EC, CC graphics, and QoL improvements?
I've got an EC change that implements a "Repair item" notification when any worn items reach the durability threshold described at this link. The warning will be periodic if ignored, and it's color coded to represent the threshold. An accompanying anvil repair sound will also be triggered.
However, these QoL (quality of life) changes are fairly involved, so it's not clear what the best avenue is for making these available.
Here's a mock-up of what the above notification looks like.

Here's a survey that may help answer this question.
- For existing EC users:1 vote
- Make QoL EC changes available for all EC users.  0.00%
- Make QoL EC changes available for all EC users, and increase the resolution of existing EC graphics  0.00%
- I don't need any of the various EC QoL improvements posted on this forum.100.00%
- For CC users:1 vote
- Provide an classic client (CC) graphics pack (Tile art only is OK!) for EC users to optionally pick.100.00%
- Provide an classic client (CC) graphics pack (Tile art and mobiles is OK!) for EC users to optionall  0.00%
- Provide an classic client (CC) graphics pack (Tile art, mobiles, and gumps are OK!) for EC users to  0.00%
- Provide an classic client (CC) graphics pack (describe which art you want in a reply) for EC users t  0.00%
- I'll never use EC, you can pry CC from my cold, dead hands.  0.00%
EC was made for modding by players. Most new games have many players that will do mods and make them available to players.
It seems these forums have been an accommodating place to share EC mods, macros, etc.
Does the average EC user take advantage of this, I don't know.
Players who like CC would like to be able to do the basic macros UI that EC has, and map UI like EC.
Considering the above point, I feel similarly about improvements to the CC, although less strongly. In a perfect world, the CC would be improved to match what we see with third-party clients, complete with a scripting agent for supporting automation, but if the community is able to accomplish this and if Broadsword tolerates the use of these clients, why should Broadsword bother?
So, for example, if I wanted to train Forensics I could create a macro in game on EC that uses the Forensics ability, set the target to "Current" by clicking the button in the macro, and then add a delay of like 1.5 seconds. Give it a unique name like TrainForensics and save it.
Then you exit the game and open your character setting file and find the macro you created by searching for "TrainForensics". Then you can copy just the inputs part and paste it. Then copy it again and paste it. And copy it again and paste it. Doubling it every time.