sexist armor
So the name "barracoon the piper" was changed as it could be considered racist. How about all the sexist armor types that are available?
I think it is unfair that some armor is "females only" and even for certain races only such as "elves only" and "gargoyles only".
How about anyone can wear anything, or at least have the ability to altar it to whatever race or gender they want?
I think it is unfair that some armor is "females only" and even for certain races only such as "elves only" and "gargoyles only".
How about anyone can wear anything, or at least have the ability to altar it to whatever race or gender they want?
- Should we be able to wear and use any type of items regardless of race or gender?29 votes
- Yes62.07%
- No37.93%

Also the things near the Cus will only remove clothes from males. They used that template with the fairy in Sorc Dungeon. Was annoying.
In game however I would love to rock my tiger pelt bustier but I cannot!
DJ found the humor in it. But they do make a male version of the tiger pelt chest. And you can wear the tiger skirts if you please.
I'm sorry, I think females should be allowed to dress their gender if they choose. Without males being able to wear some items.
I see no imbalance in the game.
Cheers MissE
Cheers MissE
Not to mention the poor Ninja's that now have a Throwing star envy complex.....poor ninjas and their little stars....
And the mentally challenged Bakers of Sosaria who can somehow make French bread (even though France is not in Sosaria) but cannot manage a simple Cinnamon roll???
And lets not mention the poor Phoenix that dare not show itself in public anymore for fear of ridicule....
That's incredibly sexist don't ya think?
That's like saying Women should have more Intelligence and stamina than men?
if you wish to continue this discussion on in game inequities, feel free to do so. do not make it personal.
They could even sell some kind of tool on the store to convert items. For example to turn some hide arms into studded/bone arms and remove the "Elves only" property. Leaf leggings into leather leggings, etc. etc.
While kind of on the subject how about a store item that would let players choose to change the look of an item into something else as long as it uses the same paperdoll slot.
Lets say you get an uber wizard hat but you hate the wizard hat look. You could convert this item into another head slot item (with the same base material) using some item purchased from the store. Its a 100% vanity item and I'm sure many people would buy it. I would love to be able to change the look of a Hawkwind robe into something like epaulettes.
i wear a long skirt on every character, all male. fight me.
the elf only / female only stuff can be a bit frustrating if you get a killer piece that you cant use, but i dont really know that its worth dev time to address.
Arthur: "Be quiet!"
Dennis: "You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!”
Monty Python & the Holy Grail