Mining BOT
Just killed this mining bot, been seeing him for a few days teleporting in and out when I was mining.. try to interact with him nada.. So i attacked him.. he kept mining till he hit the floor like a good little bot.. I know this is useless to report BOT and Scripter cuz under BS they king.
High Sea normalize cheating for 90%+ of this cheating community but i refuse to get that low (on their third party level) and start operating instead of playing, like a wussing cheater.

PS: i try to interact with it.. three time the last 10 minutes he teleported near me..I even went on general chat to call him out (maybe his "operator" would jump on it and make it look HUMAN).. the 4th time I took a murderer count to clean the game for 2 min.. what BS refuse to do..
instead they inciting us to "adapt" and start cheating.. you can even admit on official forum to bot script an alt account as a pocket healer while grinding on your main account and NADA.
High Sea normalize cheating for 90%+ of this cheating community but i refuse to get that low (on their third party level) and start operating instead of playing, like a wussing cheater.

PS: i try to interact with it.. three time the last 10 minutes he teleported near me..I even went on general chat to call him out (maybe his "operator" would jump on it and make it look HUMAN).. the 4th time I took a murderer count to clean the game for 2 min.. what BS refuse to do..
instead they inciting us to "adapt" and start cheating.. you can even admit on official forum to bot script an alt account as a pocket healer while grinding on your main account and NADA.
So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
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It made my mining felt like DUMB (cuz i'm legit) and useless cuz this cheaters has 100 times the resources i got by cheating and BS promote that by their inaction on cheaters like him and you!
Now get lost cheater.. u don't belong on the official forum after admitting to use heal pocket bots alt account.
Legit watching Stargate instead of playing UO
Edit: the sense of purpose was to duel a 2 hander mage (3 days ago) with his optimize build on my main dexer with a shit suit, no masterie nor UOA and he's not able to kill me (neither do I)
And would refuse to duel on foot on the roof of wrong dungeon like a boss (he just jumped me with a precasted cursed when I recall at wrong for the duel).. I had to told him all he had to do to win this duel was to drain my mana cuz I got shit mana suit, for him to accept 20 min later to duel on me on foot in a limited area (he was calling me 4/6 pally noob in answer to me calling him a bad cheater that couldn't kill a returning shit in 1v1) but yeah... (he was one of the five wuss (one of the blue stonewall caster) I mention from the other night; my PvP post that got shut down by a mod supporting cheaters)
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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Was planning to buy it cuz i love fishing but yeah.. Bs incompetency and position towards cheaters make me reconsider.
Watch on twitch Krotha channel.. ~ 2 months ago him and his community were going HARD on UO, (first timer on official) LS shard.. as soon they bought HS (3 weeks in their playtime) ~3 days later they would all stop UO.. cuz of the cheating promotion on HS (some went back on everquest and the rest moved on to tarisland while waiting on T&L) when they all had big plan for UO; to keep their sub activated.. HS cheating killed all that..
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
HS normalize cheating for most of this community and BS tag along with it.. but for them to claim to be AT WAR with third party program.. very hypocritical.. u have user admitting to use scripted pocket healer alt bot on their forums
PS: for krotha community.. this is when their vet mentor told them about scripted alt and how rewarding was HS that turn them down.. they were only finishing their first character; a sampire and enjoying their time when they learn they needed scripted alts account on their HS to be top dogs (or like some would say: to play calmly relax -.-).. they turn off the switch.
PS2: that vet scripter pirate.. was a trammy.. he would only do non felluca champ spawn with them.. a cheating trammy vet player from LS. (playpimpin or something close enough)
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Haha, did you just make an argument in favour of scripting ?
{It saves the professions of mining/lumberjacking}.
Which is true, I do also manually mine sometimes, purely because it can be fun.
Find and kill them in fel... They get double the resources and never change recall spots... One thing I hate is they report for a murder like 24hrs later when they see they are dead... Should be a timer on reporting for a murder...
You could already tell it was a bot the way he was moving and playing but I decided to kill this bot the next time he recall next to me, after dumping my gathering resources at luna bank.. at the very same moment u had another of his bots doing a tons of BODS (not even trying to hide or anything)
This one could not be killed tho and he's not even trying to hide it; thanks to BS incompetency!
PS: I went on general to call them out before killing the miner.. none of them would stop doing what they were doing like good little bots and his operator (not player) wouldn't answer back or stop them cuz he knows he can 100% bot on UO under BS incompetent management.. like he does everyday on High Sea
PS2: both these BOTS still going hard n strong in game as we talk... same as cookie the promoting cheater (after admitting he was botting his alt account as a pocket healer for his main account in another post)
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
The BOT gets resurrected and the script started anew... even if a BOT was to get killed a few times within a 24 hours day period, they can still run the script for the rest of the day.
Personally, killing BOTs in Felucca I do not think can achieve much of a deterrance towards scripters running BOTs.
"true, mining and lumberjacking profession are SAVED by cheating botters (not useless), but i still does without botting just cuz it's fun (not useless??)"
A living contradiction and/or a liar?
Been 24 hours still no mods to delete this promotion of BOTTING on a post DENOUNCING bots.. same as my PvP post... Official Forum, hello??? UO under BS is a SHAMEFUL DISPLAY!
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Another bot with a nearly perfect talisman.. I picture that guy operating his 2 heartwood bots and 5 mining bots, 5 lumbers bots (10+ account) Wich explain why BS tolerate them.
He took ~5min before giving me my murder count
PS: fun fact.. when I was calling the bot on general.. you had that weirdo that was crying the other night because someone would attack his PvE heroe on a champ spawn.. well that dude was defending those bots user calling me a rat..
Depending on him u cannot PvP a sampire PvE heroe doing a solo spawn but u can bot on UO.
Please boardsword.. we need more than one clean NL server.. at this point just make a regular server a fresh start one for Legit user? Like NL but the sandbox version of it, please?
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
What origin system would have done?
At best they gonna kick him from the server 8 hours after your report, with a note telling him: we don't do that here (someone was botting nitrate in a dungeon while sleeping.. good at multi tasking u know)
And that person just keep doing what he was doing after the warning.. cuz nothing more will happen.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Meanwhile someone asked me this question on this post, just read my 4th comment for the big obvious lines.. no need to DM on the specifics; won't change shit..
Example: you wouldn't show up on a specific navigation line as a GM to clean the game.. or those bot miners would been ban already or u'd already showed up on the others heavily botted "navigation line" like the heartwood.
I could do an essay on how SA first gave full power to economy to the bots and how HS lets everyone bot freely. (a mythical "fix")
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Cuz once u do end game.. u don't want to go back to gather, craft potions or apples; more than once every ~3months..
It was one of the MAJOR downer of vet player when SA was announced some of us had 100k+ valorite ingots type of stuff.. then we learn we would need to go back mining/lumber plus the fishing was pretty much useless.. the 2 guildmate that didn't stop before SA started botting white pearl before moving to GL i believe.
Like example 2 days ago I started stealing from monsters.. same stuff imo.. something not very enjoyable that needs to be done to really enjoy the open world PvP.. i'm aiming at 2x125 seed of life and mana draught.. after that gonna be easier to keep the supply up, by stealing once every month.
Same for lots of activities.. like gardening i still got 3 mule character with 126 plants.. like petal and thorns.
On dead market server there is stuff that needs to be done.. I'll need to fill those bods soon enough with colored ingot/plank for the runic reforging and other good stuff..
I've tried to make an enjoyable gatherer this time.. I heard there was dungeon gathering so I've change my old build to remove crafting skills like smith/tail for fighting skills (just switch forensic for GM lumber.. i'm training honesty atm)
PS:Honesty so NOT worth.. I was follower 1 ball went back to seeker 4 balls after buying couple thousand empty bottles.. At this point I was like let's finish it to knight to be decorum/pally and not buying regs on this dude anymore
Knowing what I do, so far, today.. Honesty would be white.
He can farm succubus.. he's built to survive... making the gathering a "bot" more enjoyable.. u not only a deer.. it's a good lil stress.. but it gets old real fast
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
I don't know how to share a video on the forum.. so here a screenshoot of ~10 bots multiboxing with full luck set, full of shard bound event items on LEGENDS shard.. totally legit stuff under BS
Not all of them... just a sample
Does someone gonna tell me PvE is unappealing garbage that nobody wants to do except psychopath?
They need to return on High Sea.. since they won't get ban! Get them out of MY UO!
OR lazy fix.. one of them is dropping his insured loot.. maybe add those on HS.. so they won't come do that on MY UO..
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
I think I got them all this time.. these bots are sponsored by Boardsword inaction.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Usually u have a message box from GM or enter in a chat option with them... nada.. like this GM just deleted my report and did nothing.. meanwhile they have at least 10 players name (account) they could sanction and NADA!
Knowing they still going hard on the same spot more than 24 hours later.. is fucking depressing level of incompetency.. to the point we can say these fuckers are sponsored by Boardsword.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
This is the effort players have to go to, to get 2 properties on a weapon...
I don't use weapons myself, but I do use armour, and jewellery.
The problem with this very complicated RNG system of loot, is it becomes an almost impossibility to find what you actually want.
You ask this question.
Are you going to put in the gameplay required to get what they are after?
Is anyone?