Forsaken Foes Release 3 ??? Where is it

I was just wondering what caused the release 3 to be delayed like that was suposed to be on september 3th !


  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,203Dev
    All the major content that is going on TC has already been released, so we are in essence ahead of schedule on that front.  At this point we are gauging feedback and making tweaks where necessary.  
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited September 2019
    I thought there was third release coming out ?? Like what are the mysterious fragments for ? Fellowship coins ? castle blackthorn ? comon now .
    No new encounter ? No halloween spawn or shard of the dead ? Where's the creativity at, besides revamping the style of already existing artifacts ? The only artifact players wanted style revamped is that horrible Hawkwind's Robe by the way , no one care about the others
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,203Dev
    The mysterious fragments are in fact....mysterious

    Fellowship Coins & Castle Blackthorn related content will be available when we move into the production cycle.  Putting on TC1 right now spoils the narrative arc.

    Jack o' Lanterns, Skeletons, Trick or Treating will have new items added for October and November, however its not October or November yet so you wouldn't see them on TC1.  

    The new encounter leverages our ongoing event and introduces a the new soulbinders by adding new value to the High Seas bosses through a variety of updates.

    We have no plans to release Shard of the Dead this year.

    Re: this comment, 

    The only artifact players wanted style revamped is that horrible Hawkwind's Robe by the way , no one care about the others

    This claim is not supported by feedback we've received, but appreciate your opinion.  Thanks for the feedback!

  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited September 2019
    Are you relating to the poll you did about what artifact players liked the most ? I hope not because when a player says he likes an artifact, he doesnt like them for their style but for their utility. Ask all the players out there what artifact they want revamped as style : 95%+ of players will answer you the Hawkwind's Robe.

    As for the rest of  the mysterious content, alright thanks for clarifying it will be only for the next arc.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,203Dev
    The thread on artifacts was part of it.  Other posts by players over the years is another part of it.  Direct e-mail and private message is part of it.  Talking with players when we are lucky enough to meet them in person is also part of it.  Feedback comes from many places.

    I also hope you can appreciate that people have different opinions and motiviations as to why they equip an item.  Some do it for utility.  Others do it for style.  Whatever those motivations, its ok.  Our goal with the new equipment was to leverage existing stat combinations that are commonly used and offer new stylistic choices without having to deal with balancing against power-creep and the seemingly endless cycle of better players, harder mobs etc - which we are trying not to fall into.   The Hawkwind's Robe is ripe for new stylistic choices (just like Leurocian's Mempo) was so look for that in a future publish.  We are also open to suggestions on new equipment styles so long as they fit in the same slot.

    Thanks for the feedback!   
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,784
    Kyronix said:

    Jack o' Lanterns, Skeletons, Trick or Treating will have new items added for October and November, however its not October or November yet so you wouldn't see them on TC1.  

    We have no plans to release Shard of the Dead this year.

    I'm a lil confused...
    Shard of the Dead?
    is that what you called the zombies in the graveyard?

    looking forward to the next publish & all the holiday content.
    keep up the good work.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,375Moderator
    Shard of the dead was a special shard you logged in to. It has no relation to the more recent butchers in graveyards.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,078
    edited September 2019
    Kyronix said:
    The mysterious fragments are in fact....mysterious
    So can we use mysterious fragments to their full potential right now? No need to wait for a further publish that "activates" whatever content they are associated with? Or are they just mysterious things that we'll use in the future, but have no purpose right now?
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,203Dev
    They are in fact....mysterious

  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    Where's the creativity at, besides revamping the style of already existing artifacts ? The only artifact players wanted style revamped is that horrible Hawkwind's Robe by the way , no one care about the others
    I have to say, it's never good form to claim to be speaking for everyone. Because you're dead wrong.

    In a perfect world, a lot of people would enjoy seeing something like the Crimson or Mempo able to be turned into other items that take up the same respective slots. Via crafting or some sort of transmog potion?

    While we'll probably not get that... this is definitely a step in the right direction in allowing for some diversity. :)
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,784
    @Kyronix is the pumpkin rowboat going to be fixed? 
    I know I could place it from shore, but I prefer to place it from a ship.

  • OkamiOkami Posts: 84
    Kyronix said:
    They are in fact....mysterious

    Seriously? We can't even get a clear indication on if they're wasted by using them now vs whenever you decide to put the results live without external testing?
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,203Dev
    @Cinderella - yes you will be able to deploy the rowboat from a ship.

    @Okami - as I've said, they are in fact mysterious!
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,078
    edited September 2019
    Okami said:
    Seriously? We can't even get a clear indication on if they're wasted by using them now vs whenever you decide to put the results live without external testing?

    Okami, I suspect that the mysterious fragments have been fully functional since Pub 105 released to Baja, Izumo, and Origin. I have nothing to support this other than my own gut instinct and a couple random bits.

    The development team has always before answered questions as to whether something was active or not, or if they refused to, whatever it was turned out to be active. The fact they won't now leads me to believe mysterious fragments are fully functional, but the dev's don't want to give anything away.

    It seems probable some players already know how to use the mysterious fragments, from examining the client or figuring it out in game, but that information has not been shared.

    A number of well known voices, who are normally at the top of the heap for this kind of puzzling out how things work and helping other players, have been suspiciously silent. 

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,503

    A number of well known voices, who are normally at the top of the heap for this kind of puzzling out how things work and helping other players, have been suspiciously silent. 

    They email the devs directly so we will not see their ideas because they can not handle any differing opinions.

    The devs always keep things like this silent.  It is part of a jump through hoops to get something story line.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited September 2019
    oh for the love of all things!!!

    if you want the game handed to you (to all the people crying about not knowing what to do with the mysterious fragments) then go play farmville....

    explore, tinker, play!!

    is what a SANDBOX game is all about!

    *mutter more but best to keep it to herself and those in speaking distance for fear of angering the forum gods*

  • Last years event started with detective work, now we have mysterious fragments, detectives solve mysteries....maybe not so much hoop jumping as puzzles to be solved (or content, depending on what you enjoy in game).

    It seems unlikely they allow us to destroy puzzle pieces trying to figure out a puzzle which isn't there yet. If they "turn it on" now, people will feel they have wasted valuable items and time. That would be a sure way to make people unhappy. (Or in the case of UO, more unhappy than usual!)

    I was just hoping to pry a direct answer out of Kyronix, as I've used up about 25-30 frags trying to figure out what they do. If there is no purpose to the frags yet, and I (and others) was just wasting my time, and no one on the dev team was even nice enough to tell us to wait, that's not content, that's just being a jerk. 

    I don't think that's their intention. I think mysterious fragments have be fully usable the whole time. Again, I think someone somewhere has figured it out, but prices are still low, so maybe not? 

  • My bet is the mysterious fragments are related to the mysterious statue and maybe a new encounter summon , much like exodus summon at shrines. I don't think it is fully active right now
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,503
    The shrines will be corrupted soon.  Have patience.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • OkamiOkami Posts: 84
    My bet is the mysterious fragments are related to the mysterious statue and maybe a new encounter summon , much like exodus summon at shrines. I don't think it is fully active right now
    What mysterious statue? :)

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,503
    edited September 2019
    The statue you can buy from the Pirate is names that.

    Mine is not hungry.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541

    Is like those "hungry" coconut crabs on TC.. that eat leather (like goats)

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