Which tool to use for making 100% ele damage weapons

PawainPawain Posts: 10,661
No need to discuss, looking for the best runic tool to reforge each type weapon.






Lots of returning players want to make their own. 
I buy what I need to avoid the boredom.

Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.


  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    This is all I have in my notes, from a thread on Stratics:

    100% elemental smithy weapon: Dull Copper or Shadow runic + Powerful + Quality
     (difficulty: easy; you'll get high % elemental, so you should enhance to 100% first before imbuing. Use +60 hammer; success rate approx 70%.)

    100% elemental black staff: Oak saw + Powerful + Quality
     (difficulty: moderate)

    100% elemental bow: Oak runic + Powerful + Quality
     (difficulty: moderate)
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    What @Arroth_Thaiel said. Except I use strictly Shadow hammers for the Smith weapons.
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661
    edited May 2020
    Thanks tried the Shadow hammer on 4 weapons.  Got a 100% Poison and 3 duds.

    Saved me 5M.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    @Pawain Glad to help.
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • Shadow Hammer works for getting 100% Element with Smithing and Tinkering weps (including Whips). If you're specifically after 100% Fire Weps, then you can use a DC Hammer, reforge a wep to 40% Physical/60% Fire, then use a +60 ASH to enhance it to Bronze to make it 100% Fire.
  • MalokMalok Posts: 48
    keep this thread going please! 
  • Smith and stone need shadow, carp and bow need oak, I don't do glass so no idea.
  • basbas Posts: 9
    Smith does NOT need shadow. You can use DC as posted above. Bronze adds brings 60 fire to 100 and agapite brings 70 cold to 100.
  • bas said:
    Smith does NOT need shadow. You can use DC as posted above. Bronze adds brings 60 fire to 100 and agapite brings 70 cold to 100.
    OK, Smith me a 100% poison maul with a dull copper hammer and ill agree.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661
    I am fine with the answers. Would benefit everyone if stickied there. We can bookmark it or look there.
    Adding to wiki sounds good. Would a search for 100% elemental damage find it.
    Thanks to all.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • WornOutYourToolWornOutYourTool Posts: 299
    edited May 2020
    OP's call hah buuut if strictly looking for reforge numbers....

    Dull copper 60% (70% powerful)
    Shadow iron 80% (100%)

    Oak 80% (100%)

    Can still use old runic crafting, but you'll burn through more runics to get the desired effects than reforging unless the gods really don't like you.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    edited May 2020
    I have made a page - it won't be live yet, however rather than make it just for 100% elemental, I have titled it Runic Reforging for Specific Properties.  I hope you will help me add other properties to it?
    I would love to re-produce Semmerset's charts, but I do not have his permission and have no way to reach him to ask for it.
    I will post when the page is available to you, please check that I have properly understood and the information is correct.
    One comment you might find strange, a reminder that tinker weapons need to be enhanced by a tinker, even though you used a smith hammer to reforge them. I added it because a highly experienced crafter I know forgot that fact only a few days ago. :D
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    So do you need a tinker / smith or just tinker to enhance a tinker item with a smiths hammer

    glad this info is being added  
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited May 2020
    The following are all from the same thread on Stratics as the info I posted above. I had copied all these to my notes, but this is all compiled from other peoples work! Use as you see fit. I actually end up using this .txt file a lot.

    100% mana leech smithy weapon (or just %Hit Fatigue/%Hit Mana Drain): Copper + Powerful + Vampire
     (difficulty: easy)

    HCI+5, or DCI+5 metal armor: Shadow runic + Powerful + Slaughter
    HCI+5, or DCI+5 tailor armor: Spined kit + Powerful + Slaughter
     (difficulty: moderate)

    150 Luck leather: Horned kit + NOT powerful + Fortune
    -enhance with Spined leather for +40 Luck
     (difficulty: easy)

    150 Luck metal armor: Copper/Bronze runic + Powerful + Fortune
    - enhance with Gold ingots for +40 Luck
     (difficulty: moderate)

    150 Luck wooden shield: Ash runic + Powerful + Fortune
     (difficulty: easy)
     - Bokuto: Enhance Oak wood for +40 Luck + 5DI
     - Wooden shield: Enhance Bloodwood for +40 Luck + 2HPR

    Elemental & Hit Fatigue/Drain: Copper/Bronze + Powerful + Quality + Vampire
    (difficulty: very hard; do not try unless you have tons of resource)

    70% Hit Area: Copper + Powerful + Slaughter
     (difficulty: very hard; do not try unless you have tons of resource) 

    Also from my .txt...
    Crafting Process: (This is at the top, I have to reference it every time....)
    Create (exceptional - non magical)
    Runic Reforge
    Enhance (Forged Metal of Artifacts 100% Guarantee)

    Enhancing: 100% Elemental
    Always takes remaining %damage from physical
    Order of %damage addition: Cold, Energy, Fire, Poison
    Dull Copper  =  Durability
    Shadow   =  20% Cold + Durability
    Copper   = 10% Poison +20% Energy
    Bronze   =  40% Fire
    Golden  =  Luck
    Agapite  =  30% Cold + 20% Energy
    Verite   =  40% Poison + 20% Energy
    Valorite =  10% Fire + 20% Cold + 10% Poison +20% Energy

    One can enhance items with 60% to 90% Fire, the rest in Physical, with Bronze for a 100% Fire weapon.

    One can enhance items with 70% Cold, the rest in Physical, with Agapite to turn it into a 100% Cold weapon. At 80% & 90%, one can use Shadow Iron instead, for higher  durability.

    One can enhance items with 80% or 90% Energy, the rest in Physical, with Copper, for a 100% Energy weapon.

    You cannot make a 100% Poison weapon through enhancement - only via runic crafting. All metal types that add poison always add another type of damage first.

    Again, this is all based off what other people have been kind enough to post. None of this is my doing.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661
    Smith and stone need shadow, carp and bow need oak, I don't do glass so no idea.
    I like this method. Make a bunch of weapons then reforge over and over till you get what you want.  Answer was short and answered the question.

    Other methods are fine too.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    edited May 2020
    Skett said:
    So do you need a tinker / smith or just tinker to enhance a tinker item with a smiths hammer

    glad this info is being added  

    erm, not quite. For a whip, for eg, you would craft with tinker, reforge with a runic smith hammer, but then you need to use tinker skill, and a regular tinker kit, to enhance it.

    My friend couldn't understand why he got the message that he couldn't enhance with that material. He was trying to enhance with his smith. :D
  • MalokMalok Posts: 48
    edited May 2020
    OP's call hah buuut if strictly looking for reforge numbers....

    Dull copper 60% (70% powerful)
    Shadow iron 80% (100%)

    Oak 80% (100%)

    Can still use old runic crafting, but you'll burn through more runics to get the desired effects than reforging unless the gods really don't like you.

    What does that mean (100% with  Shadow Iron?) ?? 

    PlayerSkillFTW said:
    Shadow Hammer works for getting 100% Element with Smithing and Tinkering weps (including Whips). If you're specifically after 100% Fire Weps, then you can use a DC Hammer, reforge a wep to 40% Physical/60% Fire, then use a +60 ASH to enhance it to Bronze to make it 100% Fire.

    So it's best to reforge for 100% weapons? Ie; Use runic to get 70% cold - than enhance ... 

    Is it normal to burn through alot of reforges and get nothing but junk??? and only get a 70% cold every once in a while? 

    Does Shadow Iron Runic have a higher chance or lower chance to reforge a weapon to 70-80% cold? 

    Is there a faster way to get 100% elemental weapons? 

    Do you always choose of quality when reforging to get an elemental thats possible to enhance to 100% or do you just do powerful? 

    What do copper, bronze and all the other runics do? or should i say, when would you use them to reforge? Is there ever a time you would just use equip the runic to make weapons or armor directly ?
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited May 2020
    @Malok, I'll try to answer some of your questions. Keep in mind I am not a big time crafter, others will probably have more accurate answers.

    "So it's best to reforge for 100% weapons? Ie; Use runic to get 70% cold - than enhance ..."
    I do it this way. I suppose you could just craft with a runic and have the properties randomly applied, but with reforging, you're narrowing what you're having applied. 

    "Is it normal to burn through alot of reforges and get nothing but junk??? and only get a 70% cold every once in a while?"

    "Is there a faster way to get 100% elemental weapons?"
    Yes, use Vendor Search. No, I'm not joking. There are almost always 100% Ele weapons in all elements and a varitey of types. It may be expensive. Sometimes I'll use VS because I just don't want to go through the process of crafting. If you're talking about a faster way to craft elemental weapons...someone else will have to answer, I don't know of any.

    "Do you always choose of quality when reforging to get an elemental thats possible to enhance to 100% or do you just do powerful?"
    If you just do "Powerful", the intensity budget of the weapon will be increased, but you won't be providing any direction as to how you want the intensity budget to be applied. You'll just get random properties. By choosing "Exquisite / of Quality" your telling the system to apply the intensity budget to the properties in that group.

    "What do copper, bronze and all the other runics do? or should i say, when would you use them to reforge?
    Higher hammers can apply more properites (and have higher chances at higher intensities?). Some properties can only be applied by lower level hammers. Most craft with lower level hammers because they are easier to get and you're trying to reforge for 1 or 2 properites you want, then imbue the others. However, if you have a few thousand charges of Valorite hammers laying around you can make some pretty sweet stuff...

    "Is there ever a time you would just use equip the runic to make weapons or armor directly?"
    Sure, if you just want the properties randomly applied. Maybe you'd get a lucky roll?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661
    I don't craft and enhance because I want to save enhance for getting 40SSI Bows.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • @Malok

    The shadow iron 80% (100%) part means if you take a shadow iron runic tool and select of quality it can give an 80% elemental weapon, with of quality and powerful selected it can give a clean 100% elemental (and chaos) weapon. 

    I generally will go the route of burning through shadow hammers to stockpile 100% weapons unless in doing silly stuff with bronze to valorite hammers and need to work with what I get.  

    Enhancing is okay with cheaper weapons, with some materials its OK to attempt an enhance before the imbue process so you don't risk failure on a finished item or need to waste forged metal on something that isn't really that important.   Doesn't work with anything that will add durability or luck etc of course.

    Enhancing is also locked out of certain damage types with how it applies to the weapon as well.  So I just cut all that out and get 100% weps  from shadow hammers.

    Also worth noting... if you find old legacy 100% elementals from runic crafting or loot they can be reforged wink wink. ;)

  • LorielLoriel Posts: 6
    edited May 2020
    The legacy 100 percenters that don't have a magic intensity rating/tag right ? How much would they be worth ? @WornOutYourTool
  • I've used 1 valorite + 2 cooper + 4 dull copper runic hammers trying to get a 70% cold elemental double axe, but i couldn't get any elemental damage weapon. 

    I reforged normal crafted double axes with Powerful + EoQuality.... 

    What is going wrong? 

    The only thing I could get was some 70% cold or poison damage wep's (not elemental)...
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661
    What? If you are looking for a 100% elemental damage double axe, Use a shadow runic.
    Why are you trying to get a 70%?

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    MoulinR said:
    I've used 1 valorite + 2 cooper + 4 dull copper runic hammers trying to get a 70% cold elemental double axe, but i couldn't get any elemental damage weapon. 

    I reforged normal crafted double axes with Powerful + EoQuality.... 

    What is going wrong? 

    The only thing I could get was some 70% cold or poison damage wep's (not elemental)...

    If you got a 70% cold damage weapon, haven't you achieved your aim?  I'm not sure what else you're expecting?
  • Pawain said:
    What? If you are looking for a 100% elemental damage double axe, Use a shadow runic.
    Why are you trying to get a 70%?

    Actually, as far as I undestood, i need to reforge a 70% cold ele then enhance with agapite to reach the 100%. Isnt that right?
  • Mariah said:
    MoulinR said:
    I've used 1 valorite + 2 cooper + 4 dull copper runic hammers trying to get a 70% cold elemental double axe, but i couldn't get any elemental damage weapon. 

    I reforged normal crafted double axes with Powerful + EoQuality.... 

    What is going wrong? 

    The only thing I could get was some 70% cold or poison damage wep's (not elemental)...

    If you got a 70% cold damage weapon, haven't you achieved your aim?  I'm not sure what else you're expecting?
    I'm trying to reach a elemental damage...
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    but you have! Cold damage IS elemental damage. Anything other than 100% physical is classed as elemental damage. A weapon with 100% cold damage is the aim.
  • Mariah said:
    but you have! Cold damage IS elemental damage. Anything other than 100% physical is classed as elemental damage. A weapon with 100% cold damage is the aim.
    Didnt noticed that!
    What a fool lol  :s
  • Shadow Hammer works for getting 100% Element with Smithing and Tinkering weps (including Whips). If you're specifically after 100% Fire Weps, then you can use a DC Hammer, reforge a wep to 40% Physical/60% Fire, then use a +60 ASH to enhance it to Bronze to make it 100% Fire.
    What would it be the "+ 60 ASH to enhance" ?
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