UOStore is down but VS is working great

title says it all


  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,337
    Still down  @Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna you are losing money
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,305
    Are you in an Inn or other logout place.  Has worked all day for me.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,337
    edited May 2020
    Pawain said:
    Are you in an Inn or other logout place.  Has worked all day for me.
    I am in the Inn above Luna Bank Atl
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,305
    edited May 2020
    I tried on LS I could put stuff in cart and get to the point of paying but I canceled.
    Need more info if this is still happening.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,337
    UOStore is working on Atl for me today, all other shards let me in find.  On Atl it said it was unavailable at this time.  TY @Pawain
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