@Kyronix - Converting Keeps @Castles back to Classic - still not working
in Bugs
@Kyronix - I just placed a Classic Keep on TC, properly placed and everything, converted into a custom keep and same thing happened as usual.
Keep went from properly placed into Improperly and on the house customization menu, the option to convert back is gray.

Keep went from properly placed into Improperly and on the house customization menu, the option to convert back is gray.
- Placed Classic and showing picture before the customization

- House menu After I convert:

- Cant convert back to Classic:

it moves the plot forward one tile.
and that is why you can't convert it back.
I read that they fixed that,
but if it is still doing that,
then the issue is not fixed.
It needs to be converted on the exact tiles that it is currently placed on.
(I know it jumps forward, because it did that to 2 of my guild mates on Sonoma)
1 a keep, the other a castle
From the patch notes.
AR if you notice in your first picture how close the front is to the shoreline...you failed to get that into the screenshot of your second picture, but you can clearly see from the SW corner that you lost an entire tiles width in the front.
You can see in your first picture you only have a one tile separation, when you convert and it jumps up one tile, that places it RIGHT on the edge of the water making it improperly placed so you have to take that into consideration when doing the original placement.
moves the castles and keeps one tile south,
to make existing castles and keeps improperly placed.
(and makes them unable to convert to another design)
a keep on Sonoma became improperly placed and this is the only thing
that was one tile away from the front steps.
will this be fixed or is it intended to remain improperly placed?
and lets not start the problem that also cause to the house in the front, because the "new" keeps and castles take another tile on the front as mentioned, so because of that, the space between the house on the front and back is now 4 tiles instead of 5, so if by any reason the person that own the house on the front (Keep or castles or 18x18) decide to resize his house, He will never be able to plot the same size again bc the distance is shorter and he need 5 tiles between houses.