prefer the graphics on the Enhanced Client over the Classic Client?  With the new changes to Classic Client, i can see it becoming much more popular to the again, and possibly become what i had always hoped for.  The Classic art, but with the features of the EC. 
  1. Which Art do you prefer?43 votes
    1. I prefer the graphics of the Classic Client
    2. I prefer the graphics of the Enhanced Client


  • The changes they made to CC are still PALE in comparison to how you create Macros in EC.  The CC settings and macro screens are terrible in design and very difficult to even see.  The EC interface for Macros is so much better than the few macros they added to CC.
  • TimTim Posts: 814
    This is an old argument on par with who was the better artist Rembrandt or Picasso. There is no answer that will please everybody.  To get a meaningful answer you should have included "graphics do not really contribute to my choice of client" (my vote).

    Also remember to look at number of votes before drawing any conclusions. 
  • I prefer the CC in all ways, even with the weird "artifacts" that leave weird trails behind etc screen tearing at the edges when moving through a densely populated area, the atrociously old (but I still like it a lot) UI and being able to put my spell / weapon skill icons all over the place. If you want to get into an area I'd rather discuss though, I'd like to hear/see some updated music. I didn't like about anything from Ter Mur musicwise. Well the Stygian Abyss had some cool tunes. And fix the music to Britain, if I leave the town, that music needs to stop. As it is, it just goes on and on and on and on and on. And make Tokuno fun. I don't even know the lay out of Homare-Jima/whateverelse-jima . Or any -jima really. I barely know Makoto-Jima / Zento . The rest of this game is like burned into my memory, I can hardly stand travelling around Tokuno stuff. I like the dungeons, and still do a trav run from time to time, but overland is just a boring mishmash of frustrating yawnery that typically ends with me just looking through a rune library for the places of interest. If you need to blow another city up, please blow Luna up and rebuild it, or whatever else, and consider most of Tokuno as well. Leave Zento alone, it never hurt nobody. Also, this thread is amazing. Love you guys/gals.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    There is only one way we could go to one client and that would be to allow the player base to pick which client design and which graphics they care to look at.  IMHO the EC is a better client but the CC has the better graphics.  Take the ZOOM out of the EC when viewing CC graphics because I understand that it really messes them up and maybe, just maybe we could get to one client with multi graphic selections, hell maybe find a way to get KR graphics in there too..
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 409
    edited November 2018
    ZekeTerra said:
    The changes they made to CC are still PALE in comparison to how you create Macros in EC.  The CC settings and macro screens are terrible in design and very difficult to even see.  The EC interface for Macros is so much better than the few macros they added to CC.
    i agree, but its in its infant stages.   personally, i believe the EC macros are currently borderline cheating in what you can do with lua scripts (totally legal and independent of a third party program).  personally i think LESS macroing than whats available in EC would make for a more engaging game.
  • cobbcobb Posts: 172
    Poll is not looking good for EC
  • DanpalDanpal Posts: 119
    If they take eather one out the people playing the one taken out will quite.

    I have not been able to get the cc to work on my computer for years. So if its taken away i would be leaveing becasue i cant play.
  • TimTim Posts: 814
    At this point 18 votes
    If that's a fare sample of the player base UO is in real trouble 

    I've said it before and I'll say it again.
    I don't think the graphics are a big factor in most players client choice.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited November 2018
    Tim said:
    At this point 18 votes
    If that's a fare sample of the player base UO is in real trouble 

    I've said it before and I'll say it again.
    I don't think the graphics are a big factor in most players client choice.
    That is a major reason why almost all CC users give as a reason so yes it is a major factor, just because it has a very nice UI does not mean we are all running to use it.  If it is not the graphics then please tell us what you think is keeping people from not using the better UI and please do not say because all CC users use 3rd party program.
  • TimTim Posts: 814
    Human nature being what it is I would guess momentum and laziness. If you have limited game time and what you have is working why learn a new way? 

    To be perfectly honest even with a high res monitor I can't see much difference between the two.
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 409
    edited November 2018
    Tim said:
    At this point 18 votes
    If that's a fare sample of the player base UO is in real trouble 

    I've said it before and I'll say it again.
    I don't think the graphics are a big factor in most players client choice.
    know its the biggest deciding factor for me, and a few friends.  im sure we're not the only ones.  i tried to play EC for about two weeks but just hated the graphics.  that was the deciding factor for me.  love the UI but not worth it to look at that garbage (yes im a bit biased towards the classic hildebrandt art, which is why i created the poll in the first place to get a feel for how strongly the art / graphics affect others client usage)

    even made sure not to get monitor with a higher than a 1920×1280 to keep the CC at a decent size.

    ideally im going to go back to my old computer, and use one of my old monitors with 1024×768 resolution for UO dedicated setup. (the game looked much better on it)

    I'm also coming from the perspective of playing the game mostly for the aesthetics, deco, and rares collecting.  havent been too concerned with min / maxing and actual gameplay for a few years now.

    i do log into EC on sometimes just to use the hue id tool

  • I voted CC graphics above but to be honest I don't really care anymore. I also hated the EC graphics and that kept me from switching for a long time until I forced myself to play EC for a week and after that I was used to it. Now I don't mind anymore. What REALLY bugs me though  when I go back to CC now is how wobbly and laggy the whole thing is compared to the absolute smooth way the EC runs. THAT is the No.1 reason why I stick to EC now.
  • Everytime I hear someone say something bout the cartoonish graphics in the CC, I just close my eyes and picture the EC Hiryu and laugh...
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    Bilbo said:
    Tim said:
    At this point 18 votes
    If that's a fare sample of the player base UO is in real trouble 

    I've said it before and I'll say it again.
    I don't think the graphics are a big factor in most players client choice.
    That is a major reason why almost all CC users give as a reason so yes it is a major factor, just because it has a very nice UI does not mean we are all running to use it.  If it is not the graphics then please tell us what you think is keeping people from not using the better UI and please do not say because all CC users use 3rd party program.

    I can not use the EC because it gives me a headache and makes my eyes hurt within a few minutes.  Looking at a screen shot can do the same.

    Also I do not like how dragons, Cu Sidhe, and Hiryus look in the EC.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimTim Posts: 814
    edited November 2018
    I’m not joking or being flippant
     If just switching from CC to EC causes headaches talk to your doctor next time you see him. It may be nothing but it may not. No I’m not a doctor but the change in graphics should not be causing headaches eye strain maybe but not headaches. 
    For the eye strain when was the last time you had your eyes checked?
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,744
    Tim said:
    I’m not joking or being flippant
     If just switching from CC to EC causes headaches talk to your doctor next time you see him. It may be nothing but it may not. No I’m not a doctor but the change in graphics should not be causing headaches eye strain maybe but not headaches. 
    For the eye strain when was the last time you had your eyes checked?

    He is not the only one that gets headaches from using EC. There is a big difference between the two clients... I have been told that Pinco's UI has an option that fixes that but I can't download it on my computer....

    As for eye strain and having eyes checked... I have had light sensitive eyes since I was a teenager, maybe that's why EC bothers me so much. I have no clue but I do know that Luna looks pretty in CC and in EC the tiles look dirty (I think big differences like that, is why my eyes hurt after playing it for awhile)

    I do know other people who think the same way, about it hurting their eyes. I wish it didn't hurt my eyes, there is so much I like about the client
  • I won’t ever play Ultima at less than 120 frames per second again. The solvency for this issue is for the devs to spend some time on a “Classic Client Mode” in Enhanced Client that just changes all of the art work and menus to the old style at the click of a check box. 
  • I love the feel and don’t mind the graphics of EC so much, but the EC refuses to run well on my pc. I don’t have the money to upgrade it, and I can run 3 clients of CC just fine. So I stick with cc and just run EC for t-maps and BODs. 
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 409
    I love the feel and don’t mind the graphics of EC so much, but the EC refuses to run well on my pc. I don’t have the money to upgrade it, and I can run 3 clients of CC just fine. So I stick with cc and just run EC for t-maps and BODs. 
    no amount of upgrading would fix it.  EC has memory leak problems. best way to fix that is if your playing for a long time, close the game and restart after every hour or so.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    Tim said:
    I’m not joking or being flippant
     If just switching from CC to EC causes headaches talk to your doctor next time you see him. It may be nothing but it may not. No I’m not a doctor but the change in graphics should not be causing headaches eye strain maybe but not headaches. 
    For the eye strain when was the last time you had your eyes checked?

    I wear glasses and have eye dr insurance so I see him yearly. 

    I am nearsighted so I can play with or without glasses.

    I am not the only one that gets headaches from the EC.  I brought it up to Mesanna at a meet and great and she says they are aware of it.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,448
    edited November 2018

    I heard that playing EC causes infertility issues.   ;)

  • TimTim Posts: 814
    Pawain glad you have checked in to it. I was thinking about that case in Japan a few years ago when a game was causing convulsions in kids. The last report I remember about it was that some of the first cases were from undiagnosed epilepsy. 

    Being Canadian I'm not sure how insurance comes into it  o:)
  • cobbcobb Posts: 172
    Not only does EC look bad but it can also cause seizures?
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @Tim if you can not see the difference between the CC and EC graphics then you need to go see your eye doctor ASAP before telling use to go see ours.
  • DraikeDraike Posts: 19
    I think this poll is useless because it fails to catch the main reason people choose between the clients. And no, do not bring graphics as a reason, UO was never hot on graphics and been the mmo game with over 20 years of age only shows it. Many more games with way better graphics failed miserably to catch players attention and did not survive a fraction of years UO has. It really comes down to if you use third party mods/scripts or not. With EC you dont have to, with CC you do, being those either legal or illegal. Just be honest with yourself and admit it. Just my 2 cents into the whole mix of things 
  • TimTim Posts: 814
    Let me rephrase that
    I don't see any meaningful difference as in two paintings of the same landscape look the same.

  • HimmelweissHimmelweiss Posts: 15
    edited November 2018

    CC = lag, hitching, screen tearing, stuttering

    EC = runs smooth

    I prefer EC

    Even thought i prefer how EC graphics look, i actually agree that graphics are the last reason why people are switching clients. But i would hate to see (once again) better graphics getting ditched again like when UO:KR graphics were a thing...

    You will get maybe about 100 votes in this thread, hardly does represent the playerbase.

  • InLorInLor Posts: 414
    The CC all the way. If they put all their efforts into modernizing it, it shall be glorious.
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2018
    I absolutely love this sit and laugh at it actually. This is strictly my opinion, but I firmly believe that maybe 5% of the population really does have an issue with the EC as far as not liking the graphics, or even those claiming dizzyness/seizures/fits/etc...I didn't care for it either when I first downloaded on a computer so old it had no business running it, but then I stepped back into the 21st century and bought a new one (I know I know, you can't afford a new one, yet you manage to log in to UO every day of your life and pay for 15 accounts) once I got a decent computer the EC plays wonderfully. I also firmly believe the majority of CC only users are doing it for nefarious reasons. I grew up on CC like most others, but it is absolutely NOT the better client and you guys know it. I don't expect anyone to be honest and upfront, but what irks me is when you make up lame reasons why you "only every play CC and will quit if they discontinue it". Just sit back and quietly read threads like this and be happy you still have your client at all. If you guys think for one moment that the devs don't know exactly to the number why 95% of CC users are actually playing the cc, you're all high. The proof is in the meta data that was captured when they made us agree to that little file sniffer a long time ago, unless I missed the part where they changed their mind and removed it. But keep these threads going please..they're hilarious to read. And before I get reported, I'm not pointing fingers or mentioning anyone by name, I'm not..merely my opinion, which I'm entitled to, and for the record, I voted EC. 
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,448
    edited November 2018

    Garth, what if a lot of your base assumption is just plain wrong?

    CC IS the better client, end of story, for no other reason, that it just performs better on all fronts. I've tried EC many times, it's just a different game, looks, plays, feels horrendous.

    It's not about money or PC (don't try and put down CC users like that, it's insulting and incorrect), it's not about cheating in pvp, don't feel you have to make up excuses for us, or "logical" reasons to explain why we don't kowtow to your way of thinking. We have our own way of thinking, based on our own intellectual thought processes. It's you who fails to see the full picture.

    Now regarding nefarious CC, I don't use too much that is nefarious (nothing in pvp ((I have used scripts for crafting)), but what is interesting, is the "nefarious" side of CC, shows exactly what can be done, to make it outperform even EC, so why is CC being so shackled back in the first place? I don't think we should have it all, I think the "nefarious" stuff goes too far, BUT, we should have equality, and stop being fed lies that CC cannot do this, and EC is better. NOW this stuff is being built in, like I always said it could be.

    What I would like, is equality, (and CC does not hold EC back in any way, this is just the latest excuse from EC users, like "the CC code is too mangled" that they've been pushing for the last 10 years). Now EC users have just upgraded their excuse. Why do you all feel the need for these excuses? Insecurity? You know our argument is stronger?

    I would also like to know, what is legal, and what isn't legal. Some of the stuff CC users use, just gives them parity to EC, so why is it a problem in the first place? Some does go too far.

    If the legal stuff were built into CC, it makes it easier to define the illegal stuff.

    But it is hard to define what is legal, and what is illegal, when EC can do it, and it's legal, and it is not built into CC, but when CC users use third party software to achieve the same goal, it is illegal. That is all a bit of an unequal argument - and it Is one that has been used to keep CC down for a long time.

    and ps. regarding nefarious stuff, I am not even really sure of what you may be referring to. I don't think many are, except a few win at all costs pvpers.

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